Researcher Database

Department of Electronics and Infomatics, Mathematics and Physics
Last Updated :2024/10/06

Researcher Profile and Settings


  • Name

    MIURA Kenta

Profile and Settings

  • Name

    Miura, Kenta


  • Gunma University
  • Gunma University


  • 条件付必須項目の入力がありません
  • 条件付必須項目の入力がありません

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Electronic devices and equipment

Research Interests

  • optoelectronics

Published Papers

  • Near-infrared light emission from aluminum-doped tantalum-oxide thin films prepared using a simple co-sputtering method, Kenta Miura and Kosuke Omi, Feb. 2024, Results in Physics, 57, 107389, 1, 3, Scientific journal
  • Evaluation of a therapeutic carbon beam using a G2000 glass scintillator, A. Yokoyama, W. Kada, M. Sakai, K. Miura, and O. Hanaizumi, Mar. 2023, Appl. Radiat. Isot., 196, 110753, 1, 9, Scientific journal
  • Yellow light emission from Ta2O5: Er, Eu, Ce thin films deposited using a simple co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 26, 27, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication and evaluation of green-light emitting Ta2O5:Er, Ce co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 78, 79, Scientific journal
  • Development of embedded Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in polydimethylsiloxane thin films by proton beam writing, W. Kada; K. Miura; H. Kato; R. Saruya; A. Kubota; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, Apr. 2015, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 348, 218, 222, Scientific journal
  • Visible-Light Emission Properties of Erbium-Doped Tantalum-Oxide Films Produced by Co-Sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Kenta Miura; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 154, +, International conference proceedings
  • 3-D photonic-crystal hetero structures: Fabrication and in-line resonator, S Kawakami; T Sato; K Miura; Y Ohtera; T Kawashima; H Ohkubo, Jun. 2003, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 15, 6, 816, 818, Scientific journal
  • In situ ion-beam-induced luminescence analysis for evaluating a micrometer-scale radio-photoluminescence glass dosimeter, Shunsuke Kawabata; Wataru Kada; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication and evaluation of flexible Mach-Zehnder waveguide structure embedded in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) thin film using a proton microbeam, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Ryota Saruya; Naoki Akutzu; Satoshi Miura; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, Scientific journal
  • Ionoluminescence analysis of glass scintillators and application to single-ion-hit real-time detection, Akihito Yokoyama; Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Keisuke Shimada; Yuya Yokoata; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Mar. 2016, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 371, 340, 343, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication and evaluation of Ta2O5:Y2O3 co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 185, 186, Scientific journal
  • Demonstration of Thermo-Optic Switch Consisting of Mach-Zehnder Polymer Waveguide Drawn Using Focused Proton Beam, Kenta Miura; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Atsushi Kubota; Yuji Hiratani; Osamu Hanaizumi; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya, 2014, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING IV, 596, 134, +, International conference proceedings
  • Fabrication of Tm-doped Ta2O5 thin films using a co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; T. Suzuki; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 148, 149, Scientific journal
  • Observation of changes in ion beam induced luminescence spectra from organics during focused microbeam irradiation, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Makoto Sakai; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Aug. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 404, 100, 105, Scientific journal
  • Micro-PIXE analysis and imaging of radio-photoluminescence glass bead microdosimeters, S. Kawabata; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; T. Satoh; M. Sakai; R. K. Parajuli; N. Yamada; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 139, 143, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of periodic microstructures for improving light-extraction efficiencies of light-emitting ZnO/Si devices, Oji Matsumoto; Kenta Miura; Haruna Kawaguchi; Mizuki Sano; Masaki Saito; Yoshiyuki Hirano; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2017, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 7, 2965, 2967, Scientific journal
  • Development of a high-speed wavelength-dispersive IBIL analysis and imaging system using a multi-channel photon-counting spectrometer, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 124, 129, Scientific journal
  • Size and dopant-concentration dependence of photoluminescence properties of ion-implanted phosphorus- and boron-codoped Si nanocrystals, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Hiroshi Sugimoto; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, Apr. 2015, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91, 16, Scientific journal
  • 光デバイス用任意次元フォトニック結晶の創製と応用, 三浦 健太; 石川 理; 川上 彰二郎, Aug. 2001, 14(8):3-13
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶導波路の低損失化, 三浦 健太; 大寺 康夫; 大久保 博行; 佐藤 尚; 阿久津 直人; 日景 正広; 石野 直人; 川嶋 貴之; 川上 彰二郎, Apr. 2005, J88-C(4):243-252
  • シリコンイオンを注入した石英板からの青色発光帯の観測, 三浦 健太; 種村 豪; 花泉 修; 山本 春也; 高野 勝昌; 杉本 雅樹; 吉川 正人, Aug. 2007, vol. J90-C, no. 8
  • 高周波スパッタリングによる紫外発光Si/SiO2多層膜の作製, 三浦 健太; 加藤 裕司; 星野 ひとみ; 花泉 修, Feb. 2008, 第92巻, 2号
  • シリコン系発光性スパッタ膜からの光取り出し効率の向上を目指して, 三浦健太, Jul. 2007, vol. 7, no. 2
  • 可視域透明材料からなるフォトニック結晶の作製, 佐藤 尚; 三浦 健太; 大寺 康夫; 川嶋 貴之; 川上 彰二郎, Sep. 1999, J82-C-I(9):572-573
  • 自己クローニングによる3次元フォトニック結晶の作製と応用, 川上 彰二郎; 花泉 修; 佐藤 尚; 大寺 康夫; 川嶋 貴之; 安田 納章; 竹井 良彦; 三浦 健太, Oct. 1998, J81-C-I(10):573-581
  • フォトニック結晶構造の導入によるSi:SiO2スパッタ膜の発光効率向上, 三浦 健太; 早川 崇志; 花泉 修, Nov. 2007, 第91巻, 11号
  • 自己クローニングによるフォトニック結晶の作製とデバイス応用技術, 花泉修; 佐藤尚; 大寺康夫; 川嶋貴之; 三浦健太; 酒井義剛; 鵜養和邦; 石野直人; 川上彰二郎, 2001, vol. 29, Supplement
  • 可視光域フォトニック結晶の作製と複屈折素子への応用, 三浦健太; 佐藤尚; 川上彰二郎, 1999, 99
  • Ta2O5/SiO2系フォトニック結晶からなる青紫色波長用複屈折素子の作製とその特性, 三浦健太; 石野直人; 佐藤尚; 大寺康夫; 玉村敏昭; 小澤章; 川上彰二郎, 2000, 100
  • Ta2O5/SiO2フォトニック結晶の面内伝搬応用, 佐藤尚; 石野直人; 三浦健太; 川上彰二郎, 2001, 101
  • Si:SiO2共スパッタ膜の発光起源の一検証とデバイス応用の検討, 三浦健太; 松本敏明; 武井修; 加藤裕司; 種村豪; 星野ひとみ; 花泉修, 2006, 106
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶の波長フィルターへの応用, 大寺康夫; 井上喜彦; 三浦健太; 川上彰二郎, 2006, 106
  • スパッタリング法により作製したタンタル酸化物薄膜からの青色発光の観測, 三浦健太; 宮崎弘規; 花泉修, 2007, 107
  • Modified FDTD method for triangular lattice photonic crystals, ウメイニ アマラチュク; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 2008, 108
  • スパッタリング法によるErドープTaOx薄膜の作製とその発光特性, 三浦健太; 狩野一総; 伏木厳穣; シン マヤンク; 花泉修, 2009, 109
  • プロトンビーム描画による波長1.5μm帯用シングルモードPMMA導波路, 三浦健太; 町田裕貴; 上原政人; 花泉修; 石井保行; 佐藤隆博; 高野勝昌; 大久保猛; 山崎明義; 井上愛知; 江夏昌志; 横山彰人; 神谷富裕; 小嶋拓治; 西川宏之, 2009, 109
  • 厚い異方性格子における偏光回折特性の結合波解析, 佐々木友之; 三浦健太; 花泉修; 江本顕雄; 小野浩司, 2010, 110
  • プロトンビーム描画による光導波路デバイス形成の基礎検討, 三浦健太; 佐藤隆博; 江夏昌志; 石井保行; 高野勝昌; 大久保猛; 加田渉; 山崎明義; 横山彰人; 神谷富裕; 上原政人; 桐生弘武; 佐々木友之; 花泉修; 西川宏之, 2010, 110
  • スパッタリング法による希土類ドープTa2O5薄膜の作製とその発光特性の評価, 三浦健太; 新井勇輝; 花泉修, 2011, 111
  • プロトンビーム描画による導波路型光スイッチの試作, 三浦健太; 佐藤隆博; 石井保行; 江夏昌志; 横山彰人; 神谷富裕; 平谷雄二; 桐生弘武; 小澤優介; 加田渉; 花泉修, 2014, 113
  • イオンビームによる光導波路直接描画技術の開発と光通信デバイスへの応用, 三浦健太, 2014, 19
  • ヘテロ構造フォトニック結晶の導波型光デバイスへの応用, 川上彰二郎; 大寺康夫; 佐藤尚; 川嶋貴之; 三浦健太; 大久保博行, 2002, 102
  • RFスパッタリングによるアモルファスSi/SiO2超格子構造の作製とその発光特性, 加藤裕司; 種村豪; 星野ひとみ; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 2006, 105
  • 鉱物内部の微視的な化学組成分布可視化のためのイオンマイクロビーム誘起発光分析法の開発, 加田渉; 川端駿介; Parajuli Raj Kumar; 江夏昌志; 山田尚人; 横山彰人; 佐藤隆博; 三浦健太; 神谷富裕; 花泉修, 2016, 第12巻, 第1/2号
  • Optical add-drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jul. 2005, IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, 23, 7, 1372, 1377, Scientific journal
  • Optical directional couplers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jan. 2003, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 39, 1, 53, 54, Scientific journal
  • In-plane light propagation in Ta2O5/SiO2 autocloned photonic crystals, T Sato; Y Ohtera; N Ishino; K Miura; S Kawakami, Jul. 2002, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 38, 7, 904, 908, Scientific journal
  • Photonic crystals for the visible range fabricated by autocloning technique and their application, T Sato; K Miura; N Ishino; Y Ohtera; T Tamamura; S Kawakami, Jan. 2002, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 34, 1-3, 63, 70, Scientific journal
  • Reduction of propagation and bending losses of hetero-structured photonic crystal waveguides by use of a high-deltha structure, K. Miura; Y. Ohtera; H. Ohkubo; N. Akutsu; S. Kawakami, Mar. 2003, Optics Letters, 28(9):734-736
  • Waveguide and guided-wave devices consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, Y Ohtera; H Ohkubo; K Miura; T Sato; T Kawashima; S Kawakami, May 2004, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 43, 5, 1022, 1029, Scientific journal
  • Coupled waveguide devices based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS, 43, 4B, 1986, 1989, Scientific journal
  • Reduction of propagation loss to 0.1 dB/mm: Flat-core channel waveguides consisting of periodic structures, H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; K Miura; N Akutsu; M Hikage; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16, 4, 1068, 1070, Scientific journal
  • Development of autocloned photonic crystal devices, T Kawashima; Y Sasaki; K Miura; N Hashimoto; A Baba; H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; T Sato; W Ishikawa; T Aoyama; S Kawakami, Mar. 2004, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E87C, 3, 283, 290, Scientific journal
  • Ge/SiO2 photonic crystal multi-channel wavelength filters for short wave infrared wavelength, Y. Ohtera; K. Miura; T. Kawashima, Apr. 2007, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 46, no. 4A
  • Fabrication of 3D photonic crystals by autocloning and its applications, S Kawakami; O Hanaizumi; T Sato; Y Ohtera; T Kawashima; N Yasuda; Y Takei; K Miura, Sep. 1999, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN PART II-ELECTRONICS, 82, 9, 43, 52, Scientific journal
  • Loss reduction of photonic crystal waveguide fabricated by the autocloning technology, K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Ohkubo; T Sato; N Akutsu; M Hikage; N Ishino; T Kawashima; S Kawakami, 2005, ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS IN JAPAN PART II-ELECTRONICS, 88, 11, 10, 20, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of ultraviolet-light emitting Si/SiO2 multilayered films using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Yuji Kato; Hitomi Hoshino; Osamu Hanaizumi, Sep. 2008, THIN SOLID FILMS, 516, 21, 7732, 7734, Scientific journal
  • Observation of Blue-Light Emission from Tantalum Oxide Films Deposited by Radio-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering, Kenta Miura; Hiroki Miyazaki; Osamu Hanaizumi, Oct. 2008, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E91C, 10, 1669, 1672, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of blue-light emission fused-silica substrates by using Si-ion implantation and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Takeshi Tanemura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Katsuyoshi Takano; Masaki Sugimoto; Masahito Yoshikawa, Oct. 2007, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 263, 2, 532, 534, Scientific journal
  • Self-healing effects in the fabrication process of photonic crystals, T Kawashima; K Miura; T Sato; S Kawakami, Oct. 2000, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 77, 16, 2613, 2615, Scientific journal
  • Frontiers related with automatic shaping of photonic crystals, O Hanaizumi; K Miura; M Saito; T Sato; S Kawakami; E Kuramochi; S Oku, Jun. 2000, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E83C, 6, 912, 919, Scientific journal
  • Intense photoluminescence from erbium-doped tantalum oxide thin films deposited by sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Jaspal Parganram Bange; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Dec. 2009, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 6, 23, 1676, 1682, Scientific journal
  • Modified finite-difference time-domain method for triangular lattice photonic crystals, A. V. Umenyi; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, Nov. 2009, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 27, 22
  • Theoretical Analysis of Photonic Band Gaps and Defect Modes of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguides Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 162, 167, International conference proceedings
  • Design and Fabrication of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguide Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Layers, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Masashi Honmi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Teruyoshi Shinagawa; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Aichi Inouye; Masahito Yoshikawa, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 168, +, International conference proceedings
  • Demonstration of light-emitting two-dimensional photonic crystals composed of silicon-rich silicon-dioxide thin films, K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, Jan. 2011, Key Engineering Materials, 459
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms. 2. Reflective gratings formed in photoanisotropic medium with uniaxial birefringence, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Feb. 2011, APPLIED OPTICS, 50, 4, 454, 459, Scientific journal
  • Optically Controlled Light Propagation in Dye-Doped Nematic Liquid Crystals with Homogeneous Alignment, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Hiroshi Ono; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2012, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING II, 497, 142, +, International conference proceedings
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms. 3. Effects of intrinsic distribution of optical axis in anisotropic media, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Hiroshi Ono, Dec. 2011, Applied Optics, 50, 36
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms: effects of modulation depth of anisotropic phase retardation, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Sep. 2010, Applied Optics, 49, 28
  • Structural analysis of RF sputtered Er doped Ta2O5 films, Jaspal Parganram Bange; Mayank Kumar Singh; Kazusa Kano; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 32, +, International conference proceedings
  • Mach-Zehnder Type Thermo-Optic Switch with Antenna-Coupled Y-Junction Fabricated by Selective Photobleaching of Polysilane Films, Osamu Hanaizumi; Kenta Miura; Yuji Hiratani; Yuki Machida; Masato Uehara, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 153, +, International conference proceedings
  • Phosphorus and boron codoping of silicon nanocrystals by ion implantation: Photoluminescence properties, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, Jan. 2012, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 85, 4, Scientific journal
  • Fabrication of Polymer Optical Waveguides for the 1.5-mu m Band Using Focused Proton Beam, Kenta Miura; Yuki Machida; Masato Uehara; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Tomoyuki Sasaki; Osamu Hanaizumi; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya; Hiroyuki Nishikawa, 2012, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING II, 497, 147, +, International conference proceedings
  • Light-emission Properties Of Europium-doped tantalum-oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, Kenta Miura; Yuki Arai; Takumi Osawa; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2012, Journal of Light and Visual Environment, 36, 2, 64, 67, Scientific journal
  • Ion-Beam-Induced Luminescence Analysis of beta-SiAlON:Eu Scintillator under Focused Microbeam Irradiation, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2016, SENSORS AND MATERIALS, 28, 8, 837, 844, Scientific journal
  • Observation of optical soliton-like propagation in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals with homogeneous alignment, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Nobuhiro Kawatsuki; Hiroshi Ono, 2014, Key Engineering Materials, 596, 139, 143, International conference proceedings
  • Design and Analysis of Taper Structure for Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguides Fabricated by Si-ion Implantation, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shusuke Kikuchi; Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 162, +, International conference proceedings
  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguides by a direct-drawing technique using a focused proton beam, Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, Key Engineering Materials, 534, 158, 161, International conference proceedings
  • Waveguide and guided-wave devices consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, S Kawakami; T Sato; K Miura; Y Ohtera; T Kawashima; H Ohkubo, 2002, ACTIVE AND PASSIVE OPTICAL COMPONENTS FOR WDM COMMUNICATIONS II, 4870, 279, 288, International conference proceedings
  • In-air micro-particle-induced X-ray emission imaging and spectroscopy of air-borne particles collected hourly from an automated sampling unit of the Atmospheric Environmental Regional Observation System, Wataru Kada; Sota Nakatsu; Takahiro Imayoshi; Kimiyo Kumagai; Hiroshi Tago; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 477, 133, 137
  • Micro-ion beam-induced luminescence spectroscopy for evaluating SiAlON scintillators, Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Suzuya Yamada; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2020, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 477, 66, 72
  • Autocloning technology: Fabrication method for photonic crystals based on sputtering process, T Kawashima; T Sato; K Miura; Y Ohtera; N Ishino; S Kawakami, 2001, NANOSCALE LINEAR AND NONLINEAR OPTICS, 560, 115, 122, International conference proceedings
  • Photoluminescence properties of Yb and Ag co-doped Ta2O5 thin films, M. Kanakubo; K. Miura; K. Shimada; R. Fujii; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; O. Hanaizumi, Dec. 2018, Key Engineering Materials, 790, 43, 47
  • Fabrication of two-dimensional arrays of fluorescent centers in single-crystalline diamond using particle beam writing, M. Haruyama; Y. Suda; W. Kada; S. Onoda; T. Ohshima; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, Dec. 2018, Key Engineering Materials, 790, 48, 54
  • Evaluation of scintillation properties of α- and β-SiAlON phosphors under focused microbeam irradiation using ion-beam-induced luminescence analysis, W. Kada; I. Sudic; N. Skutan; S. Kawabata; T. Satoh; J. Susaki; K. Miura; M. Koka; N. Yamada; T. Kamiya; M. Jacsik; O. Hanaizumi, 2019, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B, 450, 157, 162
  • Characterization of Au-Doped Ta2O5 Thin Films Prepared Using a Simple Co-Sputtering Method, Kai ITO; Yuya HASHIMOTO; Kenta MIURA; Katsuya NOGUCHI; Wataru KADA; Osamu HANAIZUMI, Apr. 2021, in press, Scientific journal
  • Characterization of Photocatalytic Gold-Doped Tantalum Pentoxide Thin Films Prepared Using a Simple Co-Sputtering Method, Kai ITO; Yuya HASHIMOTO; Kenta MIURA; Katsuya NOGUCHI; Wataru KADA; Osamu HANAIZUMI, Oct. 2020, IEICE Technical Report, 120, 217, 27, 30, Symposium
  • Evaluation of Radio-photoluminescence Spectra of Copper-doped Phosphate Glass Dosimeter Irradiated with Ionized Particles, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Kenta Miura; Akihito Yokoyama; Moriyoshi Haruyama; Makoto Sakai; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2016, Key Engineering Materials, 698, 163, 170
  • Real-Time Measurement of Ion Energies for Heavy Ions, Akihito Yokoyama; Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Yuya Yokota; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2016, Key Engineering Materials, 698, 157, 162
  • Prototype of thermo-optic switch consisting of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguide drawn by focused proton beam, K. Miura; T. Satoh; Y. Ishii; M. Kohka; K. Takano; T. Ohkubo; A. Yamazaki; W. Kada; A. Yokoyama; T. Kamiya; H. Kiryu; Y. Ozawa; A. Kubota; O. Hanaizumi, 01 Jan. 2013, 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and International Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013
  • Fabrication of microstructures embedded in SC-CVD diamond with a focused proton microbeam, Wataru Kada; Yuya Kambayashi; Kenta Miura; Ryota Saruya; Atsushi Kubota; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 01 Jan. 2013, Key Engineering Materials, 643, 15, 19
  • Enhancement of optical transmittance of polymer-dispersed liquid crystal cells, Intan Syazwani; Moriyoshi Haruyama; Hiroki Hachisuka; Gicho Sha; Wataru Kada; Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 01 Jan. 2013, Key Engineering Materials, 643, 29, 32
  • Fabrication of PMMA film waveguides utilizing proton beam writing, Miura K; Satoh T; Ishii Y; Kohka M; Machida Y; Uehara M; Kiryu H; Takano K; Ohkubo T; Yamazaki A; Kada W; Yokoyama A; Kamiya T; Nishikawa H; Sasaki T; Hanaizumi O, 2011, 16th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, OECC 2011, 303, 304
  • Silicon Based Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguide Fabrication and Numerical Characterization by Si-Ion Implantation and FDTD Method, A. V. Umenyi; M. Honmi; S. Kawashiri; T. Shinagawa; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; S. Yamamoto; A. Inouye; M. Yoshikawa, 2010, 2010 15TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC), 878, +, International conference proceedings
  • Simple Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Triangular Lattice Photonic Crystals, Amarachukwu V. Umenyi; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2009, 2009 14TH OPTOELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE (OECC 2009), 818, 819, International conference proceedings
  • Fabrication of Blue-Light Emitting Tantalum Oxide Films by Radio-Frequency Sputtering, K. Miura; H. Miyazaki; O. Hanaizumi, 2008, 2008 IEEE PHOTONICSGLOBAL@SINGAPORE (IPGC), VOLS 1 AND 2, 227, 229, International conference proceedings
  • Observation of blue light emission from Si ion implated fused silica substrates, Kenta Miura; Takeshi Tanemura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shun-Ya Yamamoto; Katsuyoshi Takano; Masaki Sugimoto; Masahito Yoshikawa, 2007, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest, International conference proceedings
  • Photonic crystals: Novel electromagnetic environment for visible/IR devices, Takashi Sato; Kenta Miura; Naoto Ishino; Yasuo Ohtera; Takayuki Kawashima; Shojiro Kawakami, Dec. 2001, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 39, S429, S432, Scientific journal


  • Observation of Blue-Light Emission from Tantalum Oxide Films Deposited by Radio-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering, Kenta Miura; Hiroki Miyazaki; Osamu Hanaizumi, Oct. 2008, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E91C, 10, 1669, 1672
  • Fabrication of ultraviolet-light emitting Si/SiO2 multilayered films using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Yuji Kato; Hitomi Hoshino; Osamu Hanaizumi, Sep. 2008, THIN SOLID FILMS, 516, 21, 7732, 7734
  • Fabrication of ultraviolet-light emitting Si/SiO2 multilayered films using radio-frequency magnetron sputtering and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Yuji Kato; Hitomi Hoshino; Osamu Hanaizumi, Sep. 2008, THIN SOLID FILMS, 516, 21, 7732, 7734
  • Yellow light emission from Ta2O5: Er, Eu, Ce thin films deposited using a simple co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 26, 27
  • Yellow light emission from Ta2O5: Er, Eu, Ce thin films deposited using a simple co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 26, 27
  • Fabrication and evaluation of green-light emitting Ta2O5:Er, Ce co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 78, 79
  • Fabrication and evaluation of green-light emitting Ta2O5:Er, Ce co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; T. Suzuki; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2015, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 5, 78, 79
  • Development of embedded Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in polydimethylsiloxane thin films by proton beam writing, W. Kada; K. Miura; H. Kato; R. Saruya; A. Kubota; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, Apr. 2015, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 348, 218, 222
  • Development of embedded Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in polydimethylsiloxane thin films by proton beam writing, W. Kada; K. Miura; H. Kato; R. Saruya; A. Kubota; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, Apr. 2015, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 348, 218, 222
  • Intense photoluminescence from erbium-doped tantalum oxide thin films deposited by sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Jaspal Parganram Bange; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Dec. 2009, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 6, 23, 1676, 1682
  • Intense photoluminescence from erbium-doped tantalum oxide thin films deposited by sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Jaspal Parganram Bange; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Dec. 2009, IEICE ELECTRONICS EXPRESS, 6, 23, 1676, 1682
  • Modified Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Triangular Lattice Photonic Crystals, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Nov. 2009, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 27, 22, 4995, 5001
  • Modified Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Triangular Lattice Photonic Crystals, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Nov. 2009, JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, 27, 22, 4995, 5001
  • Visible-Light Emission Properties of Erbium-Doped Tantalum-Oxide Films Produced by Co-Sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Kenta Miura; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 154, +
  • Visible-Light Emission Properties of Erbium-Doped Tantalum-Oxide Films Produced by Co-Sputtering, Mayank Kumar Singh; Kenta Miura; Genjoh Fusegi; Kazusa Kano; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 154, +
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms: effects of modulation depth of anisotropic phase retardation, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Oct. 2010, APPLIED OPTICS, 49, 28, 5205, 5211
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms: effects of modulation depth of anisotropic phase retardation, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Oct. 2010, APPLIED OPTICS, 49, 28, 5205, 5211
  • Ge/SiO2 photonic crystal multichannel wavelength filters for short wave infrared wavelengths, Yasuo Ohtera; Kenta Miura; Takayuki Kawashima, Apr. 2007, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46, 4A, 1511, 1515
  • Ge/SiO2 photonic crystal multichannel wavelength filters for short wave infrared wavelengths, Yasuo Ohtera; Kenta Miura; Takayuki Kawashima, Apr. 2007, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS, 46, 4A, 1511, 1515
  • Fabrication of blue-light emission fused-silica substrates by using Si-ion implantation and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Takeshi Tanemura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Katsuyoshi Takano; Masaki Sugimoto; Masahito Yoshikawa, Oct. 2007, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 263, 2, 532, 534
  • Fabrication of blue-light emission fused-silica substrates by using Si-ion implantation and high-temperature annealing, Kenta Miura; Takeshi Tanemura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Katsuyoshi Takano; Masaki Sugimoto; Masahito Yoshikawa, Oct. 2007, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 263, 2, 532, 534
  • Optical directional couplers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jan. 2003, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 39, 1, 53, 54
  • Optical directional couplers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jan. 2003, ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 39, 1, 53, 54
  • 3-D photonic-crystal hetero structures: Fabrication and in-line resonator, S Kawakami; T Sato; K Miura; Y Ohtera; T Kawashima; H Ohkubo, Jun. 2003, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 15, 6, 816, 818
  • 3-D photonic-crystal hetero structures: Fabrication and in-line resonator, S Kawakami; T Sato; K Miura; Y Ohtera; T Kawashima; H Ohkubo, Jun. 2003, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 15, 6, 816, 818
  • Coupled waveguide devices based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS, 43, 4B, 1986, 1989
  • Coupled waveguide devices based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS, 43, 4B, 1986, 1989
  • Waveguide and guided-wave devices consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, Y Ohtera; H Ohkubo; K Miura; T Sato; T Kawashima; S Kawakami, May 2004, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 43, 5, 1022, 1029
  • Waveguide and guided-wave devices consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, Y Ohtera; H Ohkubo; K Miura; T Sato; T Kawashima; S Kawakami, May 2004, OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 43, 5, 1022, 1029
  • Ion-Beam-Induced Luminescence Analysis of beta-SiAlON:Eu Scintillator under Focused Microbeam Irradiation, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2016, SENSORS AND MATERIALS, 28, 8, 837, 844
  • Ion-Beam-Induced Luminescence Analysis of beta-SiAlON:Eu Scintillator under Focused Microbeam Irradiation, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2016, SENSORS AND MATERIALS, 28, 8, 837, 844
  • In situ ion-beam-induced luminescence analysis for evaluating a micrometer-scale radio-photoluminescence glass dosimeter, Shunsuke Kawabata; Wataru Kada; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, 06GD03
  • In situ ion-beam-induced luminescence analysis for evaluating a micrometer-scale radio-photoluminescence glass dosimeter, Shunsuke Kawabata; Wataru Kada; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Yoshinori Matsubara; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, 06GD03
  • Fabrication and evaluation of flexible Mach-Zehnder waveguide structure embedded in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) thin film using a proton microbeam, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Ryota Saruya; Naoki Akutzu; Satoshi Miura; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, 06GD01
  • Fabrication and evaluation of flexible Mach-Zehnder waveguide structure embedded in a poly(dimethylsiloxane) thin film using a proton microbeam, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Ryota Saruya; Naoki Akutzu; Satoshi Miura; Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Jun. 2016, JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, 55, 6, 06GD01
  • Ionoluminescence analysis of glass scintillators and application to single-ion-hit real-time detection, Akihito Yokoyama; Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Keisuke Shimada; Yuya Yokoata; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Mar. 2016, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 371, 340, 343
  • Ionoluminescence analysis of glass scintillators and application to single-ion-hit real-time detection, Akihito Yokoyama; Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Keisuke Shimada; Yuya Yokoata; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, Mar. 2016, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 371, 340, 343
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms. 3. Effects of intrinsic distribution of optical axis in anisotropic media, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Hiroshi Ono, Dec. 2011, APPLIED OPTICS, 50, 36, 6717, 6722
  • Theoretical Analysis of Photonic Band Gaps and Defect Modes of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguides Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 162, 167
  • Theoretical Analysis of Photonic Band Gaps and Defect Modes of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguides Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Using the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 162, 167
  • Demonstration of Light-Emitting Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals Composed of Silicon-Rich Silicon-Dioxide Thin Films, Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 173, 176
  • Design and Fabrication of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguide Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Layers, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Masashi Honmi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Teruyoshi Shinagawa; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Aichi Inouye; Masahito Yoshikawa, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 168, +
  • Design and Fabrication of Novel Photonic Crystal Waveguide Consisting of Si-Ion Implanted SiO2 Layers, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Masashi Honmi; Shin-ya Kawashiri; Teruyoshi Shinagawa; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Shunya Yamamoto; Aichi Inouye; Masahito Yoshikawa, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 168, +
  • Mach-Zehnder Type Thermo-Optic Switch with Antenna-Coupled Y-Junction Fabricated by Selective Photobleaching of Polysilane Films, Osamu Hanaizumi; Kenta Miura; Yuji Hiratani; Yuki Machida; Masato Uehara, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 153, +
  • Mach-Zehnder Type Thermo-Optic Switch with Antenna-Coupled Y-Junction Fabricated by Selective Photobleaching of Polysilane Films, Osamu Hanaizumi; Kenta Miura; Yuji Hiratani; Yuki Machida; Masato Uehara, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 153, +
  • Structural analysis of RF sputtered Er doped Ta2O5 films, Jaspal Parganram Bange; Mayank Kumar Singh; Kazusa Kano; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 32, +
  • Structural analysis of RF sputtered Er doped Ta2O5 films, Jaspal Parganram Bange; Mayank Kumar Singh; Kazusa Kano; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 32, +
  • Fabrication and evaluation of Ta2O5:Y2O3 co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 185, 186
  • Fabrication and evaluation of Ta2O5:Y2O3 co-sputtered thin films, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 185, 186
  • Observation of Optical Soliton-Like Propagation in Dye-Doped Nematic Liquid Crystals with Homogeneous Alignment, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Nobuhiro Kawatsuki; Hiroshi Ono, 2014, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING IV, 596, 139, +
  • Observation of Optical Soliton-Like Propagation in Dye-Doped Nematic Liquid Crystals with Homogeneous Alignment, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Nobuhiro Kawatsuki; Hiroshi Ono, 2014, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING IV, 596, 139, +
  • Demonstration of Thermo-Optic Switch Consisting of Mach-Zehnder Polymer Waveguide Drawn Using Focused Proton Beam, Kenta Miura; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Atsushi Kubota; Yuji Hiratani; Osamu Hanaizumi; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya, 2014, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING IV, 596, 134, +
  • Demonstration of Thermo-Optic Switch Consisting of Mach-Zehnder Polymer Waveguide Drawn Using Focused Proton Beam, Kenta Miura; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Atsushi Kubota; Yuji Hiratani; Osamu Hanaizumi; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya, 2014, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING IV, 596, 134, +
  • Fabrication of Tm-doped Ta2O5 thin films using a co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; T. Suzuki; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 148, 149
  • Fabrication of Tm-doped Ta2O5 thin films using a co-sputtering method, K. Miura; T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; T. Suzuki; O. Hanaizumi, 2014, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 4, 148, 149
  • Observation of changes in ion beam induced luminescence spectra from organics during focused microbeam irradiation, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Makoto Sakai; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Aug. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 404, 100, 105
  • Observation of changes in ion beam induced luminescence spectra from organics during focused microbeam irradiation, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Makoto Sakai; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Aug. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 404, 100, 105
  • Micro-PIXE analysis and imaging of radio-photoluminescence glass bead microdosimeters, S. Kawabata; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; T. Satoh; M. Sakai; R. K. Parajuli; N. Yamada; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 139, 143
  • Micro-PIXE analysis and imaging of radio-photoluminescence glass bead microdosimeters, S. Kawabata; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; T. Satoh; M. Sakai; R. K. Parajuli; N. Yamada; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 139, 143
  • Fabrication of periodic microstructures for improving light-extraction efficiencies of light-emitting ZnO/Si devices, Oji Matsumoto; Kenta Miura; Haruna Kawaguchi; Mizuki Sano; Masaki Saito; Yoshiyuki Hirano; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2017, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 7, 2965, 2967
  • Fabrication of periodic microstructures for improving light-extraction efficiencies of light-emitting ZnO/Si devices, Oji Matsumoto; Kenta Miura; Haruna Kawaguchi; Mizuki Sano; Masaki Saito; Yoshiyuki Hirano; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2017, RESULTS IN PHYSICS, 7, 2965, 2967
  • Development of a high-speed wavelength-dispersive IBIL analysis and imaging system using a multi-channel photon-counting spectrometer, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 124, 129
  • Development of a high-speed wavelength-dispersive IBIL analysis and imaging system using a multi-channel photon-counting spectrometer, Wataru Kada; Shunsuke Kawabata; Takahiro Satoh; Raj Kumar Parajuli; Naoto Yamada; Masashi Koka; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Tomihiro Kamiya, Sep. 2017, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 406, A, 124, 129
  • Phosphorus and boron codoping of silicon nanocrystals by ion implantation: Photoluminescence properties, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, 25 Jan. 2012, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85, 4, 045441
  • Phosphorus and boron codoping of silicon nanocrystals by ion implantation: Photoluminescence properties, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, 25 Jan. 2012, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 85, 4, 045441
  • Size and dopant-concentration dependence of photoluminescence properties of ion-implanted phosphorus- and boron-codoped Si nanocrystals, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Hiroshi Sugimoto; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, Apr. 2015, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91, 16, 165424
  • Size and dopant-concentration dependence of photoluminescence properties of ion-implanted phosphorus- and boron-codoped Si nanocrystals, Toshihiro Nakamura; Sadao Adachi; Minoru Fujii; Hiroshi Sugimoto; Kenta Miura; Shunya Yamamoto, Apr. 2015, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 91, 16, 165424
  • シリコンイオンを注入した石英板からの青色発光帯の観測, 三浦 健太; 種村 豪; 花泉 修; 山本 春也; 高野 勝昌; 杉本 雅樹; 吉川 正人, 2007, vol. J90-C, no. 8, 618, 620
  • Photonic crystals for the visible range fabricated by autocloning technique and their application, T Sato; K Miura; N Ishino; Y Ohtera; T Tamamura; S Kawakami, Jan. 2002, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 34, 1-3, 63, 70
  • Reduction of propagation and bending losses of heterostructured photonic crystal waveguides by use of a high-Delta structure, K Miura; Y Ohtera, May 2003, OPTICS LETTERS, 28, 9, 734, 736
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶導波路の低損失化, 三浦 健太; 大寺 康夫; 大久保 博行; 佐藤 尚; 阿久津 直人; 日景 正広; 石野 直人; 川嶋 貴之; 川上 彰二郎, 2005, J88-C(4):243-252
  • Reduction of propagation loss to 0.1 dB/mm: Flat-core channel waveguides consisting of periodic structures, H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; K Miura; N Akutsu; M Hikage; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16, 4, 1068, 1070
  • Development of autocloned photonic crystal devices, T Kawashima; Y Sasaki; K Miura; N Hashimoto; A Baba; H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; T Sato; W Ishikawa; T Aoyama; S Kawakami, Mar. 2004, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E87C, 3, 283, 290
  • In-plane light propagation in Ta2O5/SiO2 autocloned photonic crystals, T Sato; Y Ohtera; N Ishino; K Miura; S Kawakami, Jul. 2002, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 38, 7, 904, 908
  • Optical add-drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jul. 2005, IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, 23, 7, 1372, 1377
  • 光デバイス用任意次元フォトニック結晶の創製と応用, 三浦 健太; 石川 理; 川上 彰二郎, 2001, 14(8):3-13
  • Fabrication of ultraviolet-light emission Si/SiO2 multilayered films by using RF sputtering, Kenta Miura; Yuji Kato; Hitomi Hoshino; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2008, Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan (Shomei Gakkai Shi), 92, 2, 105, 108, Report scientific journal
  • Self-healing effects in the fabrication process of photonic crystals, T Kawashima; K Miura; T Sato; S Kawakami, Oct. 2000, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 77, 16, 2613, 2615
  • 自己クローニングによる3次元フォトニック結晶の作製と応用, 川上 彰二郎; 花泉 修; 佐藤 尚; 大寺 康夫; 川嶋 貴之; 安田 納章; 竹井 良彦; 三浦 健太, 1998, J81-C-I(10):573-581
  • Demonstration of light-emitting two-dimensional photonic crystals composed of silicon-rich silicon-dioxide thin films, K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 2011, 459, 173, 176
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms. 2. Reflective gratings formed in photoanisotropic medium with uniaxial birefringence, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Feb. 2011, APPLIED OPTICS, 50, 4, 454, 459
  • Frontiers related with automatic shaping of photonic crystals, O Hanaizumi; K Miura; M Saito; T Sato; S Kawakami; E Kuramochi; S Oku, Jun. 2000, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E83C, 6, 912, 919
  • 可視域透明材料からなるフォトニック結晶の作製, 佐藤 尚; 三浦 健太; 大寺 康夫; 川嶋 貴之; 川上 彰二郎, 1999, J82-C-I(9):572-573
  • フォトニック結晶構造の導入によるSi:SiO2スパッタ膜の発光効率向上, 三浦 健太; 早川 崇志; 花泉 修, 2007, 第91巻, 11号, 711, 714
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms.3. Effects of intrinsic distribution of optical axis in anisotropic media, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Hiroshi Ono, 20 Dec. 2011, Applied Optics, 50, 36, 6717, 6722
  • Light-emission Properties Of Europium-doped tantalum-oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, Kenta Miura; Yuki Arai; Takumi Osawa; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2012, Journal of Light and Visual Environment, 36, 2, 64, 67
  • Design and Analysis of Taper Structure for Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguides Fabricated by Si-ion Implantation, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shusuke Kikuchi; Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 162, +
  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguides by a direct-drawing technique using a focused proton beam, Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, Key Engineering Materials, 534, 158, 161
  • Photonic crystals for the visible range fabricated by autocloning technique and their application, T Sato; K Miura; N Ishino; Y Ohtera; T Tamamura; S Kawakami, Jan. 2002, OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 34, 1-3, 63, 70
  • Reduction of propagation and bending losses of heterostructured photonic crystal waveguides by use of a high-Delta structure, K Miura; Y Ohtera, May 2003, OPTICS LETTERS, 28, 9, 734, 736
  • Reduction of propagation loss to 0.1 dB/mm: Flat-core channel waveguides consisting of periodic structures, H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; K Miura; N Akutsu; M Hikage; S Kawakami, Apr. 2004, IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, 16, 4, 1068, 1070
  • Development of autocloned photonic crystal devices, T Kawashima; Y Sasaki; K Miura; N Hashimoto; A Baba; H Ohkubo; Y Ohtera; T Sato; W Ishikawa; T Aoyama; S Kawakami, Mar. 2004, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E87C, 3, 283, 290
  • In-plane light propagation in Ta2O5/SiO2 autocloned photonic crystals, T Sato; Y Ohtera; N Ishino; K Miura; S Kawakami, Jul. 2002, IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, 38, 7, 904, 908
  • Optical add-drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, M Shirane; A Gomyo; K Miura; Y Ohtera; H Yamada; S Kawakami, Jul. 2005, IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS, 23, 7, 1372, 1377
  • Observation of blue-light emission from tantalum oxide films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, K. Miura; H. Miyazaki; O. Hanaizumi, 2008, IEICE Transactions on Electronics, vol. E91-C, no. 10, 1669, 1672
  • Self-healing effects in the fabrication process of photonic crystals, T Kawashima; K Miura; T Sato; S Kawakami, Oct. 2000, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 77, 16, 2613, 2615
  • Coupled-wave analysis of vector holograms. 2. Reflective gratings formed in photoanisotropic medium with uniaxial birefringence, Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi; Akira Emoto; Hiroshi Ono, Feb. 2011, APPLIED OPTICS, 50, 4, 454, 459
  • Frontiers related with automatic shaping of photonic crystals, O Hanaizumi; K Miura; M Saito; T Sato; S Kawakami; E Kuramochi; S Oku, Jun. 2000, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRONICS, E83C, 6, 912, 919
  • Light-emission Properties Of Europium-doped tantalum-oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering, Kenta Miura; Yuki Arai; Takumi Osawa; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2012, Journal of Light and Visual Environment, 36, 2, 64, 67
  • Design and Analysis of Taper Structure for Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguides Fabricated by Si-ion Implantation, Amarachukwu Valentine Umenyi; Shusuke Kikuchi; Tomoyuki Sasaki; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING III, 534, 162, +
  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguides by a direct-drawing technique using a focused proton beam, Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Yasuyuki Ishii; Hiromu Kiryu; Yusuke Ozawa; Masashi Kohka; Katsuyoshi Takano; Takeru Ohkubo; Akiyoshi Yamazaki; Wataru Kada; Akihito Yokoyama; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, 2013, Key Engineering Materials, 534, 158, 161
  • スパッタリング法によるZn過剰ZnO薄膜の作製と発光特性の評価, 山本峻也; 内堀智樹; 原祥大; 三浦健太; 野口克也; 加田渉; 花泉修, 28 Aug. 2018, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.C‐6‐3
  • スパッタリング法を用いて作製したZnO/Ag/ZnO透明導電膜の評価, 内堀智樹; 山本峻也; 小辻澄人; 三浦健太; 野口克也; 加田渉; 花泉修, 28 Aug. 2018, 電子情報通信学会大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 2018, ROMBUNNO.C‐6‐2
  • 荷電粒子誘起発光分析によるα‐およびβ‐SiAlON:Euシンチレータの評価, 加田渉; SUDIC Ivan; SKUKAN Natko; 須崎純一; 山田鈴弥; 関根卓洋; 三浦健太; 佐藤隆博; 江夏昌志; 山田尚人; 神谷富裕; JAKSIC Milko; 花泉修, 05 Mar. 2018, 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM), 65th, ROMBUNNO.20a‐A304‐4
  • Studying about fabrication of Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in polymer materials, 粕谷建太; 三浦聡; WANG YouShen; 海野陽平; 鈴木孝明; 加田渉; 三浦健太; 花泉修; 佐藤隆博; 江夏昌志; 山田尚人, 04 Oct. 2017, 電気学会バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会資料, BMS-17, 47-56, 5‐9
  • 集束陽子線描画によるTiO2/PDMS製光導波路の作製の検討, 金子優斗; 林秀臣; 石井保行; 佐藤隆博; 加田渉; 三浦健太; 花泉修; 西川宏之, 06 Mar. 2017, エレクトロニクス実装学会講演大会講演論文集(CD-ROM), 31st, ROMBUNNO.6P1‐2

Books etc

  • フォトニック結晶, 2002
  • (翻訳)Fabrication of 3D photonic crystals by autocloning and its applications, 1999
  • “Three-dimensional vector holograms in photoreactive anisotropic media,” in Holograms / Recording Materials and Applications, 2011
  • ブックレット群馬大学⑦ 最強エレメント ケイ素の不思議, 2011
  • 炭素とケイ素の元素科学, 2014
  • “Three-dimensional vector holograms in photoreactive anisotropic media,” in Holograms / Recording Materials and Applications, InTech, 2011
  • Loss reduction of photonic crystal waveguide fabricated by the autocloning technology, Joint work, 三浦 健太; 大寺 康夫; 大久保 博行; 佐藤 尚; 阿久津 直人; 日景 正広; 石野 直人; 川嶋 貴之; 川上 彰二郎, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 2, Nov. 2005
  • 光デバイス用任意次元フォトニック結晶の創製と応用, Single work, Jun. 2003


  • スパッタリング法によるZnO系透明光触媒薄膜の試作, 安藤 智太,三浦 健太, 2023年度(第14回)電気学会東京支部 群馬支所・栃木支所 合同研究発表会, 04 Mar. 2024, 04 Mar. 2024, 05 Mar. 2024, Japanese, Japan, Domestic conference
  • ZnO/Ta2O5系透明薄膜ヒータの作製と評価, 薛清龍, 林義輝, 安藤智太, 三浦健太, 第13回電気学会東京支部栃木・群馬支所合同研究発表会, 28 Feb. 2023, Japanese
  • 共スパッタ法によるEr添加ZnO薄膜の作製とその可視発光特性の評価, 宮崎将一郎, 松井駿, 三浦健太, 第13回電気学会東京支部栃木・群馬支所合同研究発表会, 28 Feb. 2023, Japanese
  • AZO/Ag/AZO導電膜の作製と透明薄膜ヒーターへの応用, 林義輝,大貫裕也,三浦健太,野口克也,薊知彦, 第38回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会, 07 Sep. 2022, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • Ag添加によるZnOスパッタ膜の結晶性への影響, 松井駿,名倉悠斗,薊知彦,三浦健太, 第38回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会, 07 Sep. 2022, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • 簡便な共スパッタ法を活用したAg添加ZnO系薄膜の作製とその発光特性, 三浦健太,名倉悠斗, 第55回照明学会全国大会, 21 Sep. 2022, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • 共スパッタ法を用いた金添加酸化タンタル薄膜の作製と光触媒への応用に向けた基礎検討, 伊藤 開・橋本祐也・三浦健太・野口克也・加田 渉・花泉 修, 電子情報通信学会 電子部品・材料研究会, 29 Oct. 2020, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • 共スパッタ法による貴金属添加ZnO系薄膜の作製とその発光特性の評価, 名倉悠斗,松井駿,三浦健太, 2021年度電気学会東京支部群馬・栃木支所合同研究発表会, 02 Mar. 2022, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • Cu/ZnOショットキー接合素子の作製と紫外光応答特性の評価, 大貫裕也,林義輝,三浦健太, 2021年度電気学会東京支部群馬・栃木支所合同研究発表会, 01 Mar. 2022, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • Blue-light emission from sputtered Si:SiO2 films without annealing, The first international symposium on development of silicon-based functional materials, 2005
  • 液晶装荷による自己クローニング型インラインBraggミラーの遮断域可変化の検討, 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2005
  • Al2O3をコアに用いた可変光導波路の検討, 電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサイエティ大会, 2005
  • a-Si/SiO2超格子における紫外域発光の観測, 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2006
  • ヘテロ構造フォトニック結晶の導波型光デバイスへの応用, 電子情報通信学会光通信システム研究会, 2002
  • RFスパッタリングによるアモルファスSi/SiO2超格子構造の作製とその発光特性, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2006
  • 波長400nm用フォトニック結晶偏光子の設計と作製, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • 自己クローニングフォトニック結晶による光Add/Dropフィルタ, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • 自己クローニング技術を用いたコア平坦型フォトニック結晶導波路の低損失化, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶による光Add/Drop Multiplexer(II), 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • 自己クローニング法により作製したコア平坦型フォトニック結晶導波路の低損失化, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 2003
  • ヘテロ構造フォトニック結晶導波路へのBragg反射機能の付与, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 2003
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶による光アド・ドロップマルチプレクサ, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2004
  • 自己クローニング技術による低損失なインライン型フォトニック結晶ミラーの作製, 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2004
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶導波路を用いたインライン型High-Q共振器, 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2004
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶による光Add/Drop Multiplexer (Ⅲ), 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2004
  • 自己クローニング型超低損失へテロ構造フォトニック結晶導波路へのバンドギャップ機能付与, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶によるインライン型High-Q共振器, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2004
  • 自己クローニング形フォトニック結晶による導波路形および面形通信用部品について, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 2004
  • Hetero-structured Photonic Crystals -Fabrication and Application for In-plane Optical Components-, International Workshop on Femtosecond Technologies (FST2002), 2002
  • Waveguide and Guided-Wave Devices Consisting of Heterostructured Photonic Crystals, SPIE International Symposium (ITCom), 2002
  • Fiber butt-jointable waveguide and wavelength filter consisting of photonic crystals, 28th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2002), 2002
  • Heterostructured Photonic Crystal Waveguides and Components: Compatibility with Fiber Optics, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-IV), 2002
  • 3D Photonic Crystal as a Novel Dielectric Material, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2003), 2003
  • Coupled waveguide devices based on autocloned photonic crystals, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2003), 2003
  • Functional optical components consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, CLEO/Pacific Rim, 2003
  • High-Q in-line optical resonator and Bragg grating consisting of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated by the autocloning method, CLEO/Pacific Rim, 2003
  • Fabrication of inline high-Q resonators by the autocloning method, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • Low loss photonic crystal waveguides fabricated by the autocloning method, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • Optical add/drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • 自己クローニングによるフォトニック結晶の作製とデバイス応用技術, レーザー学会第21会年次大会, 2001
  • Fabrication and characterization of low loss heterostructured photonic crystal waveguides, Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition (OFC 2003), 2003
  • Optical add/drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, the 2004 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2004), 2004
  • ヘテロ構造フォトニック結晶からなる機能性導波路チップの設計と評価, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2002
  • Effect of annealing temperature and time on photoluminescence intensity from SiO2 thin films containing silicon nanocrystals, The first international symposium on development of silicon-based functional materials, 2005
  • Ta2O5/SiO2フォトニック結晶の面内伝搬応用, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2001
  • 含ケイ素機能性材料の開拓(3):アニールなしで青色発光するSiナノクリスタル薄膜の作製と評価, 第10回ケイ素化学協会シンポジウム, 2005
  • 自己クローニング型Ta2O5/SiO2フォトニック結晶の面内伝搬応用の検討, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2001
  • Ta2O5/SiO2系格子変調型フォトニック結晶導波路の低損失伝搬特性, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2002
  • ヘテロ構造を持つフォトニック結晶の作製, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2002
  • 自己クローニング技術による格子変調フォトニック結晶導波路の作製とFiber-to-Fiber損失の評価, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2002
  • ヘテロ構造フォトニック結晶による機能性導波路チップの設計と評価, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2002
  • 3次元ヘテロ構造をもつ自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶の作製, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2002
  • 自己クローニング技術を用いた高Δ型へテロ構造フォトニック結晶導波路, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2002
  • 自己クローニング型高Δフォトニック結晶導波路の伝搬損失評価, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2002
  • 波長400nm用フォトニック結晶偏光子の設計と作製, 電子情報通信学会総合大会, 2003
  • 高Δ型へテロ構造フォトニック結晶導波路 -構造の最適化と損失の定量評価-, 春季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2003
  • Recent Progress of Automatic Shaping Technology for Photonic Crystals, Materials Research Society (MRS) fall meeting, 2000
  • Photonic Crystals: Novel electromagnetic environment for visible/IR devices, The 10th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications-2000 (ISPSA-2000), 2000
  • Fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystals for the visible range and application of their anisotropy, The 7th international workshop on femtosecond technologies (FST 2000), 2000
  • TiO2/SiO2 photonic crystals and application of their anisotropy, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2000), 2000
  • Effect of annealing temperature on optical amplification in SiO2 thin films containing silicon nanocrystals, Photonics India 2006, 2006
  • Fabrication and evaluation of Si:SiO2 thin films for light emission devices, The 2nd International Symposium on Development of Silicon-based Functional Materials, 2006
  • Observation of blue light emission from Si ion implanted fused-silica substrates, The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC) 2007, 2007
  • Blue-light emission from Si ion implanted fused-silica substrates generated by high temperature annealing, The 12th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference and the 16th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (OECC/IOOC 2007), 2007
  • Observation of ultraviolet-light emission from Si/SiO2 multilayer films prepared by using rf magnetron sputtering, 2007 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2007), 2007
  • Ta2O5/SiO2系可視光域フォトニック結晶からなる青紫色波長用複屈折素子, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演会, 2000
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶とその応用素子の現状, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 2000
  • 可視光域2次元フォトニック結晶の複屈折素子への応用, 春季応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2000
  • 可視光域透明材料からなるフォトニック結晶の作製, 電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 1999
  • 可視光域フォトニック結晶の作製と複屈折素子への応用, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 1999
  • Ta2O5/SiO2系フォトニック結晶からなる青紫色波長用複屈折素子の作製とその特性, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2000
  • Si:SiO2共スパッタ膜の発光起源の一検証とデバイス応用の検討, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2006
  • 自己クローニング型フォトニック結晶の波長フィルターへの応用, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2006
  • Siイオンを注入した石英板からの青色発光帯の観測と発光強度のアニール温度依存性, 第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2007
  • Visible range photonic crystal composed of automatically shaped TiO2/SiO2 multilayer, International Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS), 2000
  • TiO2/SiO2系可視光域2次元フォトニック結晶の作製, 秋季応用物理学学術講演会, 1999
  • Ge/SiO2を用いた短波長赤外用フォトニック結晶波長フィルター, 秋季応用物理学会学術講演, 2006
  • Development of optical-functional elements composed of silicon-based materials, The 3rd International Symposium on Development of Silicon-based Functional Materials, 2007
  • Blue-light emission from silica substrates implanted Si ions, 第18回日本MRS学術シンポジウム, 2007
  • スパッタリング法により作製したタンタル酸化物薄膜からの青色発光の観測, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2007
  • Simple finite-difference time-domain method for triangular lattice photonic crystals, The 14th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), 2009
  • Light emission from Er-doped Ta-oxide films fabricated by RF-sputtering, The International Conference on Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2009), 2009
  • スパッタリング法によるErドープTaOx薄膜の作製とその発光特性, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2009
  • Siイオン注入により発現する溶融石英基板からの紫外発光, 第42回照明学会全国大会, 2009
  • プロトンビーム描画による波長1.5μm帯用PMMA導波路の試作, 第70回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2009
  • スパッタリング法で作製したEr:TaOx薄膜の可視発光特性, 第70回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2009
  • FDTD analysis of fused-silica substrates fabricated by Si-ion implantation for photonic crystals devices, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Silicon based novel photonic crystal waveguide fabrication and numerical characterization by Si-ion implantation and FDTD method, The 15th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2010), 2010
  • プロトンビーム描画による波長1.5μm帯用PMMA導波路, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2009
  • プロトンビーム描画による波長1.5μm帯用PMMA導波路の試作(II), 2010年春季第57回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 2010
  • 厚い異方性格子における偏光回折特性の結合波解析, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2010
  • プロトンビーム描画によるY分岐PMMA光導波路の試作, 第71回応用物理学会学術講演会, 2010
  • UV and visible light emitting fused-silica substrates fabricated by Si-ion implantation, 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB2009), 2009
  • Application of Si/SiO2 materials to photonic devices, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2009
  • Novel photonic crystal waveguides utilizing Si-ion implantation, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Study on fabrication and conversion-efficiency improvement of ZnO thin film solar cells, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication and optimization of green light emitting Er-TaOx films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Structural analysis of RF sputtered Er doped Ta2O5 films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides using proton beam writing, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication and evaluation of wavelength-conversion devices composed of zinc oxide thin films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Visible-light emitting tantalum-oxide films produced by radio-frequency sputtering, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009, 2009
  • Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides for the 1.5-μm band using proton beam writing, IUMRS-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM2012), 2012
  • Production conditions and optical characteristic of polymer dispersed liquid crystal, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Polarization-modulation photorefractive effect based on nematic liquid crystal system doped with dyes and fullerene, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Photoluminescence properties of light-emitting SiO2 substrates implanted with Si and C ions, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Numerical analysis of optical waveguide switch with liquid crystal cladding, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Fabrication of second harmonic generation devices composed of zinc oxide thin films, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Mach-Zehnder type thermo-optic switch fabricated by proton beam writing, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Demonstration of photovoltaic devices consisting of Al-doped ZnO thin films deposited on Si substrates by sputtering in Ar and H2 gas, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Optical properties of rare-earth doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Application of periodic structures to thin film solar cells for improvement of their conversion efficiencies, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Prototype of thermo-optic switch consisting of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguide drawn by focused proton beam, 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013), 2013
  • 色素ドープネマチック液晶中における空間光ソリトンの観察, 2012年日本液晶学会討論会, 2012
  • Optically controlled light propagation in waveguides using dyedoped nematic liquid crystals with homogeneous alignment, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • The relationship between rubbing direction and refraction index that affect liquid crystals waveguide, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Design and analysis of single mode polymer waveguide using PBW technique, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Y-junction waveguides for 1.5-micron band fabricated by proton beam writing, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Fabrication and evaluation of light-emitting SiO2 substrates implanted with Ge ions, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Improvement of light-emitting properties of erbium-doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Ytterbium-doped tantalum oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency sputtering, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Fabrication of PMMA film waveguides utilizing proton beam writing, 16th Opto-Electronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2011), 2011
  • Production of diffractive optical switch using holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2011), 2011
  • Fabrication of Variable Attenuators Using Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Design and Analysis of Taper Structure for Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguides Fabricated by Si-Ion Implantation, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Light-Emitting SiO2 Substrate Co-Implanted with Si and C Ions, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Optical Switch by Birefringence of Liquid Crystals, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and evaluationof europium-doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2011), 2011
  • Mach-Zehnder Type Waveguides for the 1550-nm Band Fabricated by Proton Beam Writing, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Optical and Electrical Properties of H-doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Sputtering in Ar and H2 Gas, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Efficient Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguide Fabricated by Si-Ion Implantation, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • Observation of Light Propagation in Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells and Its Application to Optical Deflectors, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • Fabrication of Polymer Waveguides by Direct Drawing Technique Using Focused Ion Beam, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • 液晶材料中へ記録されたベクトルホログラムの結合波解析, Optics & Photonics Japan 2010, 2010
  • プロトンビーム描画による光導波路デバイス形成の基礎検討, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2010
  • Fabrication of Optical Waveguides by Proton Beam Writing to Photorefractive Polysilane Films, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication of Al:ZnO/ZnO/p-Si Thin-Film Solar Cells, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Focused microbeam irradiation technique for the fabrication of micro-meter scale optical structures, 24th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique, 2017
  • Evaluation of scintillator properties of α- and β-SiAlON phosphors under focused microbeam irradiation conditions using ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL) analysis, 23rd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA2017), 2017
  • 荷電粒子誘起発光分析によるα-およびβ-SiAlON:Euシンチレータの評価, 2018年 第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 2018
  • Periodic microstructures for medical applications, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017
  • 微粒子や鉱物微小領域評価のためのイオンマイクロビーム発光連続分析技術, 第26回環境地質学シンポジウム, 2016
  • プロトンビームライティングによるSiC中へのシリコン空孔の形成, 先進パワー半導体分科会 第3回講演会, 2016
  • Evaluation of Bead-Type Radio-Photoluminescence Glass Dosimeter for Microdosimetry, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Development and Simple Evaluation of Radiophotoluminescence Glass Dosimeter with Copper Activator for Convenient Three Dimensional Radiation Dosimetry, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Fabrication of ZnO Periodic Microstructures and Evaluation of Their Luminescence, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Photoluminescence Properties of Eu and Ag Co-Doped Ta2O5 Thin Films Deposited by Co-Sputtering, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Development of Submilimmeter-Scale Two Dimensional Illumination Source Using Radio-Photoluminescence Phosphate Glass Substrate, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Light-Emission Properties of Yb and Ag Co-Doped Ta2O5 Thin Films Fabricated by Sputtering, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • プロトンビーム描画による導波路型光スイッチの試作, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 2014
  • Periodic structures for Si optoelectronics, 5th International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2015
  • Visible photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped Ta2O5 sputtered thin films, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference (OPTIC2013), 2013
  • Preparation of Er, Eu, and Ce Co-doped Ta2O5 thin films using a simple co-sputtering method, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference 2015 (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015), 2015
  • Blue-light emission from sputtered Si:SiO2 films without annealing, The first international symposium on development of silicon-based functional materials, 2005
  • Hetero-structured Photonic Crystals -Fabrication and Application for In-plane Optical Components-, International Workshop on Femtosecond Technologies (FST2002), 2002
  • Fiber butt-jointable waveguide and wavelength filter consisting of photonic crystals, 28th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC2002), 2002
  • Heterostructured Photonic Crystal Waveguides and Components: Compatibility with Fiber Optics, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-IV), 2002
  • 3D Photonic Crystal as a Novel Dielectric Material, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2003), 2003
  • Coupled waveguide devices based on autocloned photonic crystals, International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2003), 2003
  • Functional optical components consisting of heterostructured photonic crystals, CLEO/Pacific Rim, 2003
  • High-Q in-line optical resonator and Bragg grating consisting of photonic crystal waveguides fabricated by the autocloning method, CLEO/Pacific Rim, 2003
  • Fabrication of inline high-Q resonators by the autocloning method, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • Low loss photonic crystal waveguides fabricated by the autocloning method, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • Optical add/drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, International workshop on photonic and electromagnetic crystal structures (PECS-V), 2004
  • Fabrication and characterization of low loss heterostructured photonic crystal waveguides, Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition (OFC 2003), 2003
  • Optical add/drop multiplexers based on autocloned photonic crystals, the 2004 Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC2004), 2004
  • Effect of annealing temperature and time on photoluminescence intensity from SiO2 thin films containing silicon nanocrystals, The first international symposium on development of silicon-based functional materials, 2005
  • Recent Progress of Automatic Shaping Technology for Photonic Crystals, Materials Research Society (MRS) fall meeting, 2000
  • Photonic Crystals: Novel electromagnetic environment for visible/IR devices, The 10th Seoul International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications-2000 (ISPSA-2000), 2000
  • Fabrication of two-dimensional photonic crystals for the visible range and application of their anisotropy, The 7th international workshop on femtosecond technologies (FST 2000), 2000
  • TiO2/SiO2 photonic crystals and application of their anisotropy, Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS 2000), 2000
  • Effect of annealing temperature on optical amplification in SiO2 thin films containing silicon nanocrystals, Photonics India 2006, 2006
  • Fabrication and evaluation of Si:SiO2 thin films for light emission devices, The 2nd International Symposium on Development of Silicon-based Functional Materials, 2006
  • Observation of blue light emission from Si ion implanted fused-silica substrates, The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC) 2007, 2007
  • Blue-light emission from Si ion implanted fused-silica substrates generated by high temperature annealing, The 12th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference and the 16th International Conference on Integrated Optics and Optical Fiber Communication (OECC/IOOC 2007), 2007
  • Observation of ultraviolet-light emission from Si/SiO2 multilayer films prepared by using rf magnetron sputtering, 2007 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2007), 2007
  • Visible range photonic crystal composed of automatically shaped TiO2/SiO2 multilayer, International Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS), 2000
  • Development of optical-functional elements composed of silicon-based materials, The 3rd International Symposium on Development of Silicon-based Functional Materials, 2007
  • Simple finite-difference time-domain method for triangular lattice photonic crystals, The 14th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2009), 2009
  • Light emission from Er-doped Ta-oxide films fabricated by RF-sputtering, The International Conference on Physics of Optical Materials and Devices (ICOM2009), 2009
  • FDTD analysis of fused-silica substrates fabricated by Si-ion implantation for photonic crystals devices, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Silicon based novel photonic crystal waveguide fabrication and numerical characterization by Si-ion implantation and FDTD method, The 15th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2010), 2010
  • UV and visible light emitting fused-silica substrates fabricated by Si-ion implantation, 16th International Conference on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB2009), 2009
  • Application of Si/SiO2 materials to photonic devices, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2009
  • Novel photonic crystal waveguides utilizing Si-ion implantation, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Study on fabrication and conversion-efficiency improvement of ZnO thin film solar cells, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication and optimization of green light emitting Er-TaOx films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Structural analysis of RF sputtered Er doped Ta2O5 films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides using proton beam writing, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Fabrication and evaluation of wavelength-conversion devices composed of zinc oxide thin films, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009), 2009
  • Visible-light emitting tantalum-oxide films produced by radio-frequency sputtering, 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2009, 2009
  • Fabrication of polymer optical waveguides for the 1.5-μm band using proton beam writing, IUMRS-International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM2012), 2012
  • Production conditions and optical characteristic of polymer dispersed liquid crystal, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Polarization-modulation photorefractive effect based on nematic liquid crystal system doped with dyes and fullerene, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Photoluminescence properties of light-emitting SiO2 substrates implanted with Si and C ions, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Numerical analysis of optical waveguide switch with liquid crystal cladding, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Fabrication of second harmonic generation devices composed of zinc oxide thin films, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Mach-Zehnder type thermo-optic switch fabricated by proton beam writing, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Demonstration of photovoltaic devices consisting of Al-doped ZnO thin films deposited on Si substrates by sputtering in Ar and H2 gas, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Optical properties of rare-earth doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Application of periodic structures to thin film solar cells for improvement of their conversion efficiencies, 4th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2012), 2012
  • Prototype of thermo-optic switch consisting of Mach-Zehnder polymer waveguide drawn by focused proton beam, 2013 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2013), 2013
  • Optically controlled light propagation in waveguides using dyedoped nematic liquid crystals with homogeneous alignment, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • The relationship between rubbing direction and refraction index that affect liquid crystals waveguide, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Design and analysis of single mode polymer waveguide using PBW technique, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Y-junction waveguides for 1.5-micron band fabricated by proton beam writing, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Fabrication and evaluation of light-emitting SiO2 substrates implanted with Ge ions, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Improvement of light-emitting properties of erbium-doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Ytterbium-doped tantalum oxide thin films deposited by radio-frequency sputtering, 6th International Symposium on Silicon Science and 2nd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS&AMDE2010), 2010
  • Fabrication of PMMA film waveguides utilizing proton beam writing, 16th Opto-Electronics and Communication Conference (OECC 2011), 2011
  • Production of diffractive optical switch using holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2011), 2011
  • Fabrication of Variable Attenuators Using Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Design and Analysis of Taper Structure for Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguides Fabricated by Si-Ion Implantation, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Light-Emitting SiO2 Substrate Co-Implanted with Si and C Ions, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Optical Switch by Birefringence of Liquid Crystals, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication and evaluationof europium-doped tantalum-oxide films deposited by sputtering, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2011), 2011
  • Mach-Zehnder Type Waveguides for the 1550-nm Band Fabricated by Proton Beam Writing, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Optical and Electrical Properties of H-doped ZnO Thin Films Deposited by Sputtering in Ar and H2 Gas, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Efficient Light Coupling into Photonic Crystal Waveguide Fabricated by Si-Ion Implantation, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • Observation of Light Propagation in Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells and Its Application to Optical Deflectors, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • Fabrication of Polymer Waveguides by Direct Drawing Technique Using Focused Ion Beam, The First International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2011
  • Fabrication of Optical Waveguides by Proton Beam Writing to Photorefractive Polysilane Films, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2011
  • Fabrication of Al:ZnO/ZnO/p-Si Thin-Film Solar Cells, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Focused microbeam irradiation technique for the fabrication of micro-meter scale optical structures, 24th International Scientific Meeting on Vacuum Science and Technique, 2017
  • Evaluation of scintillator properties of α- and β-SiAlON phosphors under focused microbeam irradiation conditions using ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL) analysis, 23rd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA2017), 2017
  • Periodic microstructures for medical applications, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017
  • Evaluation of Bead-Type Radio-Photoluminescence Glass Dosimeter for Microdosimetry, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Development and Simple Evaluation of Radiophotoluminescence Glass Dosimeter with Copper Activator for Convenient Three Dimensional Radiation Dosimetry, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Fabrication of ZnO Periodic Microstructures and Evaluation of Their Luminescence, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Photoluminescence Properties of Eu and Ag Co-Doped Ta2O5 Thin Films Deposited by Co-Sputtering, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Development of Submilimmeter-Scale Two Dimensional Illumination Source Using Radio-Photoluminescence Phosphate Glass Substrate, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Light-Emission Properties of Yb and Ag Co-Doped Ta2O5 Thin Films Fabricated by Sputtering, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 8th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 2016
  • Periodic structures for Si optoelectronics, 5th International Symposium on Element Innovation, 2015
  • Visible photoluminescence properties of Eu-doped Ta2O5 sputtered thin films, Optics & Photonics Taiwan, International Conference (OPTIC2013), 2013
  • Preparation of Er, Eu, and Ce Co-doped Ta2O5 thin films using a simple co-sputtering method, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference 2015 (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015), 2015
  • SiO2媒質中に分散形成されたナノ結晶シリコンが実現する青色発光体, 三浦健太; 花泉修; 山本春也; 高野勝昌; 杉本雅樹; 吉川正人, 第3回高崎量子応用研究シンポジウム, 09 Oct. 2008
  • Fabrication of blue-light emitting tantalum oxide films by radio-frequency sputtering, K. Miura; H. Miyazaki; O. Hanaizumi, IEEE Photonics Global 2008, 10 Dec. 2008, Singapore
  • タンタル酸化物スパッタ薄膜からの青色発光の観測, 三浦健太; 宮崎弘規; 伏木厳穣; 花泉修, 第55回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 28 Mar. 2008
  • Modified FDTD method for triangular lattice photonic crystals, アマラチュク バレンタイン ウメイニ; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 19 Dec. 2008
  • A New Approach to Simple and Easy FDTD Method for Triangular Lattice Photonic Crystals, アマラチュク バレンタイン ウメイニ; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 第56回応用物理学関係連合講演会, 31 Mar. 2009
  • Improvement of emission efficiency of Si:SiO2 sputtered films by introducing two-dimensional periodic structures, K. Miura; T. Hayakawa; O. Hanaizumi, The 6th International Conference on Optics-photonics Design and Fabrication (ODF'08), 10 Jun. 2008, Taipei
  • スパッタリング法による希土類ドープTa2O5薄膜の作製とその発光特性の評価, 三浦健太; 新井勇輝; 花泉修, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会, 16 Dec. 2011
  • Direct drawing of optical waveguides in silicon- or carbon-based materials utilizing focused proton beam, K. Miura; W. Kada; O. Hanaizumi, 3rd International Symposium on Element Innovation, 09 Sep. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Demonstration of a Mach-Zehnder type thermo-optic switch produced by utilizing proton beam irradiation, K. Miura; H. Kiryu; Y. Ozawa; A. Kubota; O. Hanaizumi, Pre ASiS-IV Symposium, 2nd International Symposium on Element Innovation, 8th International Symposium on Silicon Science, and 5th Symposium of Carbon Material Creative Association, 19 Oct. 2012, Kiryu, Japan
  • イオンマイクロビーム誘起発光分光装置を利用したβSiAlON:Euシンチレータの荷電粒子モニタとしての評価, 加田 渉; Raj Kumar Parajuli; 川端 駿介; 松原 良典; 江夏 昌志; 山田 尚人; 神谷 富裕; 三浦 健太; 花泉 修, 第31回 PIXEシンポジウム, 30 Oct. 2015
  • Radiation tolerability evaluation of SiAlON scintillator using Ion Beam Induced Luminescence (IBIL) Analysis, Raj Kumar Parajuli; Shunsuke Kawabata; Yoshinori Matsubara; Wataru Kada; Masato Sakai; Kenta Miura; Takahiro Satoh; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, The 76th Japan Society of Applied Physics (JSAP) Autumn Meeting, 13 Sep. 2015, Nagoya Congress Center, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
  • PBW微細加工によるPDMSを基材としたフレキシブル光導波路の開発, 猿谷良太; 加藤聖; 久保田篤志; 三浦健太; 加田渉; 佐藤隆博; 江夏昌志; 石井保行; 神谷富裕; 西川宏之; 花泉修, 2014年(平成26 年) 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 19 Mar. 2014
  • プロトンビーム描画技術による単結晶CVDダイヤモンド内部への微細構造形成技術の開発, 神林佑哉; 加田渉; 猿谷良太; 久保田篤志; 佐籐隆博; 江夏昌志; 石井保行; 神谷富裕; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 2014年(平成26 年) 第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 20 Mar. 2014
  • Continuous observation of IBIL spectra obtained from microscopic targets, W. Kada; T. Satoh; S. Kawabata; A. Yokoyama; M. Koka; N. Yamada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA2015), 14 Jun. 2015, Opatija, Croatia
  • Fabrication and in-Situ Evaluation of Completely-Flexible MZ Waveguide Structure Embedded in PDMS Thin Film Using Focused Proton Microbeam, R.K. Parajuli; R. Saruya; K. Miura; W. Kada; S. Kawabata, Y; Matsubara; H. Kato; A.Yokoyama; M. Koka; T. Satoh; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC2015), 12 Nov. 2015, Toyama, Japan
  • In-situ luminescence analysis and imaging of G2000 glass scintillator fabricated for real-time measurement of heavy ion microbeam, A. Yokoyama; W. Kada; T. Satoh; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 22nd International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis (IBA2015), 14 Jun. 2015, Opatija, Croatia
  • Luminescent thin films for solar cell applications, K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 7th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis 2016, 01 Jul. 2016, Goyang, Korea
  • Luminescent periodic microstructures for medical applications, Kenta Miura, 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Materials Science and Engineering, 13 Sep. 2016, Atlanta, USA
  • Fabrication and in situ evaluation of integrated micro-optical devices by a focused proton microbeam technique, W. Kada; R. Saruya; H. Kato; K. Miura; S. Kawabata; Y. Matsubara; R. K. Parajuli; A. Yokoyama; M. Koka; T. Satoh; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, International Symposium on Innovative Material Technologies Utilizing Ion Beams, 25th Annual Meeting of MRS-J, 08 Dec. 2015, Yokohama, Japan
  • Development of embedded Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in PDMS thin films by proton beam writing, W. Kada; R. Saruya; O. Hanaizumi; H. Kato; A. Kubota; K. Miura; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa, 14th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications (ICNMTA2014), Jul. 2014, Padova, Italy
  • Complex system of micrometer-sized material modification and in-situ elemental and luminescence analysis using proton microbeam probe, S. Kawabata; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; K. Miura; T. Satoh; M. Koka; N. Yamada; T. Kamiya; O. Hanaizumi, 28th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference (MNC 2015), Nov. 2015, Toyama, Japan
  • Fabrication of flexible Mach-Zehnder waveguide in PDMS film using focused proton microbeam, R. Saruya; H. Kato; S. Kawabata; K. Miura; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; A. Yokoyama; M. Koka; T. Satoh; P. R. Kumar; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, 11th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications and 7th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (11th RASEDA & 7th AMDE), Nov. 2015, Kiryu, Japan
  • Development of high-speed wavelength-dispersive IBIL analysis and imaging system using multi-channel photon-counting spectrometer, W. Kada; S. Kawabata; T. Satoh; P. R. Kumar; N. Yamada; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART12), 05 Jul. 2016, Jyvaskyla, Finland
  • Micro-PIXE analysis and imaging of Radio-photoluminescence glass beads dosimeter designed for micro-dosimetry, S. Kawabata; W. Kada; Y. Matsubara; T. Satoh; M. Sakai; P. R. Kumar; N. Yamada; M. Koka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Kamiya, 12th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology (ECAART12), 07 Jul. 2016, Jyvaskyla, Finland
  • Fabrication of microstructures embedded in SC-CVD diamond by focused ion microbeam, W. Kada; Y. Kanbayashi; K. Miura; R. Saruya; A. Kubota; T. Satoh; M. Koka; T. Ohkubo; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder type optical waveguides in flexible acrylic sheets using proton beam writing, A. Kubota; R. Saruya; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi; T. Satoh; Y. Ishii; M. Koka; T. Ohkubo; A. Yokoyama; T. Kamiya, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Visible-light emission properties of carbon-doped silica glasses after silicon-ion implantation, A. Kawashima; K. Kano; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; S. Yamamoto; M. Yoshikawa; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Design and fabrication of mode-field expanded ZnO/HfO2 waveguides for SHG device applications, H. Mizuguchi; R. Tanaka; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Photoluminescence properties of Ce, Er, and Eu doped TaOx films deposited by sputtering, T. Osawa; Y. Yokota; H. Zobaer; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication of Al-doped ZnO/SiO2/p-Si photovoltaic cells by sputtering method, N. Kanemoto; K. Kashimura; O. Matsumoto; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Mach-Zehnder Optical Waveguides in Polyimide Thin Film Utilizing Proton Beam Writing Technique, Shigeyuki Yokosawa; Kenta Kasuya; Youshen Wang; Ryo Kuribara; Ryuhei Takahashi; Satoshi Miura; Taisei Higuchi; Wataru Kada; Kenta Miura; Yasuyuki Ishii; Takahiro Sato; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Improvement of conversion efficiencies of thin-film solar cells using periodic structures, M. Wang; Y. Yokota; O. Matsumoto; Y. Sakurai; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Development of Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide embedded in PDMS thin films by proton beam writing, W. Kada; K. Miura; R. Saruya; H. Kato; A. Kubota; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, 4th International Symposium on Element Innovation, Oct. 2014, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication of Mach-Zehnder optical waveguide structures in PDMS thin films using proton beam writing, K. Kano; R. Saruya; S. Kawabata; J. Araki; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; H. Kato; T. Satoh; M. Koka; Y. Ishii; T. Kamiya; H. Nishikawa; O. Hanaizumi, 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 6th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (GUMI&AMDE2014), Dec. 2014, Kiryu, Japan
  • Photoluminescence properties of Ag-doped Ta2O5 sputtered thin films, Y. Yokota; R. Fujii; K. Shimada; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 6th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (GUMI&AMDE2014), Dec. 2014, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication of electrically-switchable Fresnel micro-optical lens combined with polymer dispersed liquid crystal cell, H. Hachisuka; A. Unno; R. Saruya; T. Sekine; K. Miura; W. Kada; M. Koka; T. Satoh; T. Kamiya; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Symposium on Element Innovation, 30 Nov. 2015, Kiryu, Japan
  • Simple fabrication of ZnO periodic structures for Si-based thin-film solar cells, O. Matsumoto; M. Saito; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Symposium on Element Innovation, 30 Nov. 2015, Kiryu, Japan
  • イオンマイクロビーム誘起発光分析による自作ガラス線量計素子の評価, 川端 駿介; 加田 渉; 松原 良典; 三浦 健太; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 山田 尚人; 神谷 富裕; 花泉 修, 2015 年(平成27 年) 第76 回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 14 Sep. 2015
  • イオンマイクロビーム誘起発光分光装置の開発とこれを利用した新規シンチレータの評価, 加田 渉; 佐藤 隆博; 川端 駿介; 江夏 昌志; 山田 尚人; 横山 彰人; 神谷 富裕; 三浦 健太; 花泉 修, 第 9 回次世代先端光科学研究会, 24 Sep. 2015
  • Elemental Composition Characterization of Air-Borne Particulate Matters Hourly Collected from Atmosphere by In-Air Micro-PIXE Analysis, Sota Nakatsu; Wataru Kada; Takahiro Imayoshi; Kimiyo Kumagai; Hiroshi Tago; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Ryohei Yamagata; Yasuyuki Ishii; Takahiro Satoh; Kenta Miura; Tomihiro Kamiya; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Therapeutic Carbon Beam Measurement Using the G2000 Glass Scintillator, Akihito Yokoyama; Wataru Kada; Makoto Sakai; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Development of Visible-Light Responsive Photocatalyst Using Transparent Ta2O5 Thin Film, Kai Ito; Yuya Hashimoto; Kenta Miura; Katsuya Noguchi; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Fabrication and Evaluation of Transparent-Conductive ZnO/Ag/ZnO Multilayer Thin Films, Sumito Kotsuji; Tomoki Uchibori; Shunya Yamamoto; Kenta Miura; Katsuya Noguchi; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Preparation of MgO Thin Films Using RF Sputtering for Applications to Radiation Detectors, Akihito Yoshida; Kosuke Omi; Kenta Miura; Katsuya Noguchi; Wataru Kada; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Enhancement in optical transmittance of polymer dispersed liquid crystal film by surface rubbing, I. Syazwani; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (AMDE2013), Dec. 2013, Kiryu, Japan
  • Photoluminescence properties of Al2O3:Eu, A. Yokoyama; W. Kada; Y. Yokota; M. Sakai; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation and 6th International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (GUMI&AMDE2014), Dec. 2014, Kiryu, Japan
  • Fabrication of luminescent Er and Ag co-doped Ta2O5 thin films using co-sputtering, R. Fujii; K. Shimada; M. Kanakubo; K. Noguchi; W. Kada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 5th International Symposium on Element Innovation, 30 Nov. 2015, Kiryu, Japan
  • 簡便な3次元線量分布計測を目的としたガラス線量計素子の製作と荷電粒子応答評価, 松原 良典; 川端 駿介; Parajuli Raj Kumar; 加田 渉; 酒井 真理; 三浦 健太; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 山田 尚人; 神谷 富裕; 花泉 修, 2015 年(平成27 年) 第76 回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 14 Sep. 2015
  • Periodic microstructures for Improving light-extraction efficiencies of light-emitting ZnO/Si devices, O. Matsumoto; M. Saito; D. Yamazaki; K. Noguchi; K. Miura, 23rd Microoptics Conference (MOC2018), 16 Oct. 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
  • イオンマイクロビームをプローブとした荷電粒子誘起発光分析, 加田渉; 関根卓洋; 酒井真理; Raj Kumar Parajuli; 江夏昌志; 山田尚人; 山縣諒平; 石井保行; 佐藤隆博; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 第31回タンデム加速器及びその周辺技術の研究会, 13 Jul. 2018
  • 集束イオンビーム照射によるダイヤモンド中の蛍光中心の形成, 樋口泰成; 須田義規; 春山盛善; 小野田忍; 加田渉; 三浦健太; 大島武; 花泉修, 第31回タンデム加速器及びその周辺技術の研究会, 13 Jul. 2018
  • Proton Beam Writing技術を用いたマッハツェンダー型光導波路の作製と評価, 横澤茂行; 粕谷建太; 王酉申; 栗原諒; 高橋龍平; 三浦聡; 加田渉; 三浦健太; 石井保行; 佐藤隆博; 花泉修, 第31回タンデム加速器及びその周辺技術の研究会, 13 Jul. 2018
  • スパッタリング法を用いて作製したZnO/Ag/ZnO透明導電膜の評価, 内堀智樹; 山本峻也; 小辻澄人; 三浦健太; 野口克也; 加田渉; 花泉修, 電子情報通信学会2018年ソサイエティ大会, 11 Sep. 2018
  • スパッタリング法によるZn過剰ZnO薄膜の作製と発光特性の評価, 山本峻也; 内堀智樹; 原祥大; 三浦健太; 野口克也; 加田渉; 花泉修, 電子情報通信学会2018年ソサイエティ大会, 11 Sep. 2018
  • Ion beam induced luminescence analysis and imaging system utilizing focused ion microbeam for in-situ diagnostics of radiation induced changes during irradiation, Wataru Kada; Takahiro Satoh; Ivan Sudi?; Natko Skukan; Kenta Miura; Masashi Koka; Naoto Yamada; Yasuyuki Ishii; Milko Jak?i?; Osamu Hanaizumi, 第19 回「イオンビームによる表面・界面解析」特別研究会, 07 Dec. 2018
  • 集束陽子線描画によるTiO2/PDMS製光導波路の作製の検討, 金子優斗; 林秀臣; 石井保行; 佐藤隆博; 加田渉; 三浦健太; 花泉修; 西川宏之, 第31回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会, 06 Mar. 2017
  • Ta2O5薄膜からなる可視光応答型光触媒の作製と評価, 橋本祐也; 金久保将大; 三浦健太, 電子情報通信学会光エレクトロニクス研究会4月研究会, 26 Apr. 2018
  • ポリマー材料を用いたマッハツェンダー型光導波路の作製に関する研究, 粕谷建太; 三浦聡; 王酉申; 海野陽平; 鈴木孝明; 加田渉; 佐藤隆博; 江夏昌志; 山田尚人; 三浦健太; 花泉修, 電気学会バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会, 04 Oct. 2017
  • スパッタリング法によるAl添加Ta2O5薄膜の作製とその近赤外発光特性の評価, 小見航介; 吉田祥人; 三浦健太; 野口克也; 加田渉; 花泉修, 第35回日本セラミックス協会関東支部研究発表会, 03 Sep. 2019
  • Ion beam induced luminescence spectroscopy and imaging for microscopic characterization of radiation-tolerant scintillator of SiAlON, W. Kada; T. Satoh; S. Yamada; M. Koka; N. Yamada; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 24th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, 14 Oct. 2019, Antibes, France
  • Measurement of a therapeutic carbon beam with a G2000 glass scintillator, A. Yokoyama; W. Kada; M. Sakai; K. Miura; O. Hanaizumi, 24th International Conference on Ion Beam Analysis, 15 Oct. 2019, Antibes, France
  • Radio-Photoluminescence and Scintillation Properties of Phosphate Glass Dosimeter with Activator Complex of Silver and Europium, Kazuya Iiduka; Yuki Akagami; Daichi Hasegawa; Wataru Kada; Makoto Sakai; Parajuli Raj Kumar; Masashi Koka; Akihito Yokoyama; Naoto Yamada; Ryohei Yamagata; Yasuyuki Ishii; Takahiro Satoh; Kenta Miura; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu
  • Development of Long-Term Data Storage Utilizing Two Dimensional Fluorescent Defect Distributions Created in Diamond by Focused Particle Beam Writing Technique, Taisei Higuchi; Wataru Kada; Yoshinori Suda; Moriyoshi Haruyama; Shigeyuki Yokosawa; Shinobu Onoda; Kenta Miura; Yasuyuki Ishii; Takeshi Ohshima; Osamu Hanaizumi, AMDE 2018, 06 Dec. 2018, Kiryu

Industrial Property Rights

  • Patent right, 特願2021-078292, 06 May 2021, Yes
  • Patent right, 特願2020-537117, 19 Aug. 2019, 特許第7260868号, 11 Apr. 2023
  • Patent right, 特願2020-080444, Apr. 2020
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -
  • Patent right, -


  • 15 Mar. 2022, Others
  • Dec. 2020, Others

Academic Contribution

  • Competition etc, Apr. 2019, Mar. 2021
  • Competition etc, Apr. 2019, Mar. 2021
  • Academic society etc, Apr. 2019, Jun. 2021

Social Contribution

Social Contribution

  • 伊勢崎市総合計画審議会委員, 25 Sep. 2023, 31 Dec. 2024, Others (Target: General, Governmental agency)

Academic Contribution

  • 電子情報通信学会エレクトロニクスソサイエティ学術奨励賞選定委員会, Competition etc, 31 Jul. 2020, 31 Mar. 2021
  • 電子情報通信学会2020年ソサイエティ大会プログラム編成委員会, Competition etc, Jul. 2020, Sep. 2020
  • 電子情報通信学会2021年総合大会プログラム編成委員会, Competition etc, Jan. 2021, Mar. 2021
  • 電子情報通信学会 電子部品・材料研究専門委員会 専門委員 , Academic society etc, Apr. 2020, Mar. 2024
  • 電子情報通信学会 光エレクトロニクス研究専門委員会 専門委員 , Academic society etc, Apr. 2021, Mar. 2024
  • 電子情報通信学会 光エレクトロニクス研究専門委員会 幹事, Academic society etc, Apr. 2020, Mar. 2021

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