Researcher Database

Department of Materials and Bioscience
Assistant Professor
Last Updated :2024/03/28

Researcher Profile and Settings


  • Name


Profile and Settings

  • Name

    Takahashi, Rheo



Foreign language

  • Use in presentation

  • Use in publication



  • Gunma University


  • Dr. ENG

Association Memberships

  • American Chemical Society

Joint research and hope theme

  • Technical consulting:Impossible, Joint Research:Possible, Others:Impossible
  • Technical consulting:Impossible, Joint Research:Possible, Others:Impossible
  • Technical consulting:Impossible, Joint Research:Possible, Others:Impossible
  • Technical consulting:Impossible, Joint Research:Possible, Others:Impossible

Actual results of the joint research and commissioned research

  • Interlaboratory Comparison of SEC with Light Scattering Detection, Oct. 2004
  • Caracterization of Food Polysaccharides, 2006
  • Texture Control of Starch by tthe Addition of Microparticulated Cellulose, Apr. 2005, Mar. 2007
  • Apr. 2004, Mar. 2005
  • Nov. 2009, Jan. 2010
  • Dec. 2007, Mar. 2008
  • Jul. 2008, Mar. 2009
  • Nov. 2012, Mar. 2013
  • Apr. 2010, Mar. 2012
  • Apr. 2010, Mar. 2011

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Life sciences, Food sciences
  • Humanities & social sciences, Home economics, lifestyle science
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Polymer chemistry
  • Life sciences, Bioorganic chemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Biochemistry
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Nanomaterials
  • Nanotechnology/Materials, Nanobioscience
  • Life sciences, Applied microbiology
  • Manufacturing technology (mechanical, electrical/electronic, chemical engineering), Applied biofunctional and bioprocess engineering

Research Interests

  • Sugars Polysaccharides Proteins Lipids enzymes Polymers

Published Papers

  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第1報)酸味調味料(クエン酸および酢酸), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Jul. 2003, 36, 3
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第2報)甘味調味料(ショ糖), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Oct. 2003, 36, 4
  • ガラクトマンナン, 高橋 亮,長繩 省吾,西成 勝好, Oct. 2003, 208, 10
  • セルロースおよびセルロース誘導体, 高橋 亮,平岩 雄介,西成 勝好, Oct. 2003, 208, 10
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第3報)塩味調味料(食塩), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Jan. 2004, 37, 1
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第4報)苦味(カフェイン)およびうま味(グルタミン酸ナトリウム)調味料, 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Jan. 2004, 37, 1
  • ハイドロコロイドの光散乱, 窪田 健二,高橋 亮, Jan. 2007, 212, 1
  • 澱粉の離水に及ぼす呈味物質の影響, 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Aug. 2007, 40, 4
  • フィールドフローフラクショネーション, 高橋亮, Jun. 2009, 6
  • おいしさのぶんせき, 高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Aug. 2010, 8
  • コーンスターチゲルの糊化・老化に及ぼす微結晶セルロースの影響, 平島 円,高橋 亮,廣江 美佳,西成 勝好, Jul. 2010, 43, 3
  • アガロペクチンのレオロジー特性, 高橋 亮,平島 円,西成 勝好, Nov. 2009, 56, 11
  • 食品の「美味しさ」の分析法を確立し商品開発に活用する, 高橋 亮, Oct. 2010, 38(10), 2
  • モル質量・微粒子サイズ計測装置, 高橋 亮,高橋 かより,平野 雅夫, Feb. 2012, 49, 576
  • チップ型非対称交差流フィールドフローフラクショネーション法とESI-MSの組み合わせによるタンパク質分析, 高橋 亮, May 2012, 2012, 5
  • 微粒子セルロースによる澱粉食品の食感制御, 高橋 亮,平島 円, 2005, 2004
  • 微粒子セルロースによる澱粉食品の食感制御, 高橋 亮,平島 円, 2006, 2005
  • フードスキャナ, 高橋 亮, Aug. 2017, 1, 8
  • 食品の調理加工状態を非破壊計測するフードスキャナーの開発, 高橋 亮, Apr. 2017, 24
  • 多糖類のX線光電子分光分析におよぼす測定条件の影響, 高橋 亮,瀧上 昭治, 2016, 41
  • 毛髪のパーマ処理におよぼす還元剤の影響, 瀧上 昭治,池田 英里加,高橋 亮, Oct. 2015, 116
  • パーマ毛髪の表面構造におよぼす還元剤の影響, 瀧上 昭治,高橋 亮,池田 英里加, Feb. 2015, 40
  • パーマ処理毛髪の表面分析, 瀧上 昭治,池田 英里加,高木 祐太,高橋 亮, Oct. 2014, 114
  • 食品の非破壊分析, 高橋 亮, Feb. 2014, 13, 2
  • 動的光散乱法, 高橋 かより,高橋 亮, Mar. 2013, 3
  • コーンスターチゲルの力学特性に及ぼすショ糖添加の影響, 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, Aug. 2019, 52, 4
  • 食品の栄養成分の3次元情報を非破壊計測するフードスキャナーの開発, 高橋 亮, Jun. 2019, 54, 6
  • Solubilization of Hibitane into Common Organic Solvents with Self-Assembled Fluorinated Molecular Aggregates. Application to Novel Surface Antibacterial Materials Possessing a Good Oleophobicity, Sawada Hideo,Yanagida Kenta,Takahashi Rheo,Kawase Tokuzo,Oharu Kazuya,Nakagawa Hideki, Nov. 2002, Polymer Journal, 34, 11
  • Asymmetrical-Flow Field-Flow Fractionation with On-line Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detection. 1. Application to Wormlike Chain Analysis of Weakly Stiff Polymer Chains, Takahashi Rheo,AL-ASSAF,Saphwan,WILLIAMS Peter Anthony,Kubota Kenji,Okamoto Akio,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Mar. 2003, Biomacromolecules, 4, 2
  • Solubilization of fullerene into water with fluoroalkyl end-capped amphiphilic oligomers-novel fluorescence properties, Sawada Hideo,Iizuka Jyunichi,Maekawa Tomomi,Takahashi Rheo,Kawase Tokuzo,Oharu Kazuya,Nakagawa Hideki,Ohira Kunihiro, Jan. 2003, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 263, 1
  • Initial Stage of Geletion Process for Sodium-type Gellan Gum with Different Molecular Weight, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jul. 2003, Trans MRSJ, 28, 3
  • Interactions in Polysaccharide Solutions and Gels, 西成 勝好,高橋 亮, Nov. 2003, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 8, 4-5
  • Effects of Citric Acid on the Viscoelasticity of Corn Starch Pastes, Hirashima Madoka,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, May 2004, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 10
  • Solution Properties of Gellan Gum: Change in Chain Stiffness between Single- and Double-Stranded Chains, Takahashi Rheo,Tokunou Hiroshi,Kubota Kenji,Ogawa Etsuyo,Oida Tatsuo,Kawase Tokuzo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Mar. 2004, Biomacromolecules, 5, 2
  • Thermally Induced Coil-to-Helix Transition of Sodium Gellan Gum with Different Molecular Weights in aqueous Salt Solutions, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Nov. 2005, Biopolymers, 79, 4
  • Structural Change in Polymer Chains of Sodium Gellan Gums Studied by Circular Dichroism, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Sep. 2005, Trans MRSJ, 30, 3
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sonicated Gellan Gums in aqueous Solutions, Ogawa Etsuyo,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Kubota Kenji,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Sep. 2006, Trans MRSJ, 31, 3
  • Effects of ganma-irradiation on Properties of Konjac Mannan, PRAWITWONG PANIDA,Takigami Shoji,Takahashi Rheo,PHILIPS Glyn O, Sep. 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 31, 3
  • Preparation and Application of Low Molar Mass Konjac Mannan, Takigami Machiko,PRAWITWONG PANIDA,Tahara Yoshiko,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Shoji, Sep. 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 31, 3
  • Changes in the Viscoelasticity of Maize Starch Pastes by adding Sucrose at Different Stages, Hirashima Madoka,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jun. 2005, Food Hydrocolloids, 19, 4
  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch―1: Characterizations of fenugreek gum and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively high star…, Funami Takahiro,Kataoka Yohei,Noda Sakie,Hiroe Mika,Ishihara Sayaka,Asai Iwao,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jul. 2008, Food Hydrocolloids, 22, 5
  • Thermal aggregation of methylcellulose with different molecular weights, Funami Takahiro,Kataoka Yohei,Hiroe Mika,Asai Iwao,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jan. 2007, Food Hydrocolloids, 21, 1
  • Effects of Adding Acids before and after Gelatinization on the Viscoelasticity of Cornstarch Pastes, Hirashima Madoka,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Sep. 2005, Food Hydrocolloids, 19, 5
  • Protein/Polysaccharide Co-gel Formation Based on Gelatin and Chemically Modified Schizophyllan, Fang Yapeng,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Nov. 2005, Biomacromolecules, 6, 6
  • Characterization of Gellan Gum in aqueous NaCl, Takahashi Rheo,Akutu Mica,Kubota Kenji,Nakamura Kunio, Dec. 1999, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 114
  • Effect of Molecular Weight Distribution on the Solution Properties of Sodium Hyaluronate in 0.2M NaCl Solution, Takahashi Rheo,Kubota Kenji,Kawada Masatoshi,Okamoto Akio, Jun. 1999, Biopolymers, 50, 1
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy AFM in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or absence of monovalent cations, Noda Sakie,Funami Takahiro,Nakauma Makoto,Ishihara Sayaka,Takahashi Rheo Saphwan Al-assaf,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Glyn O Phillips, 2007, Biomacromolecules
  • Gelation Behavior of Native and Acetylated Konjac Glucomannan, Long Huang,Takahashi Rheo,Kobayashi Shinsaku,Kawase Tokuzo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Nov. 2002, Biomacromolecules, 3, 6
  • A Gel Network Constituted by Rigid Schizophyllan Chains and Nonpermanent Cross-Links, Fang Yapeng,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jan. 2004, Biomacromolecules, 5, 1
  • Rheological Characterization of Schizophyllan Aqueous Solutions after Denaturation-Renaturation Treatment, Fang Yapeng,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jun. 2004, Biopolymers, 74, 4
  • Light Scattering and Viscometric Study of Sodium Hyaluronate, TAKAHASHI RHEO,KUBOTA KENJI, Dec. 1998, Rept Prog Polym Phys Jpn, 41
  • Molecular Structures of Gellan Gum Imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy in Relation to the Rheological Behavior in Aqueous System. 1. Gellan Gum with various Acyl Contents in the Presence and Absence of Potassium, Noda / Sakie,Funami Takahiro,Nakauma Makoto,Asai Iwao,Takahashi Rheo,Al-assaf Saphwan,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Phillips Glyn O, Aug. 2008, Food Hydrocolloids, 22, 6
  • Solution Properties of low molar mass Konjac mannan, Makabe Takeshi,Prawitwong Panida,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Nagasawa\, N,Takigami Shoji, Apr. 2008, Trans MRSJ, 33, 2
  • Effects of molar mass on the coil to helix transition of sodium-type gellan gums in aqueous solutions, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Mar. 2006, Food Hydrocolloids, 20, 2-3
  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch―2: Characterizations of starch and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively low starch conce…, Funami Takahiro,Kataoka Yohei,Noda Sakie,Hiroe Mika,Ishihara Sayaka,Asai Iwao,Takahashi Rheo,Inouchi Naoyoshi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Jul. 2008, Food Hydrocolloids, 22, 5
  • Molecular Structures of Gellan Gum Imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy in Relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or Absence of Various Cations, Funami Takahiro,Noda Sakie,Nakauma Makoto,Ishihara Sayaka,Takahashi Rheo,Al-assaf,Saphwan,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Phillips Glyn O, Sep. 2008, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 56, 18
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy (AFM) in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence of sodium chloride, Funami Takahiro,Noda Sakie,Nakauma Makoto,Ishihara Sayaka,Takahashi Rheo,Al-assaf Saphwan,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Phillips Glyn O, Mar. 2009, Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 2
  • Characterization of gamma-Irradiated Konjac Glucomannan by Light Scattering Probe Microscope, Makabe Takeshi,S. Komiya,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,N. Nagasawa,Tamada Masao,Takigami Shoji, Sep. 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3
  • Rheological Property of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan, Ojima Ruriko,Makabe Takeshi,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Takigami Shoji, Sep. 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3
  • Viscoelasticity and Phase Separation of Na-type Gellan aqueous Solution, Nitta Yoko,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Nov. 2010, Biomacromolecules, 11, 1
  • Evaluation of a condensation nucleation light scattering detector for the analysis of synthetic polymer by supercritical fluid chromatography, Kayori TAKAHASHI,Shinichi KINUGASA,Ryo YOSHIHARA,Akira NAKANISHI,Renee K. MOSING,Rheo TAKAHASHI, Dec. 2009, Journal of Chromatography A, 1216, 51
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sodium Gellan Gums with Different Molar Masses in Aqueous Solution, Ogawa Etsuyo,Yamazaki Keiko,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, Sep. 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3
  • Observation of Molecular Chains of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan by Scanning Probe Microscope, Komiya Shou,Ojima Ruriko,Takigami Machiko,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Shoji, Jan. 2010, Trans MRSJ, 35, 4
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, Takigami Shoji,Ojima Ruriko,Komiya Shou,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Phillips Glym O, 2010, Food Hydrocolloids
  • Texture Control of Starch by the addition of Microparticulated Cellulose, TAKAHASHI Rheo,HIRASHIMA Madoka, 2005, 飯島記念食品科学振興財団年報, 2005
  • The gelatinization and retrogradation of cornstarch gels in the presence of citric acid, HIRASHIMA Madoka,TAKAHASHI Rheo,NISHINARI Katsuyoshi, Jun. 2012, Food Hydrocolloids, 27, 2
  • 2D Scanner for nondestructive analysis of food nutrition, TAKAHASHI\, Rheo, Apr. 2017, Urakami Foundation Memoirs, 24
  • Creating a new texture by controlling the bubble content in konjac, HIRASHIMA,Madoka,TAKAHASHI\, Rheo,NISHINARI\, Katsuyoshi, 2017, International Journal of Home Economics, 10, 1
  • Determination of Acetyl group in Konjac Glucomannan byX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, TAKIGAMI Shoji,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKAGI Yuuta,OKABE Shinya,TAKIGAMI Machiko, 2014, Food Hydrocolloids
  • Optimization of experimental parameters for separation of nonionicsurfactants by supercritical fluid chromatography, TAKAHASHI Kayori,TAKAHASHI Rheo,HORIKAWA Yoshiteru,MATSUYAMA Shigetomo,KINUGASA Shinichi,EHARA Kensei, Oct. 2013, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 82
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Wool Keratin for Human Hair Care, HIRATA Yuuya,YUASA Ryosuke,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKIGAMI Machiko,TAKIGAMI Shoji, 2013, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 38
  • Thermoreversible gel formation of water soluble extract from Sparassis crispa, NITTA Yoko,TAKAHASHI Rheo,NISHINARI Katsuyoshi,UENO Hiroshi,FUJIMOTO Taido, 2013, Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 13, 2


  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch-2: Characterizations of starch and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively low starch concentration; 5 w/v%, Takahiro Funami,Yohei Kataoka,Sakle Noda,Mika Hiroe,Sayaka Ishihara,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Naoyoshi Inouchi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jul. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 5, 777, 787
  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch-2: Characterizations of starch and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively low starch concentration; 5 w/v%, Takahiro Funami,Yohei Kataoka,Sakle Noda,Mika Hiroe,Sayaka Ishihara,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Naoyoshi Inouchi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jul. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 5, 777, 787
  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch - 1: Characterizations of fenugreek gum and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively high starch concentration; 15 w/v%, Takahiro Funami,Yohel Kataoka,Sakie Noda,Mika Hiroe,Sayaka Ishihara,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Katsulyoshi Nishinari, Jul. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 5, 763, 776
  • Functions of fenugreek gum with various molecular weights on the gelatinization and retrogradation behaviors of corn starch - 1: Characterizations of fenugreek gum and investigations of corn starch/fenugreek gum composite system at a relatively high starch concentration; 15 w/v%, Takahiro Funami,Yohel Kataoka,Sakie Noda,Mika Hiroe,Sayaka Ishihara,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Katsulyoshi Nishinari, Jul. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 5, 763, 776
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems. 1. Gellan gum with various acyl contents in the presence and absence of potassium, Sakie Noda,Takahiro Funami,Makoto Nakauma,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Aug. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 6, 1148, 1159
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems. 1. Gellan gum with various acyl contents in the presence and absence of potassium, Sakie Noda,Takahiro Funami,Makoto Nakauma,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Aug. 2008, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 22, 6, 1148, 1159
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or absence of various cations, Takahiro Funami,Sakie Noda,Makoto Nakauma,Sayaka Ishihara,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Sep. 2008, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 56, 18, 8609, 8618
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or absence of various cations, Takahiro Funami,Sakie Noda,Makoto Nakauma,Sayaka Ishihara,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Sep. 2008, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 56, 18, 8609, 8618
  • Evaluation of a condensation nucleation light scattering detector for the analysis of synthetic polymer by supercritical fluid chromatography, Kayori Takahashi,Shinichi Kinugasa,Ryo Yoshihara,Akira Nakanishi,Renee K. Mosing,Rheo Takahashi, Dec. 2009, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1216, 51, 9008, 9013
  • Evaluation of a condensation nucleation light scattering detector for the analysis of synthetic polymer by supercritical fluid chromatography, Kayori Takahashi,Shinichi Kinugasa,Ryo Yoshihara,Akira Nakanishi,Renee K. Mosing,Rheo Takahashi, Dec. 2009, JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, 1216, 51, 9008, 9013
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy (AFM) in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence of sodium chloride, Takahiro Funami,Sakie Noda,Makoto Nakauma,Sayaka Ishihara,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Mar. 2009, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 23, 2, 548, 554
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy (AFM) in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence of sodium chloride, Takahiro Funami,Sakie Noda,Makoto Nakauma,Sayaka Ishihara,Rheo Takahashi,Saphwan Al-Assaf,Shinya Ikeda,Katsuyoshi Nishinari,Glyn O. Phillips, Mar. 2009, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 23, 2, 548, 554
  • Viscoelasticity and Phase Separation of Aqueous Na-Type Gellan Solution, Yoko Nitta,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jan. 2010, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 11, 1, 187, 191
  • Viscoelasticity and Phase Separation of Aqueous Na-Type Gellan Solution, Yoko Nitta,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jan. 2010, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 11, 1, 187, 191
  • Preparation and application of low molar mass konjac mannan, Machiko Takigami,Panida Prawitwong,Yoshiko Tahara,Ryoji Ohtsuka,Rheo Takahashi,Shoji Takigami, 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 3, 31, 3, 723, 726
  • Preparation and application of low molar mass konjac mannan, Machiko Takigami,Panida Prawitwong,Yoshiko Tahara,Ryoji Ohtsuka,Rheo Takahashi,Shoji Takigami, 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 3, 31, 3, 723, 726
  • Effects of gamma-irradiation on properties of konjac mannan, Panida Prawitwong,Shoji Takigami,Rheo Takahashi,Glyn O. Phillips, 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, Vol 31, No 3, 31, 3, 727, 730
  • Effects of molar mass on the coil to helix transition of sodium-type gellan gums in aqueous solutions, E Ogawa,R Takahashi,H Yajima,K Nishinari, Mar. 2006, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 20, 2-3, 378, 385
  • Effects of molar mass on the coil to helix transition of sodium-type gellan gums in aqueous solutions, E Ogawa,R Takahashi,H Yajima,K Nishinari, Mar. 2006, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 20, 2-3, 378, 385
  • Thermal aggregation of methylcellulose with different molecular weights, Takahiro Funami,Yohei Kataoka,Mika Hiroe,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nisbinari, Jan. 2007, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 21, 1, 46, 58
  • Thermal aggregation of methylcellulose with different molecular weights, Takahiro Funami,Yohei Kataoka,Mika Hiroe,Iwao Asai,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nisbinari, Jan. 2007, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 21, 1, 46, 58
  • Effects of adding acids before and after gelatinization on the viscoelasticity of cornstarch pastes, M Hirashima,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Sep. 2005, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 19, 5, 909, 914
  • Effects of adding acids before and after gelatinization on the viscoelasticity of cornstarch pastes, M Hirashima,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Sep. 2005, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 19, 5, 909, 914
  • Changes in the viscoelasticity of maize starch pastes by adding sucrose at different stages, M Hirashima,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jul. 2005, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 19, 4, 777, 784
  • Changes in the viscoelasticity of maize starch pastes by adding sucrose at different stages, M Hirashima,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jul. 2005, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 19, 4, 777, 784
  • Protein/polysaccharide cogel formation based on gelatin and chemically modified schizophyllan, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Nov. 2005, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 6, 6, 3202, 3208
  • Protein/polysaccharide cogel formation based on gelatin and chemically modified schizophyllan, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Nov. 2005, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 6, 6, 3202, 3208
  • Thermally induced coil-to-helix transition of sodium gellan gum with different molar masses in aqueous salt solutions, E Ogawa,R Takahashi,H Yajima,K Nishinari, Nov. 2005, BIOPOLYMERS, 79, 4, 207, 217
  • Thermally induced coil-to-helix transition of sodium gellan gum with different molar masses in aqueous salt solutions, E Ogawa,R Takahashi,H Yajima,K Nishinari, Nov. 2005, BIOPOLYMERS, 79, 4, 207, 217
  • Effect of molecular weight distribution on the solution properties of sodium hyaluronate in 0.2M NaCl solution, R Takahashi,K Kubota,M Kawada,A Okamoto, Jul. 1999, BIOPOLYMERS, 50, 1, 87, 98
  • Effect of molecular weight distribution on the solution properties of sodium hyaluronate in 0.2M NaCl solution, R Takahashi,K Kubota,M Kawada,A Okamoto, Jul. 1999, BIOPOLYMERS, 50, 1, 87, 98
  • The gelatinization and retrogradation of cornstarch gels in the presence of citric acid, Madoka Hirashima,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jun. 2012, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 27, 2, 390, 393
  • The gelatinization and retrogradation of cornstarch gels in the presence of citric acid, Madoka Hirashima,Rheo Takahashi,Katsuyoshi Nishinari, Jun. 2012, FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS, 27, 2, 390, 393
  • Gelation behavior of native and acetylated konjac glucomannan, L Huang,R Takahashi,S Kobayashi,T Kawase,K Nishinari, Nov. 2002, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 3, 6, 1296, 1303
  • Gelation behavior of native and acetylated konjac glucomannan, L Huang,R Takahashi,S Kobayashi,T Kawase,K Nishinari, Nov. 2002, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 3, 6, 1296, 1303
  • Solubilization of hibitane into common organic solvents with self-assembled fluorinated molecular aggregates. Application to novel surface antibacterial materials possessing a good oleophobicity, H Sawada,K Yanagida,R Takahashi,Y Nishikawa,T Kawase,K Oharu,H Nakagawa,K Ohira,K Wada, 2002, POLYMER JOURNAL, 34, 11, 855, 857
  • Solubilization of hibitane into common organic solvents with self-assembled fluorinated molecular aggregates. Application to novel surface antibacterial materials possessing a good oleophobicity, H Sawada,K Yanagida,R Takahashi,Y Nishikawa,T Kawase,K Oharu,H Nakagawa,K Ohira,K Wada, 2002, POLYMER JOURNAL, 34, 11, 855, 857
  • Asymmetrical-flow field-flow Fractionation with on-line multiangle light scattering detection. 1. Application to wormlike chain analysis of weakly stiff polymer chains, R Takahashi,S Al-Assaf,PA Williams,K Kubota,A Okamoto,K Nishinari, Mar. 2003, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 4, 2, 404, 409
  • Asymmetrical-flow field-flow Fractionation with on-line multiangle light scattering detection. 1. Application to wormlike chain analysis of weakly stiff polymer chains, R Takahashi,S Al-Assaf,PA Williams,K Kubota,A Okamoto,K Nishinari, Mar. 2003, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 4, 2, 404, 409
  • Interaction in polysaccharide solutions and gels, K Nishinari,R Takahashi, Nov. 2003, CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE, 8, 4-5, 396, 400, Book review
  • Solubilization of fullerene into water with fluoroalkyl end-capped amphiphilic oligomers-novel fluorescence properties, H Sawada,J Iidzuka,T Maekawa,R Takahashi,T Kawase,K Oharu,H Nakagawa,K Ohira, Jul. 2003, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 263, 1, 1, 3
  • Solubilization of fullerene into water with fluoroalkyl end-capped amphiphilic oligomers-novel fluorescence properties, H Sawada,J Iidzuka,T Maekawa,R Takahashi,T Kawase,K Oharu,H Nakagawa,K Ohira, Jul. 2003, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 263, 1, 1, 3
  • A gel network constituted by rigid schizophyllan chains and nonpermanent cross-links, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jan. 2004, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 5, 1, 126, 136
  • A gel network constituted by rigid schizophyllan chains and nonpermanent cross-links, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jan. 2004, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 5, 1, 126, 136
  • Effects of citric acid on the viscoelasticity of cornstarch pastes, M Hirashima,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, May 2004, JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY, 52, 10, 2929, 2933
  • Rheological characterization of schizophyllan aqueous solutions after denaturation-renaturation treatment, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jul. 2004, BIOPOLYMERS, 74, 4, 302, 315
  • Rheological characterization of schizophyllan aqueous solutions after denaturation-renaturation treatment, YP Fang,R Takahashi,K Nishinari, Jul. 2004, BIOPOLYMERS, 74, 4, 302, 315
  • Solution properties of gellan gum: Change in chain stiffness between single- and double-stranded chains, R Takahashi,H Tokunou,K Kubota,E Ogawa,T Oida,T Kawase,K Nishinari, Mar. 2004, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 5, 2, 516, 523
  • Solution properties of gellan gum: Change in chain stiffness between single- and double-stranded chains, R Takahashi,H Tokunou,K Kubota,E Ogawa,T Oida,T Kawase,K Nishinari, Mar. 2004, BIOMACROMOLECULES, 5, 2, 516, 523
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sonicated Gellan Gums in aqueous Solutions, Ogawa Etsuyo,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Kubota Kenji,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2006, 31, 3, 731, 734
  • Structural Change in Polymer Chains of Sodium Gellan Gums Studied by Circular Dichroism, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2005, 30, 3, 851, 854
  • セルロースおよびセルロース誘導体, 高橋 亮,平岩 雄介,西成 勝好, 2003, 208, 10, 824, 834
  • Initial Stage of Geletion Process for Sodium-type Gellan Gum with Different Molecular Weight, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2003, 28, 3, 953, 956
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第1報)酸味調味料(クエン酸および酢酸), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2003, 36, 3, 225, 233
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第2報)甘味調味料(ショ糖), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2003, 36, 4, 371, 381
  • ガラクトマンナン, 高橋 亮,長繩 省吾,西成 勝好, 2003, 208, 10, 808, 818
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第3報)塩味調味料(食塩), 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2004, 37, 1, 48, 56
  • 澱粉糊の諸特性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響(第4報)苦味(カフェイン)およびうま味(グルタミン酸ナトリウム)調味料, 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2004, 37, 1, 57, 64
  • Characterization of Gellan Gum in aqueous NaCl, Takahashi Rheo,Akutu Mica,Kubota Kenji,Nakamura Kunio, 1999, 114, 1, 7
  • Effects of Citric Acid on the Viscoelasticity of Corn Starch Pastes, Hirashima Madoka,Takahashi Rheo,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2004, 52, 10, 2929, 2933
  • ハイドロコロイドの光散乱, 窪田 健二,高橋 亮, 2007, 212, 1, 17, 29
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy AFM in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or absence of monovalent cations, Noda Sakie,Funami Takahiro,Nakauma Makoto,Ishihara Sayaka,Takahashi Rheo Saphwan Al-assaf,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Glyn O Phillips, 2007
  • 澱粉の離水に及ぼす呈味物質の影響, 平島 円,高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2007, 40, 4, 249, 256
  • Light Scattering and Viscometric Study of Sodium Hyaluronate, TAKAHASHI RHEO,KUBOTA KENJI, 1998, 41, 107, 108
  • Texture Control of Starch by the addition of Microparticulated Cellulose, TAKAHASHI Rheo,HIRASHIMA Madoka, 2005, 2005, 267, 272
  • 食品の「美味しさ」の分析法を確立し商品開発に活用する, 高橋 亮, 2010, 38(10), 2, 6
  • アガロペクチンのレオロジー特性, 高橋 亮,平島 円,西成 勝好, 2009, 56, 11, 591, 599
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sodium Gellan Gums with Different Molar Masses in Aqueous Solution, Ogawa Etsuyo,Yamazaki Keiko,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2009, 34, 3, 481, 484
  • Observation of Molecular Chains of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan by Scanning Probe Microscope, Komiya Shou,Ojima Ruriko,Takigami Machiko,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Shoji, 2010, 35, 4, 881, 884
  • Solution Properties of low molar mass Konjac mannan, Makabe Takeshi,Prawitwong Panida,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Nagasawa\, N,Takigami Shoji, 2008, 33, 2, 471, 474
  • フィールドフローフラクショネーション, 高橋亮, 2009, 6, 296, 301
  • おいしさのぶんせき, 高橋 亮,西成 勝好, 2010, 8, 388, 394
  • Characterization of gamma-Irradiated Konjac Glucomannan by Light Scattering Probe Microscope, Makabe Takeshi,S. Komiya,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,N. Nagasawa,Tamada Masao,Takigami Shoji, 2009, 34, 3, 469, 472
  • Rheological Property of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan, Ojima Ruriko,Makabe Takeshi,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Takigami Shoji, 2009, 34, 3, 477, 480
  • コーンスターチゲルの糊化・老化に及ぼす微結晶セルロースの影響, 平島 円,高橋 亮,廣江 美佳,西成 勝好, 2010, 43, 3, 168, 175
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, Takigami Shoji,Ojima Ruriko,Komiya Shou,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Phillips Glym O, 2010
  • モル質量・微粒子サイズ計測装置, 高橋 亮,高橋 かより,平野 雅夫, 2012, 49, 576, 44, 45
  • チップ型非対称交差流フィールドフローフラクショネーション法とESI-MSの組み合わせによるタンパク質分析, 高橋 亮, 2012, 2012, 5, 39
  • 微粒子セルロースによる澱粉食品の食感制御, 高橋 亮,平島 円, 2005, 2004, 255, 259
  • 微粒子セルロースによる澱粉食品の食感制御, 高橋 亮,平島 円, 2006, 2005, 267, 272
  • 2D Scanner for nondestructive analysis of food nutrition, TAKAHASHI\, Rheo, 2017, 24, 6
  • Creating a new texture by controlling the bubble content in konjac, HIRASHIMA,Madoka,TAKAHASHI\, Rheo,NISHINARI\, Katsuyoshi, 2017, 10, 1, 61, 70
  • パーマ毛髪の表面構造におよぼす還元剤の影響, 瀧上 昭治,高橋 亮,池田 英里加, 2015, 40, 2-7.
  • 食品の非破壊分析, 高橋 亮, 2014, 13, 2, 6
  • Optimization of experimental parameters for separation of nonionicsurfactants by supercritical fluid chromatography, TAKAHASHI Kayori,TAKAHASHI Rheo,HORIKAWA Yoshiteru,MATSUYAMA Shigetomo,KINUGASA Shinichi,EHARA Kensei, 2013, 82, 256, 262
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Wool Keratin for Human Hair Care, HIRATA Yuuya,YUASA Ryosuke,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKIGAMI Machiko,TAKIGAMI Shoji, 2013, 38, 195, 198
  • フードスキャナ, 高橋 亮, 2017, 1, 8, 900, 901
  • 食品の調理加工状態を非破壊計測するフードスキャナーの開発, 高橋 亮, 2017, 24, 1-5.
  • 多糖類のX線光電子分光分析におよぼす測定条件の影響, 高橋 亮,瀧上 昭治, 2016, 41
  • 毛髪のパーマ処理におよぼす還元剤の影響, 瀧上 昭治,池田 英里加,高橋 亮, 2015, 116, 42, 48
  • パーマ処理毛髪の表面分析, 瀧上 昭治,池田 英里加,高木 祐太,高橋 亮, 2014, 114, 27, 34
  • Determination of Acetyl group in Konjac Glucomannan byX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, TAKIGAMI Shoji,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKAGI Yuuta,OKABE Shinya,TAKIGAMI Machiko, 2014
  • 動的光散乱法, 高橋 かより,高橋 亮, 2013, 3, 148, 153
  • Thermoreversible gel formation of water soluble extract from Sparassis crispa, NITTA Yoko,TAKAHASHI Rheo,NISHINARI Katsuyoshi,UENO Hiroshi,FUJIMOTO Taido, 2013, 13, 2, 33, 38
  • Effects of ganma-irradiation on Properties of Konjac Mannan, PRAWITWONG PANIDA,Takigami Shoji,Takahashi Rheo,PHILIPS Glyn O, 2006, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 31, 3, 727, 730
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sonicated Gellan Gums in aqueous Solutions, Ogawa Etsuyo,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Kubota Kenji,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2006, Trans MRSJ, 31, 3, 731, 734
  • Structural Change in Polymer Chains of Sodium Gellan Gums Studied by Circular Dichroism, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2005, Trans MRSJ, 30, 3, 851, 854
  • Initial Stage of Geletion Process for Sodium-type Gellan Gum with Different Molecular Weight, Ogawa Etsuyo,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2003, Trans MRSJ, 28, 3, 953, 956
  • Interactions in Polysaccharide Solutions and Gels, 西成 勝好,高橋 亮, 2003, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 8, 4-5, 396, 400
  • Characterization of Gellan Gum in aqueous NaCl, Takahashi Rheo,Akutu Mica,Kubota Kenji,Nakamura Kunio, 1999, Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, 114, 1, 7
  • Molecular structures of gellan gum imaged with atomic force microscopy AFM in relation to the rheological behavior in aqueous systems in the presence or absence of monovalent cations, Noda Sakie,Funami Takahiro,Nakauma Makoto,Ishihara Sayaka,Takahashi Rheo Saphwan Al-assaf,Ikeda Shinya,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Glyn O Phillips, 2007, Biomacromolecules
  • Light Scattering and Viscometric Study of Sodium Hyaluronate, TAKAHASHI RHEO,KUBOTA KENJI, 1998, Rept Prog Polym Phys Jpn, 41, 107, 108
  • Texture Control of Starch by the addition of Microparticulated Cellulose, TAKAHASHI Rheo,HIRASHIMA Madoka, 2005, 飯島記念食品科学振興財団年報, 2005, 267, 272
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sodium Gellan Gums with Different Molar Masses in Aqueous Solution, Ogawa Etsuyo,Yamazaki Keiko,Sugimoto Seiji,Takahashi Rheo,Yajima Hirofumi,Nishinari Katsuyoshi, 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3, 481, 484
  • Observation of Molecular Chains of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan by Scanning Probe Microscope, Komiya Shou,Ojima Ruriko,Takigami Machiko,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Shoji, 2010, Trans MRSJ, 35, 4, 881, 884
  • Solution Properties of low molar mass Konjac mannan, Makabe Takeshi,Prawitwong Panida,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Nagasawa\, N,Takigami Shoji, 2008, Trans MRSJ, 33, 2, 471, 474
  • Characterization of gamma-Irradiated Konjac Glucomannan by Light Scattering Probe Microscope, Makabe Takeshi,S. Komiya,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,N. Nagasawa,Tamada Masao,Takigami Shoji, 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3, 469, 472
  • Rheological Property of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan, Ojima Ruriko,Makabe Takeshi,P. Prawitwong,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Takigami Shoji, 2009, Trans MRSJ, 34, 3, 477, 480
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, Takigami Shoji,Ojima Ruriko,Komiya Shou,Takahashi Rheo,Takigami Machiko,Phillips Glym O, 2010, Food Hydrocolloids
  • 2D Scanner for nondestructive analysis of food nutrition, TAKAHASHI\, Rheo, 2017, Urakami Foundation Memoirs, 24, 6
  • Creating a new texture by controlling the bubble content in konjac, HIRASHIMA,Madoka,TAKAHASHI\, Rheo,NISHINARI\, Katsuyoshi, 2017, International Journal of Home Economics, 10, 1, 61, 70
  • Optimization of experimental parameters for separation of nonionicsurfactants by supercritical fluid chromatography, TAKAHASHI Kayori,TAKAHASHI Rheo,HORIKAWA Yoshiteru,MATSUYAMA Shigetomo,KINUGASA Shinichi,EHARA Kensei, 2013, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 82, 256, 262
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Wool Keratin for Human Hair Care, HIRATA Yuuya,YUASA Ryosuke,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKIGAMI Machiko,TAKIGAMI Shoji, 2013, Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan, 38, 195, 198
  • Determination of Acetyl group in Konjac Glucomannan byX-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, TAKIGAMI Shoji,TAKAHASHI Rheo,TAKAGI Yuuta,OKABE Shinya,TAKIGAMI Machiko, 2014, Food Hydrocolloids
  • Thermoreversible gel formation of water soluble extract from Sparassis crispa, NITTA Yoko,TAKAHASHI Rheo,NISHINARI Katsuyoshi,UENO Hiroshi,FUJIMOTO Taido, 2013, Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 13, 2, 33, 38

Books etc

  • 食品ハイドロコロイドの開発と応用 多糖類の分子量・分子形態, 2007, ISBN: 9784882316701
  • 食品ハイドロコロイドの開発と応用 ガラクトマンナン, 2007, ISBN: 9784882316701
  • Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 13, 2006, ISBN: 9780854046737
  • Hyaluronan, 2002, ISBN: 1855735709
  • Comprehensive Glycoscience from Chemistry to Systems Biology; Analysis of Glycans Polysaccharide Functional Properties, 2007, ISBN: 044452746X
  • Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 114, Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gellan Gum, 1999, ISBN: 3540663894
  • Hydrocolloids Part 2, Fundamentals and Applications in Food, Biology, and Medicine, 2000
  • Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 14, 2008, ISBN: 9780854044610
  • レオロジー制御・測定 一問一答集 食感を改良するには, 2010
  • レオロジー制御・測定 一問一答集 分子量・分子量分布を測定するには, 2010
  • 動的粘弾性の基礎と各特性データ集 動的粘弾性とおいしさとの関係, 2012
  • ゲルの作成・評価と高機能化検討例集, 2012
  • 実践的官能評価事例集, 2012
  • 化学、エレクトロニクス、医薬、食品分野における実践的官能特性評価 事例集 ~ 曖昧な人の感覚・嗜好をどう評価するか~ おいしさの官能評価, 2013
  • ゲルの安定化と機能性付与・次世代への応用開発, 2013
  • 官能評価活用ノウハウ・感覚の定量化・数値化手法 おいしさの官能評価, 2014
  • 食品ハイドロコロイドの開発と応用II コロイドと調味料の相互作用, 2014
  • Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 13, IRL Press, 2006, ISBN: 9780854046737
  • Hyaluronan, Woodhead Pubs, 2002, ISBN: 1855735709
  • Comprehensive Glycoscience from Chemistry to Systems Biology; Analysis of Glycans Polysaccharide Functional Properties, Elsevier, 2007, ISBN: 044452746X
  • Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science, Vol. 114, Physical Chemistry and Industrial Application of Gellan Gum, Springer: Berlin, 1999, ISBN: 3540663894
  • Hydrocolloids Part 2, Fundamentals and Applications in Food, Biology, and Medicine, Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2000
  • Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 14, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2008, ISBN: 9780854044610
  • Hydrocolloids, Single work, Mo Yunqian,Takaya Tomohisa,Nishinari Katsuyoshi,Takahashi Rheo,Kubota Kenji,Okamoto Akio, Elsevier, Jan. 2000, 349-355, ISBN: 0444501789


  • 小麦粉とコーンスターチがカスタードクリームの嗜好性に及ぼす影響, 日本調理科学会, 2006
  • ショ糖と食塩が澱粉の離水に及ぼす影響, 日本家政学会, 2005
  • アガロペクチンの寒天のゲル化に対する影響, 日本食品工学会, 2002
  • Na型ジェランガムのゾル-ゲル転移.I.分子特性解析, 高分子学会, 2002
  • Chain Stiffness and Structure of Hyaluronan in aqueous Salt Solution, バイオレオロジー学会, 2003
  • 砂糖および食塩添加による澱粉糊液の粘度への影響, 日本調理科学会, 2003
  • 澱粉の糊化に及ぼす呈味物質の影響, 日本栄養・食糧学会, 2003
  • Light Scattering Study of Betaine Oligomers with Fuluoroalkyl roup: Effect of Salt Concentration, 繊維学会, 2003
  • 澱粉の離水に及ぼすショ糖の影響, 日本調理科学会, 2004
  • Protein-Polysaccharide Co-gel Formation Based on Gelatin and Schizophyllan, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • Na型ジェランガムのゾル-ゲル転移.II.ゾル-ゲル転移の分子量依存性, 高分子学会, 2002
  • 超音波を照射したジェランガム水溶液のゾル-ゲル転移, 日本MRS, 2005
  • Effects of molecular weight on the coil to helix transition of sodium-type gellan gums in aqueous solutions, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004 第7回ハイドロコロイド国際会議2004, 2004
  • 多糖類のキャラクタリゼーション:ジェランガムの分子特性解析, 大阪市立大学重点研究第6回研究集会, 2006
  • AFMによって可視化される分子構造がレオロジー特性に及ぼす影響, レオロジー学会, 2006
  • 低分子量こんにゃくグルコマンナンの調製, 日本MRS, 2005
  • Effect of Gamma-irradiation on Characteristics of Konjac Mannan, 日本MRS, 2005
  • バクテリオファージMu頭部サブユニットの調製, 日本分子生物学会, 2005
  • 澱粉製品へのショ糖添加方法, 日本家政学会, 2005
  • セルロース添加澱粉ゲルのレオロジー特性, 日本調理科学会, 2005
  • Xanthan とgalactomannan の相乗効果に及ぼす分子量の効果, 高分子学会, 2005
  • Effects of Molar Mass on the Synergistic Interaction between Galactomannan and Xanthan, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • ジェランのゲル化に対する分子量(モル質量)の影響, 大阪市立大学重点研究第6回研究集会, 2006
  • ガラクトマンナン類によるでん粉の膨潤・老化挙動の制御, 日本バイオレオロジー学会, 2006
  • 寒天のゲル化に及ぼすアガロペクチンの役割, 日本食品科学工学会, 2006
  • ショ糖添加澱粉ゲルの糊化および老化特性, 日本調理科学会, 2006
  • ヒアルロン酸とサクロース複合体の溶液物性, 高分子学会, 1998
  • ジェランガムのへリックス形成過程, 高分子学会, 1998
  • ジェランガム希薄溶液の光散乱, 高分子学会, 2000
  • HPMC希薄溶液の光散乱, 高分子学会, 2000
  • Field-flow Fractionation for Determining Macromolecular Characteristics of Natural Polysaccharides, 8th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2006
  • FlowFFF-MALSによるヒアルロン酸の特性解析, 高分子学会, 2001
  • 高分子多糖ヒアルロン酸の複合体形成, 高分子学会, 2001
  • Effects of Urea and Guanidine Hydroxide on the Viscoelastisity of Hyaluronan aqueous Solutions, 日本バイオレオロジー学会, 2001
  • FlowFFF-MALSによる多糖類の特性解析, 高分子学会, 2001
  • コーンスターチの粘弾性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響, 日本調理科学会, 2002
  • グアーガムのレオロジー特性, 日本調理科学会, 2002
  • 乳清たんぱく質分散系の構造とレオロジー, 日本調理科学会, 2002
  • 乳清たんぱく質のクラスター形成, 日本レオロジー学会, 2002
  • 分子量の異なるナトリウム型ジェランガムのゲル化初期過程, 日本MRS, 2002
  • コーンスターチ糊の粘弾性に及ぼす酸味物質の影響, 日本レオロジー学会, 2003
  • コーンスターチ糊の粘弾性に及ぼすショ糖物質の影響, 日本レオロジー学会, 2003
  • 食品研究における多角度光散乱検出器の利用法, MALS研究談話会, 2002
  • Molecular Conformation of Gellan Gum, 平成15年度科学研究費補助金(基盤研究A)「新規テクスチャーモディファイヤー創出のための多糖類ゲルの体系的研究」研究報告会, 2003
  • 澱粉糊の粘弾性に及ぼすショ糖添加時の違いによる影響, 日本調理科学会, 2003
  • コーンスターチ糊液の粘度に及ぼすショ糖および食塩の影響, 日本食品科学工学会, 2003
  • 澱粉糊の粘弾性に及ぼす呈味物質の影響, 日本レオロジー学会, 2003
  • Na型ジェランガムのコイル-ヘリックス転移に対する分子量の影響, 高分子学会, 2003
  • 多糖類のコイル-ヘリックス転移とゾル-ゲル転移, 日本熱測定学会, 2003
  • Na型ジェランガムのヘリックス形成とその分子量, 高分子学会, 2004
  • ジェランのゲル化に対する分子量(モル質量)の影響, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • Changes in Rheological Properities of Xanthan Gum between Coil-Helix Transition, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • CDによるナトリウム型ジェランガムの構造変化の追跡, 日本MRS, 2004
  • 高分子の分子量と分子量分布, 群馬県分析研究会, 2005
  • Helix-Coil Transition and Sol-Gel Transition in Gellan, ICBN 2003, 2003
  • Helix-Coil Transition in Polysaccharide Gels, International Symposium on Polysaccharide Engineering 2003, 2003
  • Effects of Adding Acids Before and After Gelatinization on the Viscoelasticity of Cornstarch Pastes, The 12th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2003
  • Helix-Coil Transition and Sol-Gel Transition, IUMRS-ICAM 2003, 2003
  • Effects of Gelation Rate on the Rheological Properties of Polysaccharides, ISSP International Workshop 5th Gel Symposium Polymer Gels, 2003
  • Effects of Molecular Weight (Molar Mass) on the Initial Stage of Gelation Process of Sodium-Type Gellan Gum in aqueous Solutions, ISSP International Workshop 5th Gel Symposium Polymer Gels, 2003
  • Effects of Molecular Weight (Molar Mass) on the Coil to Helix Transition of Sodium-type Gellan Gums in aqueous Solutions, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • γ線照射こんにゃくマンナンの特性解析, マテリアルライフ学会, 2005
  • SEC-RALS-VISCによる多糖類の特性解析, 高分子学会, 2001
  • グアーガム水溶液のレオロジー特性, 日本レオロジー学会, 2002
  • 澱粉の粘度に及ぼす酸味物質の影響, 日本家政学会, 2003
  • タンテトラカルボン酸骨格を持つアニオン型およびノニオン型Gemini界面活性剤の光散乱, 繊維学会, 2004
  • 分子量の異なるメチルセルロースの熱凝集, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Polysaccharide Gellan Gum aqueous Solutions, IUPAC Polymer Conference 2002, 2002
  • Temperature-Induced Conformational Transition of Sodium-Gellan Gums with Different Molecular Weight (Molar Mass), 17th Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, 2003
  • 超音波照射ジェランガムのゾル-ゲル転移と分子量, 高分子学会, 2006
  • セルロース添加澱粉ゲルの糊化・老化特性, 日本調理科学会, 2005
  • Gelation of schizophyllan, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • ヒアルロン酸の溶液物性, 高分子学会, 1997
  • 原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)によって可視化される分子構造がレオロジー特性に及ぼす影響 -ジェランガム水溶液での検討-, 日本レオロジー学会, 2006
  • ジェランガムのゲル化過程でのラマン散乱, 第17回日本MRS学術シンポジウム, 2007
  • Effects of salts, sugar, and urea on the solution properties of hyaluronan aqueous solutions, ICCH conference, 1999
  • Solution properties of hydroxyprorylmethylcellulose in water, Cellulosic Polymer Conference, 2000
  • Conformational and rheological properties of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • Dilute Solution Properties of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • A Novel Method for Preparation of Low Molar Mass Konjac Glucomannan, The Food Hydrocolloids Trust 16th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2011
  • Influence of Molecular Structure Imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy on the Rheological Properties of Gellan Gum in an Aqueous System, GelSympo2007 Polymer Gels Fundamentals and Functional Control, 2007
  • ジャムの離水と粘弾性特性, 大阪市立大学重点研究第6回研究集会, 2006
  • ヒアルロン酸と糖の相互作用, 高分子学会, 1998
  • 澱粉の糊化および老化に及ぼす澱粉濃度と酸の影響, 日本調理科学会, 2007
  • ガラクトマンナン類による澱粉の膨潤・老化挙動の制御, 日本レオロジー学会, 2007
  • カスタードクリームの性状に及ぼす加熱温度の影響, 日本家政学会, 2007
  • 澱粉ゲルへのセルロース添加効果, 日本レオロジー学会, 2006
  • ショ糖添加澱粉ゲルの糊化および老化特性, 日本調理科学会, 2006
  • 寒天のゲル化に及ぼすアガロペクチンの役割, 日本食品科学工学会, 2006
  • 小麦粉とコーンスターチがカスタードクリームの嗜好性に及ぼす影響, 日本調理科学会, 2006
  • 高分子ゲルの構造・物性と食・健康, 高分子学会, 2007
  • Characterization of gamma-Irradiated Konjac Glucomannan by Light Scattering Probe Microscope, 日本MRS, 2008
  • Rheological Property of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan, 日本MRS, 2008
  • Solution properties of gamma-irradiated Konjac Mannan, 2008
  • Structural Formation of Methylcellulose, GelSympo 2009, 2009
  • Intrinsic Viscosity of Hyaluronan (Hyaluronic Acid): with Ultra-Low-Shear Viscometer, HA2000, 2000
  • こんにゃくゲルのゲル強度に及ぼすアルカリ試薬の影響, 日本調理科学会, 2010
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sodium Gellan Gums with Different Molar Masses in Aqueous Solutions, The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008 (IUMRS-ICA 2008), 2008
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010
  • Observation of Molecular Chains of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan by Scanning Probe Microscope, MRS, 2009
  • 澱粉の老化過程に対する濃度の影響, 日本調理科学会, 2009
  • 海藻多糖類フノランの特性解析, 群馬県分析研究会, 2011
  • 布海苔抽出多糖のレオロジー, 日本レオロジー学会, 2011
  • 低分子量化コンニャクグルコマンナンの調製と物性, 高分子学会, 2011
  • ヒアルロナンのモル質量分析, 日本分析化学会, 2011
  • 微粒子サイズ/モル質量計測装置1, 分析展2011, 2011
  • Influence of molecular structure imaged with atomic force microscopy on the rheological behavior of gellan gum in an aqueous system, The Food Hydrocolloids Trust 14th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • 低分子量化フノランの調製とキャラクタリゼーション, 繊維学会, 2011
  • Optimization of Experimental Parameters for the SFC Separation of Synthetic Polymers., SFC 2012 6th International Conference on Packed Column SFC, 2012
  • 水溶性巨大高分子のモル質量分析, 日本分析化学会 第72回分析化学討論会, 2012
  • 撹拌方法および気泡安定剤によるこんにゃく粉水懸濁液の気泡量の変化, 日本調理科学会, 2013
  • 可溶性羊毛ケラティンによるポリエステル繊維の表面処理, 繊維学会 平成25年度年次大会, 2013
  • コンニャクグルコマンナンの低分子量化とキャラクタリゼーション, 繊維学会 平成25年度年次大会, 2013
  • 毛髪のパーマネントウェーブ処理におよぼす還元剤の影響, 繊維学会 平成25年度年次大会, 2013
  • 毛髪ダメージにおよぼすブリーチとパーマ処理の影響, 繊維学会 平成25年度年次大会, 2013
  • サゴ澱粉の調理特性, 日本調理科学会 近畿支部-東海・北陸支部合同研究発表会, 2012
  • 汎用性の高い「機能性大麦粉」の開発1, アグリビジネス創出フェア, 2012
  • 汎用性の高い「機能性大麦粉」の開発2, アグリビジネス創出フェア, 2012
  • 汎用性の高い「機能性大麦粉」の開発3, アグリビジネス創出フェア, 2012
  • 再生羊毛ケラチンフィルムの調整とキャラクタリゼーション, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会年次大会, 2012
  • Preparation of CMC-acid gel and its applications, 15th Guma and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2009
  • カルボキシメチルセルロースゲル分解微生物の特徴付け, GSC Symposium (the 8th), 2008
  • ヘアケア用可溶性羊毛ケラチンの調製とキャラクタリゼーション, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会年次大会, 2012
  • X線光電子分光法による多糖分析の試み, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会年次大会, 2012
  • FFF-MALS Study of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer I, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • 微粒子サイズ/モル質量計測装置2, 分析展2011, 2011
  • ショ糖または食塩添加タピオカ澱粉の糊化, 日本調理科学会, 2013
  • 可用性羊毛ケラテインの調整とポリエステル布の改質, 群馬県分析研究会第37回研究発表会, 2013
  • こんにゃくの調製方法と気泡混入率, 日本調理科学会平成24 年度大会, 2012
  • 毛髪のパーマネント処理におよぼす還元剤の影響, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会, 2012
  • 毛髪のパーマウェーブ効率と還元剤の関係, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会, 2012
  • XPSによる多糖類の置換度の測定, 繊維学会 平成24年度繊維学会秋季研究発表会, 2012
  • Effects of adding sucrose before or after gelatinization on the gel strength of cornstarch gels, ARAHE 17th Biennial International Congress 2013, 2013
  • 布海苔多糖フノランの精製とゲル物性, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2011
  • Bioactivities of acid-modified konjac glucomannan I, China-Kunming International Symposium on Bioactive Natural Polysaccharides, 2011
  • Bioactivities of acid modified konjac glucomannan II, Bioacitive Natural Polysaccharides and Dietary Fibre: Structure, Bioactivity and Applications, 2011
  • XPSによる高分子材料の分析, 群馬県分析研究会第36回研究発表会, 2012
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Wool for Hair Treatment, 第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 「エコイノベーションを切り拓く先進材料研究III」, 2011
  • 再生羊毛ケラチンフィルムの機器分析, 群馬県分析研究会第36回研究発表会, 2012
  • 低分子量フノランの調製とキャラクタリゼーション, 第6回高崎量子応用研究シンポジウム, 2011
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer II, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • 微粒子サイズ/モル質量計測装置3, 分析展2011, 2011
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer III, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • Preparation and Characterization of Low Molar Mass Konjac Mannan, 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010
  • Study on Sorbed Water in Konjac Glucomannan, MRS, 2005
  • 毛髪のパーマパーマウエーブ効率と還元剤の関係, 群馬県分析研究会第37回研究発表会, 2013
  • 毛髪のパーマネント処理におよぼす還元剤の関係, 群馬県分析研究会第37回研究発表会, 2013
  • X線光電子分光法(XPS)によるカルボキシメチルセルロースの置換度の決定, 群馬県分析研究会第37回研究発表会, 2013
  • コンニャクグルコマンナンのキャラクタリゼーション, 群馬県分析研究会第37回研究発表会, 2013
  • 食品開発におけるレオロジー特性の評価・改良法, 食品開発における乳化剤・増粘安定剤の活用法とレオロジー評価セミナー, 2011
  • 超臨界流体クロマトグラフィーによる非イオン性界面活性剤の分離, 日本分析化学会 第72回分析化学討論会, 2012
  • Water binding properties of konjac glucomannan, The 14th Gums and Stabilisers for Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • Application of Silk Sericin for Novel Surface Modification of Polyester Fabrics, The 15th Chaina International Silk Conference, 2004
  • Study on Sorbed Water in Konjac Glucomannan, MRS, 2005
  • Effects of Bleaching and Permanent Waving Treatments on Chemical Structure of Human Hair, IFSCC, 2006
  • Gels Derived from Carboxymethylcallujose, The 14th Gums and Stabilisers for Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • Novel gels derived from carboxymethylcellulose, 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2008
  • Preparation and Characterization of Low Molar Mass Konjac Mannan, 15th Guma and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2009
  • 硫酸化コンニャクマンナンの調製とキャラクタリゼーション, 繊維学会, 2004
  • タンニン酸前処理繊維へのポリペプチド加工, 繊維学会, 2004
  • 慢性下顎骨骨髄炎の一例 -摘出した腐骨の成分分析結果を含めて-, 第51回北関東医学会総会, 2004
  • 毛髪の収着水の状態, 2005
  • ブリーチ・パーマ処理した毛髪のキャラクタリゼーション, 2005
  • 高収率な水溶性α-ケラチンタンパクの新規調製方法, 日本MRS, 2006
  • ダメージヘアの特徴と化学処理したケラチンによるダメージヘアの防止, 日本MRS, 2006
  • CMCゲルの調製と特性, 日本MRS, 2006
  • カルボキシメチルセルロースゲル分解微生物の特徴付け, 第57回高分子学会年次大会, 2008
  • 軟骨細胞培養における担体の候補となるコンニャクグルコマンナンゲル, 第10回 群馬骨・軟骨代謝研究会, 2009
  • こんにゃくグルコマンナンのモル質量分析, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2015
  • アルカリ性でのコーンスターチ糊液の特性, 日本調理学会 平成26年度大会, 2014
  • Determination of Acetyl group in Konjac Glucomannan by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference ? Functional Hydrocolloids: The key to human health, 2014
  • コンニャクグルコマンナンのSEC-MALS分析, 群馬県分析研究会 第38回研究発表会, 2014
  • コンニャクグルコマンナンをコートした毛髪の表面分析, 群馬県分析研究会 第38回研究発表会, 2014
  • 可用性羊毛ケラテインの調製とキャラクタリゼーション, 群馬県分析研究会 第38回研究発表会, 2014
  • The way of controlling the bubble content in konjac products, XXIII IFHE World Congress 2016, 2016
  • Preparation and Bioactivity of Low Molar Mass Konjac Glucomannan, The 18th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference 23-26 June 2015, 2015
  • アルカリ性におけるコーンスターチゲルの特性, 日本家政学会第60回(平成27年度) 中部支部大会, 2015
  • X線光電子分光法による多糖類置換基の定量分析, 表面分析研究懇談会, 2015
  • 脂肪酸のクロマト分析, 群馬県分析研究会第40回研究発表会, 2016
  • こんにゃく飛粉および精粉の成分分析, 群馬県分析研究会第40回研究発表会, 2016
  • Synthesis of regenerated wool keratin filament, 日本MRS 第23回日本MRS年次大会, 2014
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble wool mole Keratein for hair care, 日本MRS 第23回日本MRS年次大会, 2014
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2014
  • 天蚕繭の色素とその光堅牢性, 群馬県分析研究会 第38回研究発表会, 2015
  • コンニャク溶液物性におよぼす分子量と添加物の効果, 群馬県分析研究会 第38回研究発表会, 2015
  • 高pHでのジャガイモ澱粉の糊化と糊液の特性, 日本調理科学会, 2018
  • コンニャクの科学, 高分子学会 エコマテリアル研究会, 2018
  • 高pHにおける澱粉の糊化, 日本調理科学会平成28年度大会, 2016
  • 高pHにおける澱粉の糊化, 日本調理科学会平成28年度大会, 2016
  • 高pHでの澱粉の老化, 日本調理科学会平成29年度大会, 2017
  • Chain Stiffness and Structure of Hyaluronan in aqueous Salt Solution, バイオレオロジー学会, 2003
  • Light Scattering Study of Betaine Oligomers with Fuluoroalkyl roup: Effect of Salt Concentration, 繊維学会, 2003
  • Protein-Polysaccharide Co-gel Formation Based on Gelatin and Schizophyllan, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • Effects of molecular weight on the coil to helix transition of sodium-type gellan gums in aqueous solutions, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004 第7回ハイドロコロイド国際会議2004, 2004
  • Field-flow Fractionation for Determining Macromolecular Characteristics of Natural Polysaccharides, 8th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2006
  • Effect of Gamma-irradiation on Characteristics of Konjac Mannan, MRS-J, 2005
  • Effects of Molar Mass on the Synergistic Interaction between Galactomannan and Xanthan, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • Effects of Urea and Guanidine Hydroxide on the Viscoelastisity of Hyaluronan aqueous Solutions, 日本バイオレオロジー学会, 2001
  • 分子量の異なるナトリウム型ジェランガムのゲル化初期過程, 日本MRS, 2002
  • Molecular Conformation of Gellan Gum, 2003
  • Changes in Rheological Properities of Xanthan Gum between Coil-Helix Transition, 日本レオロジー学会, 2004
  • CDによるナトリウム型ジェランガムの構造変化の追跡, 日本MRS, 2004
  • Helix-Coil Transition and Sol-Gel Transition in Gellan, ICBN 2003, 2003
  • Helix-Coil Transition in Polysaccharide Gels, International Symposium on Polysaccharide Engineering 2003, 2003
  • Effects of Adding Acids Before and After Gelatinization on the Viscoelasticity of Cornstarch Pastes, The 12th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2003
  • Helix-Coil Transition and Sol-Gel Transition, IUMRS-ICAM 2003, 2003
  • Effects of Gelation Rate on the Rheological Properties of Polysaccharides, ISSP International Workshop 5th Gel Symposium Polymer Gels, 2003
  • Effects of Molecular Weight (Molar Mass) on the Initial Stage of Gelation Process of Sodium-Type Gellan Gum in aqueous Solutions, ISSP International Workshop 5th Gel Symposium Polymer Gels, 2003
  • Effects of Molecular Weight (Molar Mass) on the Coil to Helix Transition of Sodium-type Gellan Gums in aqueous Solutions, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Polysaccharide Gellan Gum aqueous Solutions, IUPAC Polymer Conference 2002, 2002
  • Temperature-Induced Conformational Transition of Sodium-Gellan Gums with Different Molecular Weight (Molar Mass), 17th Bratislava International Conference on Macromolecules, 2003
  • Gelation of schizophyllan, 7th International Hydrocolloids Conference 2004, 2004
  • Effects of salts, sugar, and urea on the solution properties of hyaluronan aqueous solutions, ICCH conference, 1999
  • Solution properties of hydroxyprorylmethylcellulose in water, Cellulosic Polymer Conference, 2000
  • Conformational and rheological properties of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • Dilute Solution Properties of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • A Novel Method for Preparation of Low Molar Mass Konjac Glucomannan, The Food Hydrocolloids Trust 16th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2011
  • Influence of Molecular Structure Imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy on the Rheological Properties of Gellan Gum in an Aqueous System, GelSympo2007 Polymer Gels Fundamentals and Functional Control, 2007
  • Characterization of gamma-Irradiated Konjac Glucomannan by Light Scattering Probe Microscope, 日本MRS, 2008
  • Rheological Property of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan, 日本MRS, 2008
  • Solution properties of gamma-irradiated Konjac Mannan, 2008
  • Structural Formation of Methylcellulose, GelSympo 2009, 2009
  • Sol-Gel Transition of Sodium Gellan Gums with Different Molar Masses in Aqueous Solutions, The IUMRS International Conference in Asia 2008 (IUMRS-ICA 2008), 2008
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010
  • Observation of Molecular Chains of Hydrolyzed Konjac Glucomannan by Scanning Probe Microscope, MRS, 2009
  • Influence of molecular structure imaged with atomic force microscopy on the rheological behavior of gellan gum in an aqueous system, The Food Hydrocolloids Trust 14th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • Optimization of Experimental Parameters for the SFC Separation of Synthetic Polymers., SFC 2012 6th International Conference on Packed Column SFC, 2012
  • Preparation of CMC-acid gel and its applications, 15th Guma and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2009
  • FFF-MALS Study of Hyaluronan, Hyaluronan 2000, 2000
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer I, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • Effects of adding sucrose before or after gelatinization on the gel strength of cornstarch gels, ARAHE 17th Biennial International Congress 2013, 2013
  • Bioactivities of acid-modified konjac glucomannan I, China-Kunming International Symposium on Bioactive Natural Polysaccharides, 2011
  • Bioactivities of acid modified konjac glucomannan II, Bioacitive Natural Polysaccharides and Dietary Fibre: Structure, Bioactivity and Applications, 2011
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Wool for Hair Treatment, 第21回日本MRS学術シンポジウム 「エコイノベーションを切り拓く先進材料研究III」, 2011
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer II, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • Molar Mass and Particle Size Analyzer III, JAIMA EXPO 2011, 2011
  • Preparation and Characterization of Low Molar Mass Konjac Mannan, 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2010
  • Study on Sorbed Water in Konjac Glucomannan, MRS, 2005
  • Water binding properties of konjac glucomannan, The 14th Gums and Stabilisers for Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • Application of Silk Sericin for Novel Surface Modification of Polyester Fabrics, The 15th Chaina International Silk Conference, 2004
  • Study on Sorbed Water in Konjac Glucomannan, MRS, 2005
  • Effects of Bleaching and Permanent Waving Treatments on Chemical Structure of Human Hair, IFSCC, 2006
  • Gels Derived from Carboxymethylcallujose, The 14th Gums and Stabilisers for Food Industry Conference, 2007
  • Novel gels derived from carboxymethylcellulose, 9th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2008
  • Preparation and Characterization of Low Molar Mass Konjac Mannan, 15th Guma and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference, 2009
  • Determination of Acetyl group in Konjac Glucomannan by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference ? Functional Hydrocolloids: The key to human health, 2014
  • The way of controlling the bubble content in konjac products, XXIII IFHE World Congress 2016, 2016
  • Preparation and Bioactivity of Low Molar Mass Konjac Glucomannan, The 18th Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry Conference 23-26 June 2015, 2015
  • Synthesis of regenerated wool keratin filament, 日本MRS 第23回日本MRS年次大会, 2014
  • Preparation and Characterization of Soluble wool mole Keratein for hair care, 日本MRS 第23回日本MRS年次大会, 2014
  • Preparation and Characterization of Acid Hydrolysed Konjac Mannan, 12th International Hydrocolloids Conference, 2014
  • フードスキャナーの開発と食品成分の3次元分非破壊分析とコピー食品への適用の可能性, 高橋 亮, ISSEC Solutions Techno Management Consulting Seminar, Feb. 2019
  • おいしさの評価, 高橋 亮, CMCセミナー, Sep. 2018
  • 食感(テクスチャー)から考えるおいしさの分析法, 高橋 亮, 味覚センシング技術の開発とおいしさの定量化セミナー, Oct. 2019

Industrial Property Rights

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Research Projects

  • Competitive research funding
  • 必須項目の入力がありません, Competitive research funding

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