Researcher Database

Department of Mechanical Science and Technology
Last Updated :2024/03/29

Researcher Profile and Settings


  • Name

    NAKAZAWA Nobuaki

Profile and Settings

  • Name

    Nakazawa, Nobuaki

Foreign language

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  • Use in publication



  • Gunma University, Associate Professor


  • 1998, Tohoku University, Graduate School, Division of Information Science
  • 1993, Toyama University, Faculty of Engineering
  • 1998, Tohoku University
  • 1993, University of Toyama, Faculty of Engineering


  • Ph.D.

Association Memberships

  • IEEE

Research Experience

  • Gunma University, Associate Professor, Associate prof lecturer lv

Research Activities

Research Areas

  • Informatics, Robotics and intelligent systems
  • Informatics, Mechanics and mechatronics

Research Interests

  • Man-Machine System
  • Human Interface
  • Biomedical Motion Control

Research Themes

  • Development of PC operation interface based on acceleration of Human's gesture, Personal, 2001, -, Perception Information Processing/Intelligent Robotics, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
  • Characteristics of Human Grasping Motion, Grasping Motion,Force Sense,Robot Hand, Institutional Collaboration, Intelligent Mechanics/ Mechanical System, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
  • Study on suitable welfare assistance for drinking motions, Personal, 2006, -, Intelligent Informatics, Perception Information Processing/Intelligent Robotics, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research

Published Papers

  • Development of Autonomous Moving Robot Using Appropriate Technology for Tsukuba Challenge, Yuta Kanuki, Naoya Ohta, Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2023, J. Robot. Mechatron., 35, 2, 279, 287
  • Classification of mechanical properties of aluminum foam by machine learning, Yoshihiko Hangai, Kenji Okada, Yuuki Tanaka, Tsutomu Matsuura, Kenji Amagai, Ryosuke Suzuki, Nobuaki Nakazawa, 17 Dec. 2021, Mater. Trans., 63, 2, 257, 260, Scientific journal
  • Development of Automatic Chair Transport System – Chair Recognition and Approach Strategy –, Koshiro Miyauchi and Nobuaki Nakazawa, 20 Oct. 2021, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 33, 5, 1145, 1154, Scientific journal
  • A Novel Tactile Sensor for Palpation of Breast Cancer, F. Wang, M. Sekikawa, N. Nakazawa, 2018, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 2, 1, 49, 53
  • Behavior - Monitoring System for Infants Napping During Midday, Y. Tanaka, N. Nakazawa, Y. Shiraishi, K. Motegi, H. Watari, 2018, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 2, 3, 51, 55
  • Sleep-Monitoring System for Detecting Infant Behavior, Y. Tanaka, N. Nakazawa, Y. Shiraishi, K. Motegi, H. Watari, 2019, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 3, 1, 1, 6
  • 高齢者介護施設における夜間徘徊者の検出, 中沢信明, 2019, 3, 2, 8, 12
  • Facial Exercise Support Equipment for Prevention of Pulmonary Aspiration Using Mouth Pressure Fluctuation, A. Suzuki, N. Nakazawa, Y. Tanaka, F. Wang, T. Matsui, 2020, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 4, 1, 48, 52
  • Development of Training Software for Elderly Persons Practicing a Squat Exercise, N. Nakazawa, Y. Takigawa, T. Matsui, 2020, Journal of Mechanical and Electrical Intelligent System, 3, 1, 16, 21
  • Control of a robot hand emulating human's hand-over motion, NAKAZAWA NOBUAKI, Jan. 2002, Machatronics
  • スロープを横切る場面における車椅子使用時に感じる不安の推定, 山田 功 / 小寺 良宏 / 中沢 信明 / 細井 盛一 / 白倉 賢二 / 久田 信行, Jul. 2005, 71, 707, 235-243
  • 円柱物体に対する摘み動作 --母指の接触位置について--, 中沢 信明 / 吉原 由佳 / 藤ノ木 あゆみ / 松井 利一 / 伊藤 勳, Oct. 2005, Vol.41,No.5,pp.322-324
  • 円柱物体に対する摘み動作の実験的考察 --指先軌道特性と接触位置について--, 中沢 信明 / 吉原 由佳 / 藤ノ木 あゆみ / 松井 利一 / 山田 功 / 伊藤 勳, Apr. 2006, Vol.42,No.2
  • ジェスチャの手先加速度情報を利用したパソコンマウスカーソルの移動操作, 中沢 信明 / 松井 利一 / 伊藤 勳, Mar. 2004, Vol.40,No.3,pp.163-165
  • 摘み動作開始時における指先の挙動と役割, 中沢 信明, Jan. 2004, Vol.40,No.2,pp.67-73
  • 把持物体を置くときの衝撃特性 (把持力が衝撃特性へ及ぼす影響), 中沢 信明, Jun. 2001, 67/658,245-251
  • 人間の指先軌道特性と把持動作シミュレーション, 中沢 信明, May 2002, 68/669, 132-138
  • 頭部の傾きと口の開閉動作を利用したパソコン操作インタフェース, 中沢 信明 / 清水 政博 / 山田 功 / 松井 利一 / 伊藤 勳 , Dec. 2006, 72, 724, 198-204
  • スロープを下る場面における車いす使用時に感じる不安の推定, 山田 功 / 古瀧 和久 / 中沢 信明 / 坂下 裕矢 / 小寺 良宏 / 細井 盛一 / 白倉 賢二 / 久田 信行, Jan. 2007, 73, 725, 145-153
  • むだ時間系に対するロバスト安定化修正繰返し補償器のパラメトリゼーション, 山田功,萩原隆明,中沢信明,村上岩範,安藤嘉則,山本瞬,坂主樹哉,劉嘉偉, Nov. 2010, 76, 771, 2977-2984
  • A Design Method for Robust Stabilizing Modified Repetitive Controllers for Time-Delay Plants, Yoshinori Ando, Kou Yamada, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Takaaki Hagiwara, Iwanori Murakami, Shun Yamamoto, Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2010, Applied Mechanics and Materials
  • The parameterization of all robust stabilizing multi-period repetitive controllers for time-delay plants, T. Hagiwara, K. Yamada, N. Nakazawa, I. Murakami, Y. Ando, J. W. Liu, T. Sakanushi, Dec. 2009, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS JAPAN
  • 啜り飲み動作の実験的考察 -把持したカップと頭部の動き-, 中沢 信明, 伊藤 孝祐,松井 利一, 王 鋒,山田 功, Dec. 2010, 46, 6
  • Development of an Interface Based on Mouth Open/Close Motions, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Toshikazu Matsui, and Kou Yamada, Oct. 2010, Applied Mechanics and Materials
  • Compensation of torque ripple in high performance BLDC motor drives, Ilhwan Kim, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Sungsoo Kim, Chanwon Parka and Chansu Yu, Jul. 2010, Control Engineering Practice
  • An application of the parameterization of all multi-period repetitive controllers for reduction of rotational unevenness in motors, Kou Yamada, Takaaki Hagiwara, Yoshinori Ando, Iwanori Murakami, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Jia Wei Liu, and Tatsuya Sakanushi, Apr. 2010, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
  • Validation of Human Three-Joint Arm’s Optimal Control Method with Hand-Jont’s Feedback Mechanism Based on Reproducing Constrained Reaching Movements', Toshikazu Matsui, and Nobuaki Nakazawa, Jun. 2011, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering
  • Development of Character Input System Based on Head Tilting and Breathing Actions'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Ilhwan Kim, Toshikazu Matsui, Kou Yamada, Sep. 2011, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods
  • Development of Skin-Attached Interface for Operation of Meal Support Equipment'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Ilhwan Kim, Feng Wang, Kou Yamada, Nov. 2011, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods
  • Recognition of Face Orientations Based on Nostril Feature, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Takashi Mori, Aya Maeda, Il-Hwan Kim. Toshikazu Matsui, and Kou Yamada, Jan. 2012, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics
  • Mouth and Nostril Detection based on Facial Skin Color Distribution Color Distribution, Bo Peng, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Motohiro Kano, Dec. 2017, International Journal of New Technology and Research
  • 福祉機器のヒューマンインタフェース (特集 生活支援機器・医療機器の開発), 中沢信明, 2017, 25, 3, 15-20
  • Recognition of Nostril Position Based on Skin Color Distribution, Bo Peng, Motohiro Kano, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Feng Wang, Yusaku Fujii, Takao Yamaguchi, and Toshikazu Matsui, 2017, Journal of Technology and Social Science
  • Study on Mouth Gymnastics for Orbicularis Oris Muscle, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Shinnosuke Segawa, Nao Ozawa, Yuki Haruyama, Ilhwan Kim, and Yusaku Fujii, 2017, Journal of Technology and Social Science
  • Human Interface Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Shinnosuke Segawa, Nao Ozawa, Yuki Haruyama, Ilhwan Kim, and Yusaku Fujii, 2017, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineerin
  • 福祉ロボットとヒューマンインタフェース, 中沢信明, 2016, 19, 9, 389-393
  • Enhanced Method for Face Detection Based on Feature Color, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Motohiro Kano, and Toshikazu Matsui, 2016, Journal of Image and Graphics
  • 全方向電動車いすを利用した掲示物閲覧支援システム, 中沢信明, 上野湧紀, 沼田千紘, 松井利一, Nov. 2015, 12, 4, 148-151
  • 瞼の形状近似を利用した操作インタフェースの開発, 中沢 信明, 瀬川 辰之佑, 村川 裕紀, 松井 利一, Nov. 2015, 12, 4, 124-131
  • Extension of the Upper Extremity with Shoulder Movements, Nakazawa, Nobuaki; Matsui, Toshikazu, 2015, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research
  • Mental rotation 反応時間と利き目の関係, 原 大地,山口 俊輔,下田 佳央莉,勝山 しおり,増田 樹,十枝 はるか,中沢 信明,李 範爽,外里 冨佐江, 2014, 64, 1, 37-42
  • Experimental Study on Gazing Actions for Intuitive Man-machine Interface, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Ilhwan Kim, Yuuki Tanaka, and Toshikazu Matsui, Dec. 2013, International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering
  • Three-Dimensional Measurement of Nostril Positions Based on Stereo-Camera, Bo Peng, Motohiro Kano, and Nobuaki Nakazawa, Oct. 2013, Advanced Materials Research
  • 独立成分分析を用いた睡眠時呼吸心拍信号のリアルタイム計測, 久保山敬介, 王鋒,松本浩樹,中沢信明, 2013, 21, 2, 140-145
  • Welfare support-equipment for character input with head tilting and breathing, Nobuaki Nakazawa; Kou Yamada; Toshikazu Matsui; Isao Itoh , Mar. 2006, Mechatronics, MEMS, and Smart Materials
  • Psychological evaluations of fusion motions emulating exercises of human's arm extension with shoulder movements , N. Nakazawa, M. Tanaka, T. Matsui, K. Yamada, I. Itoh, Jan. 2005, RO-MAN 2004. 13th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (IEEE Catalog No.04TH8759)
  • Hand-free interface based on facial orientations , Nobuaki Nakazawa, Takashi Mori, Ilhwan Kim, Toshikazu Matsui, Kou Yamada, Aya Maeda, Dec. 2012, IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • Development of Gazing Interface for Operation of a Page Turner Machine , Nobuaki Nakazawa, Ilhwan Kim, Hiroki Murakawa, Toshikazu Matsui, Jan. 2014, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
  • Quantitative evaluation of human rising movements from chair in terms of physical strain imposed on joints , Kazunori Wada, Keisuke Hagiwara, Toshikazu Matsui, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Apr. 2013, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO)
  • Welfare Support Interface for PC Mouse Operations Using Mouth Open/Close Motions and Head Tilting, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Naoto Hashimoto, Kou Yamada, Jan. 2009, 2008 34th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics
  • Welfare Support-Equipment for Operations of Personal Computer with Head Tilting and Mouth Open-Close Motions, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Toshikazu Matsui, Kou Yamada, Jul. 2007, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
  • Path Planning of Grippers Modeled After Human Grasping Motions, N. Nakazawa, S. Kajikawa, H. Inooka, R. Ikeura, Aug. 2002, 2000 26th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • Experimental study on human's grasping force, N. Nakazawa, Y. Uekita, H. Inooka, R. Ikeura, Aug. 2002, Proceedings 5th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication. RO-MAN'96 TSUKUBA
  • Force control of a robot hand emulating human's grasping motion, N. Nakasawa, Il-Hwan Kim, H. Inooka, R. Ikeura, Aug. 2002, IEEE SMC'99 Conference Proceedings. 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Cat. No.99CH37028)
  • Force Control of a Robot Gripper Based on Human Grasping Schemes, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Il-hwan Kim, Hikaru Inooka, Ryojun Ikeura, Apr. 2001, Control Engineering Practice
  • Development of Welfare Support-Equipment for Personal Computer Operation with Head Tilting and Breathing, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Toshikazu Matsui, Kou Yamada, Jul. 2007, 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems, Kou Yamada, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Iwanori Murakami, Yoshinori Ando, Takaaki Hagiwara, Shun Yamamoto, Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyen, and Tatsuya Sakanushi, Sep. 2011, Key Engineering Materials
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems with the specified frequency characteristic , Zhongxiang Chena, Kou Yamada, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Iwanori Murakami, Yoshinori Ando, Tatsuya Sakanushi, Takaaki Hagiwara, Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyen, and Shun Yamamoto, Oct. 2012, Key Engineering Materials
  • Development of an Intuitive Interface for PC Mouse Operation Based on Both Arms Gesture, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Toshikazu Matsui and Yusaku Fujii, Jul. 2017, Journal of Software
  • 人間の把持特性の実験的考察 -把持物体を置く場合-, 中沢 信明, 池浦 良淳, 猪岡 光, Sep. 1996, 32, 5, 223-229
  • 人間の指先のせん断方向粘弾性特性, 中沢 信明, 池浦 良淳, 猪岡 光, Feb. 1998, 64, 624, 292-298
  • 人間の指関節のインピーダンス特性, 中沢 信明, 植北 祥充, 池浦 良淳, 猪岡光, Aug. 2000, 66, 641, 214-219
  • 把持動作における指先軌道の実験的考察, 中沢 信明, 梶川 伸哉, 猪岡 光, 池浦良淳, Jan. 2000, 36, 1, 19-27
  • Characteristics of human fingertips in the shearing direction, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Ryojun Ikeura, Hikaru Inooka, Oct. 2000, Biological Cybernetics
  • Control of a robot hand emulating human's hand-over motion, Il-hwan Kim, Nobuaki Nakazawa, Hikaru Inooka, Oct. 2002, Mechatronics
  • Experimental Study on Human's Drinking Motions : Tilting Motions of Grasped Cup and Head, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;ITOH Tadasuke;MATSUI Toshikazu;WANG Feng;YAMADA Kou, Dec. 2010, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 46, 6, 389, 392
  • Compensation of torque ripple in high performance BLDC motor drives, Kim, Ilhwan;Nakazawa, Nobuaki;Kim, Sungsoo;Park, Chanwon;Yu, Chansu, 2010, CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, 18, 10, 1166, 1172
  • An application of the parametrization of all multi-period repetitive controllers for reduction of rotational unevenness in motors, Yamada, Kou;Hagiwara, Takaaki;Ando, Yoshinori;Murakami, Iwanori;Nakazawa, Nobuaki;Liu, Jia Wei;Sakanushi, Tatsuya, 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS, 33, 3-4, 1503, 1511
  • Classification of Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Foam by Machine Learning, Hangai, Yoshihiko;Okada, Kenji;Tanaka, Yuuki;Matsuura, Tsutomu;Amagai, Kenji;Suzuki, Ryosuke;Nakazawa, Nobuaki, 2022, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 63, 2, 257, 260
  • Experimental study on path planning of fingertips in human grasping motion, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;KAJIKAWA Shinya;INOOKA Hikaru;IKEURA Ryojun, Feb. 2000, The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 36, 1, 19, 27
  • Characteristics of human grasping motion based on slip sense of finger, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;INOOKA Hikaru;MATSUI Toshikazu;IKEURA Ryojun, Jun. 2000, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 36, 566, 567
  • Behavior and role of the fingertips in the beginning of human grasping motion, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MIURA Kanako;INOOKA Hikaru, Apr. 2004, The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 40, 2, 67, 73
  • Operation of PC mouse cursor using acceleration of human's gesture, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, Jun. 2004, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 40, 3, 163, 165
  • Experimental study on precision grasp with respect to a cylindrical object : Path planning and contacted position of digits, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;YOSHIHARA Yuka;FUJINOKI Ayumi;MATSUI Toshikazu;YAMADA Kou;ITOH Isao, Apr. 2006, The Japanese journal of ergonomics, 42, 2, 98, 104
  • Real-Time Detection of Respiration and Heartbeat Signals during Sleep Using ICA, KUBOYAMA Keisuke;WANG Feng;MATSUMOTO Hiroki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2013, Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 21, 2, 140, 145
  • Simulations of Path Planning Emulating Human's Grasping Motions, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;KAJIKAWA Shinya;INOOKA Hikaru;IKEURA Ryojun, May 2002, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 68, 669, 1474, 1480
  • Characteristics of Impact Force in Placing Motion (Influence of Grasping Force on Characteristics of Impact Force), NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;IKEURA Ryojun;INOOKA Hikaru, Jun. 2001, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 67, 658, 1941, 1947
  • 308 Characteristics of Impact Force in Placing Motion, KOGA Shinji;INOOKA Hikaru;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2000, The Proceedings of Conference of Tohoku Branch, 2000, 0, 94, 95
  • 208 Path Planning for Manipulators Based on Human's Grasping Schemes, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2001, 2001, 59, 60
  • Experimental Study on Human Upper Limb with Shoulder Movement, TANAKA Masaru;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2003, 2003, 233, 234
  • 745 Development of Character Input Support-Equipment by Tilting of a Head and Breathing, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;TAKIZAWA Hideyuki;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2004, The Proceedings of the Dynamics & Design Conference, 2004, 0, _745, 1_-_745-5_
  • Interface for Operating a Personal Computer with Head Tilting and Mouth Open/Close Motions, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;SHIMIZU Masahiro;YAMADA Kou;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, Dec. 2006, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C, 73, 724, 3892, 3898
  • Estimation of a Declivity Angle for Human to Feel the Anxiety in the Case of Going Down Slopes using Wheelchair, YAMADA Kou;KOTAKI Kazuhisa;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;SAKASHITA Yuya;KODERA Yoshihiro;HOSOI Seiichi;SHIRAKURA Kenji;HISATA Nobuyuki, Jan. 2007, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers C, 73, 725, 145, 153
  • 206 Development of input support interface for operating a personal computer with head tilting and breathing, SHIMIZU Masahiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2005, 2005, 55, 56
  • Estimation of Anxiety at Utilization of Wheelchair in the Case of Crossing the Slopes, YAMADA Kou;KODERA Yoshihiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;HOSOI Seiichi;SHIRAKURA Kenji;HISATA Nobuyuki, Jul. 2005, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series C., 71, 707, 2337, 2345
  • 421 Palmar and dorsi flexions in grasping motions, FUJINOKI Ayumi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2006, 2006, 227, 228
  • 422 Estimation model for contacting points of fingertips in grasping motions, YOSHIHARA Yuka;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2006, 2006, 229, 230
  • OS0202 Characteristics of grasping motions with palmar and dorsi flexions, ABE Shouta;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;YAMADA Kou, 2009, 2009, 45, 46
  • OS0203 Path planning of human's passing through a door, IWATA Tomoyuki;SHIBAMIYA Yasuaki;IIZUKA Mayu;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2009, 2009, 47, 48
  • OS0204 Development of PC interface based on mouth open/close motions, SHIMADA Kengo;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2009, 2009, 49, 50
  • OS0205 Development of recognition system for face direction using image processing, KANESAWA Masanori;ISHIKAWA Hiroshi;IIZUKA Shinya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;YAMADA Kou;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2009, 2009, 51, 52
  • OS0219 Motion planning of Humanoid robot for climbing up a ladder : Stability of body posture considering a moment, MUGURUMA Hiroki;YAMAGUCHI Kaori;KAMEYAMA Takeshi;ARAI Tatsuya;SHIBAMIYA Yasuaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2009, 2009, 269, 270
  • The Parameterization of All Robust Stabilizing Modified Repetitive Controllers for Time-Delay Plants(Mechanical Systems), YAMADA Kou;HAGIWARA Takaaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MURAKAMI Iwanori;ANDO Yoshinori;YAMAMOTO Shun;SAKANUSHI Tatsuya;LIU Jia Wei, 2010, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 76, 771, 2977, 2984
  • 2P1-A09 Experimental study on human's drinking motions : Path planning of grasped cup, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;FUJINOKI Ayumi;YOSHIHARA Yuka;YAMADA Kou;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2006, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2006, 0, _2P1, A09_1-_2P1-A09_2
  • 1A2-E04 An approximation model for trajectories of human digits with Bezier curve, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;YAMADA Kou, 2007, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2007, 0, _1A2, E04_1-_1A2-E04_2
  • 1A1-I24 An approximation model for trajectories of human digits in grasping a cylindrical object, NAKAI Atsushi;YOKOYAMA Satoki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _1A1, I24_1-_1A1-I24_2
  • 2P1-F14 Humanoid motions of climbing up and down a ladder : The 2nd report: Motion planning of climbing down a ladder using force sensor, ARAI Tatsuya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _2P1, F14_1-_2P1-F14_2
  • 2P1-F15 Humanoid motions of climbing up and down a ladder : The 1st report: Motion planning of climbing up a ladder using force sensor, SHIBAMIYA Yasuaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _2P1, F15_1-_2P1-F15_3
  • 2P2-E02 Development of PC operation interface based on head tilting and mouth open/close motions, HASHIMOTO Naoto;TAKEUCHI Syuhei;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _2P2, E02_1-_2P2-E02_3
  • 2P2-E03 Development of Human-Machine interface based on mouth open/close motions, SATOH Fumitoshi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _2P2, E03_1-_2P2-E03_3
  • 2P2-E04 Development of joystick for operation of Multi-DOF-Robot, ISHIKAWA Hiroshi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2008, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2008, 0, _2P2, E04_1-_2P2-E04_3
  • 210 Development of a Fingertip Operational Interface Based on Image Processing, Abe,Ryuhei;Kanesawa,Masanori;Nakazawa,Nobuaki, Sep. 2011, 2011, 63, 64
  • 211 Motion Planning of Obstacle Avoidance for Auto Wheel Chair, Tomioka,Ryo;Nakazawa,Nobuaki, Sep. 2011, 2011, 65, 66
  • 212 Construction of recognition system for face orientations based on nostril images, Mori,Takashi;Maeda,Aya;Nakazawa,Nobuaki, Sep. 2011, 2011, 67, 68
  • 213 Development of Human Interface Based on Mouth Shape, Murakawa,Hiroki;Nakazawa,Nobuaki, Sep. 2011, 2011, 69, 70
  • 2P2-O13 Recognition of Face Orientations Based on Nostril Feature(Sense, Motion and Measurement), NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MORI Takashi;MAEDA Aya;IWATA Tomoyuki, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2P2-O13_1, _2P2-O13_3
  • 2P2-O14 Three-Dimensional Measurement of Facial Feature Points Based on Stereo-Camera(Sense, Motion and Measurement), KANO Motohiro;ABE Shota;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2011, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2011, 0, _2P2-O14_1, _2P2-O14_2
  • 2A1-C06 Auto Running Control of Auto-Wheel Chair Using a Detection of Ceiling Lines(Sense, Motion and Measurement(1)), MORI Takashi;MIYAHARA Masakazu;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2A1-C06_1, _2A1-C06_2
  • 2A1-C07 System Constructions of Page Turning Machine by Gazing Actions(Sense, Motion and Measurement(1)), Murakawa Hiroki;Takahashi Mika;Iizuka Shinya;Nakazawa Nobuaki, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2A1-C07_1, _2A1-C07_3
  • 2A1-C08 Development of Interface for Electric Wheelchair Based on Nostril Feature(Sense, Motion and Measurement(1)), MAEDA Aya;MORI Takashi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2A1-C08_1, _2A1-C08_3
  • 2A1-C09 A Perspective on Measurement and Evaluation of Face Movements(Sense, Motion and Measurement(1)), NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;KANO Motohiro;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2012, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2012, 0, _2A1-C09_1, _2A1-C09_2
  • 2A1-G06 Velocity control of leading robot based on personal space sense(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), SUDO Kenta;TOMIOKA Ryo;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013, 0, _2A1-G06_1, _2A1-G06_2
  • 2A2-H05 Operation of page turning machine baced on eyelid shape recognition : Shape approximation of eyelid using Bezier curve(Sense, Motion and Measurement (2)), Murakawa Hiroki;Ishibashi Michiko;Takahashi Mika;Nakazawa Nobuaki, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013, 0, _2A2-H05_1, _2A2-H05_3
  • 2P1-H04 Acceleration and deceleration operation of electric wheelchair using face orientation(Sense, Motion and Measurement (3)), UENO Yuki;MORI Takashi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013, 0, _2P1-H04_1, _2P1-H04_2
  • 2A1-G05 Mouse operation based on sliding motions of sole thenar(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), YANAGISAWA Masato;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013, 0, _2A1-G05_1, _2A1-G05_2
  • 2A2-H02 Position Measurement of Facial Feature Points in Three Dimensional Space(Sense, Motion and Measurement (2)), KURIHARA Youichi;KANOU Motohiro;YANO Hirohisa;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2013, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2013, 0, _2A2-H02_1, _2A2-H02_2
  • 3A1-O06 Study on human's approaching motion to leading robot(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), Saka Hiroaki;Sudo Kenta;Suzuki Yuri;Tabeta Keiya;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matsui Toshikazu, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014, 0, _3A1-O06_1, _3A1-O06_3
  • 3A1-P01 Motion Planning of Mobile Robot for Tracking a Human(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), TABETA Keiya;SUDO Kenta;SUZUKI Yuri;SAKA Hiroaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014, 0, _3A1-P01_1, _3A1-P01_3
  • 3A1-P02 Development of gazing interface based on approximate shape of eyelid(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), Segawa Shinnosuke;Murakawa Hiroki;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matsui Toshikazu, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014, 0, _3A1-P02_1, _3A1-P02_3
  • 3P2-N05 Measurement of skin softness with contacting motions with fingertips(Sense, Motion and Measurement (3)), Peng Bo;Sakamoto Takahiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;KANO Motohiro;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014, 0, _3P2-N05_1, _3P2-N05_3
  • 3A1-O05 Construction of notices reading system by omnidirectional wheelchair(Sense, Motion and Measurement (1)), UENO Yuki;NUMATA Chihiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2014, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2014, 0, _3A1-O05_1, _3A1-O05_2
  • 1P1-H01 Study on Recognition of Gazing Direction Using Eyelid Shape, Segawa Shinnosuke;Shimizu Takuya;Otake Yuki;Nakazawa Nobuaki, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _1P1-H01_1, _1P1-H01_2
  • 1P1-H04 Development of Interface Using Hand Trajectory, SAKA Hiroaki;AOKI Erika;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _1P1-H04_1, _1P1-H04_2
  • 1P2-K07 Study on Facial Gymnastics Training Using Game Operations, IMAI Mizuki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _1P2-K07_1, _1P2-K07_2
  • 2A1-J01 Study on Assist System of Transfer Motion for Bed User, SATO Toshiya;UENO Yuki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _2A1-J01_1, _2A1-J01_3
  • 2A1-J02 Study on Foot Device for Character Input, SEKIGUCHI Masaru;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _2A1-J02_1, _2A1-J02_2
  • 2P1-W03 Study on Automatical Surface Check of Gear Parts, HOSHINO Takehiko;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2015, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2015, 0, _2P1-W03_1, _2P1-W03_3
  • Validation of Human Three-Joint Arm's Optimal Control Model with Hand-Joint's Feedback Mechanism Based on Reproducing Constrained Reaching Movements, MATSUI Toshikazu;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2011, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 6, 1, 49, 62
  • The Reaction Time of Mental Rotation Influenced by the Dominant Eye, Hara Daichi;Yamaguchi Shunsuke;Shimoda Kaori;Katsuyama Shiori;Masuda Tatsuki;Toeda Haruka;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Lee Bumsuk;Tozato Fusae, 2014, The Kitakanto Medical Journal, 64, 1, 37, 42
  • Experimental study on contacting points of fingertips in grasping motions, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Yoshihara Yuka;Fujinoki Ayumi;Matsui Toshikazu;Itoh Isao, 2005, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 41, 0, 138, 139
  • Experimental study on precision grasp with respect to a cylindrical object-Path planning and contacted position of digits-:Path planning and contacted position of digits, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;YOSHIHARA Yuka;FUJINOKI Ayumi;MATSUI Toshikazu;YAMADA Kou;ITOH Isao, 2006, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 42, 2, 98, 104
  • Experimental study on human's grasping motions with palmar and dorsi flexions, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Fujinoki Ayumi;Yoshihara Yuka;Yamada Kou;Matsui Toshikazu, 2007, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 43, 248, 249
  • Experimantal study on path planning of fingertips in human grasping motion., NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;KAJIKAWA Shinya;INOOKA Hikaru;IKEURA Ryojun, 2000, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 36, 1, 19, 27
  • Extension exercise of upper limb with movement of shoulder, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Tanaka Masaru;Okizono Hideaki;Matsui Toshikazu;Itoh Isao, 2004, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 40, 498, 499
  • Extension exercise of upper limb with movement of shoulder, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Tanaka Masaru;Okizono Hideaki;Matsui Toshikazu;Itoh Isao, 2004, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 40, 504, 505
  • Behavior and role of the fingertips in the beginning of human grasping motion, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MIURA Kanako;INOOKA Hikaru, 2004, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 40, 2, 67, 73
  • Precision grasping with respect to a cylindrical object, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;YOSHIHARA Yuka;FUJINOKI Ayumi;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2005, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 41, 5, 322, 324
  • Experimental study on palmar and dorsi flexions in grasping motions, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;FUJINOKI Ayumi;YOSHIHARA Yuka;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2006, The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics, 42, 74, 75
  • Interface for Operating a Personal Computer with Head Tilting and Mouth Open/Close Motions, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;SHIMIZU Masahiro;YAMADA Kou;MATSUI Toshikazu;ITOH Isao, 2006, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 72, 724, 3892, 3898
  • Estimation of a Declivity Angle for Human to Feel the Anxiety in the Case of Going Down Slopes using Wheelchair, YAMADA Kou;KOTAKI Kazuhisa;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;SAKASHITA Yuya;KODERA Yoshihiro;HOSOI Seiichi;SHIRAKURA Kenji;HISATA Nobuyuki, 2007, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 73, 725, 145, 153
  • Estimation of Anxiety at Utilization of Wheelchair in the Case of Crossing the Slopes, YAMADA Kou;KODERA Yoshihiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;HOSOI Seiichi;SHIRAKURA Kenji;HISATA Nobuyuki, 2005, TRANSACTIONS OF THE JAPAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Series C, 71, 707, 2337, 2345
  • The Parametrization of All Robust Stabilizing Multi-Period Repetitive Controllers for Time-Delay Plants, HAGIWARA Takaaki;YAMADA Kou;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MURAKAMI Iwanori;ANDO Yoshinori;LIU Jia Wei;SAKANUSHI Tatsuya, 2010, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan, 58, 0, 285, 293
  • The parametrization of all robust stabilizing multi-period repetitive controllers for time-delay plants, Hagiwara Takaaki;Yamada Kou;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Murakami Iwanori;Ando Yoshinori;Liu Jia Wei;Sakanushi Tatsuya, 2009, NCTAM papers, National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Japan, 58, 0, 17, 17
  • Experimental study on contacting points of fingertips in grasping motions, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Yoshihara Yuka;Fujinoki Ayumi;Matsui Toshikazu;Itoh Isao, 2005, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, 41, 0, 138, 139
  • Experimental study on palmar and dorsi flexions in grasping motions, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Fujinoki Ayumi;Yoshihara Yuka;Matsui Toshikazu, 2006, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, 42, 0, 74, 75
  • Experimental study on human's grasping motions with palmar and dorsi flexions, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Fujinoki Ayumi;Yoshihara Yuka;Yamada Kou;Matsui Toshikazu, 2007, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Japan Ergonomics Society, 43, 0, 248, 249
  • Welfare Robot and Human Interface, Nakazawa Nobuaki, 2016, Journal of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging, 19, 6, 389, 393
  • Development of Operational Interface Using Approximation of Eyelid Shape, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Segawa Shin-nosuke;Murakawa Hiroki;Matsui Toshikazu, 2015, Journal of Life Support Engineering, 27, 4, 124, 131
  • Notices Reading Support System Using Omnidirectional Electric Wheelchair, Nakazawa Nobuaki;Ueno Yuki;Numata Chihiro;Matsui Toshikazu, 2015, Journal of Life Support Engineering, 27, 4, 148, 151
  • Human Interface for Welfare Equipment, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2017, Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 25, 3, 313, 318
  • Study on automatic surface check of gear parts, YOSHIDA Toshihiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P1-B01
  • Development of communication aid based on special feature of iris, Haruyama Yuki;Ozawa Nao;Segawa Shin-nosuke;Takahashi Noriyuki;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matui Toshikazu, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P1-M12
  • Construction of training support system for orbicularis oris muscle based on mouth pressure fluctuation, SUZUKI Akira;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P1-L12
  • Discrimination of Kinect operator by using template matching, TAKIGAWA Yuto;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P1-L10
  • Study on recognition of face directions based on nostril images, AIKAWA Shinnosuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P1-L11
  • Development of pointing device based on multi-finger motions, AGEMATSU Hajime;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P2-L09
  • Development of interface by detecting movements of skin surface from optical flow, TOYAMA Tsukasa;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P2-L07
  • Development of consumer electronics devices operation system based on mouth of open/close motions, WAKATA Tomoya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2017, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2017, 0, 2P2-L08
  • A Study on the First Contact Force of Fingertips in Grasping, Nakazawa N.;Miura K.;Inooka H., 2002, SICE Division Conference Program and Abstracts, 2002, 0, 435, 435
  • Operation of PC mouse cursor by using simple human’s gesture, Nakazawa N.;Mitomi T.;Matsui T.;Itoh I., 2002, SICE Division Conference Program and Abstracts, 2002, 0, 439, 439
  • Study on Assist System of Transfer Motion with Sliding Sheet, SATO Toshiya;WAKATA Tomoya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of Ibaraki District Conference, 2016.24, 0, 503
  • Recognition of face orientation based on nostril images, ONOSE Syunsuke;AIKAWA Shinnosuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2016, The Proceedings of Ibaraki District Conference, 2016.24, 0, 508
  • A Construction on facial recognition system based on color information, Saitoh Takumi;Kano Motohiro;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matsui Toshikazu;Fujii Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of Ibaraki District Conference, 2016.24, 0, 509
  • Development of PC mouse operation interface based on upper limb motions, OKUSHIMA Ryosuke;SAKA Hiroaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of Ibaraki District Conference, 2016.24, 0, 507
  • Construction of facial practice support system using mouth pressure fluctuation, SUZUKI Akira;IMAI Mizuki;CHIBA Akifumi;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1P1-13a4
  • Study on facial recognition based on color information, Saitoh Takumi;Kano Motohiro;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matsui Toshikazu;Fujii Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1P1-13a5
  • Development of non-contact interface based on eyelid shape and iris position, Ozawa Nao;Segawa Shin-nosuke;Haruyama Yuki;Takahashi Noriyuki;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Fujii Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1P1-11b3
  • Construction of Gazing Input System Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, Segawa Shin-nosuke;Ozawa Nao;Haruyama Yuki;Takahashi Noriyuki;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Fujii Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1P1-11b5
  • Development of Interface Based on Nostril Area, AIKAWA Shinnosuke;ONOSE Syunsuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1P1-12a2
  • Development of hands-free interface based on mouth of open/close motions, Wakata Tomoya;Sato Toshiya;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matsui Toshikazu;Fujii Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-13a2
  • Operation of the auto wheelchair using movement of knee and toe, ONOSE Shunsuke;SEKIGUCHI Masaru;AIKAWA Shinnosuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-13a7
  • Development of an interface based on special feature of iris, Haruyama Yuki;Segawa Shin-nosuke;Ozawa Nao;Takahashi Noriyuki;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Matui Toshikazu, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-13a4
  • Study on sensing technology of tilting of head, Miyashita Kanako;Muto Tetsuji;Motegi Kazuhiro;Nakazawa Nobuaki, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-11b3
  • Development of Operation Interface Based on Upper limb motions, OKUSHIMA Ryosuke;SAKA Hiroaki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-11b7
  • Study on Assist System for Bed User with Omnidirectional Wheelchair, SATO Toshiya;WAKATA Tomoya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-12b2
  • Development of interface using movement of knee and toe, SEKIGUCHI Masaru;ONOSE Shunsuke;AIKAWA Shinnosuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu;FUJII Yusaku, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 1A2-12a2
  • Study on automatic surface check of gear parts, YOSHIDA Toshihiro;HOSHINO Takehiko;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2016, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2016, 0, 2P1-08b6
  • Construction of detection system for wonderer in a building, NISHIMORI Masaru;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019, 0, 2A2-N02
  • Detection of nostril position based on shade of color, ABE Kazuki;KAWASHIMA Tetsuya;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019, 0, 2A2-N03
  • Development of system for people counting by image sequence processing, MASUDA Kenta;TOYAMA Tsukasa;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019, 0, 2A2-M09
  • Development of Line-of-sight System without Calibration, HENMI Kazuhiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MATSUI Toshikazu, 2019, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2019, 0, 2A2-N01
  • Construction of automatic chair transport system, MIYAUCHI Koshiro;ABE Kazuki;KANEKO Yoshihiro;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 1P1-J02
  • Face position detection using color information, OHNO Yuka;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 1P1-O02
  • Building the system for inventory management of products by using a camera, TABATA Ryo;HOSOYA Tetsuo;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 2A1-A07
  • Study on Effect of Balustrade in Squat Exercise, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;HIGASHIYAMA Ryota;SUZUKI Akira, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 1P2-M15
  • Detecting Animals in Moving Images by Using Optical Flow, SEKIGUCHI Yuki;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;Oku Hiroyuki, 2020, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 2P1-N05
  • Development of non-contact interface based on slight displacement of thumb, Saiki Yuto;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Ohta Naoya, 2020, Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 63, 0, 163, 165
  • Human Detection in Restricted Area at Construction Site, Momozaki Toshiki;Kimura Kazuki;Abe Tetsuya;Fujie Shinnosuke;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Ohta Naoya, 2020, Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 63, 0, 166, 168
  • Development of Automatic Chair Transport System - Chair Recognition and Approach Strategy –, Miyauchi Koshiro;Nakazawa Nobuaki, Oct. 2021, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 33, 5, 1145, 1154
  • Study on Mechanical Effect of Footrest Height on Sitting Posture, Sakuma Yoshinori;Imai Shuta;Nakazawa Nobuaki;Okamoto Shinya;Fukuda Hisato;Iwase Tsutomu;Nakamura Shunpei;Ido Norio;Matsuo Noriyoshi, 2021, Proceedings of the Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference, 64, 0, 676, 678
  • Construction of Non-Contact Type Nurse Call System Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, MOCHIHASHI Shota;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 0, 2P2-I15
  • Motion Detection at Construction Sites Based on Angle Distribution of Optical Flow, ABE Tetsuya;MOMOZAKI Toshiki;FUJIE Shinnosuke;NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;OHTA Naoya, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 0, 2P3-J08
  • Analysis on Chewing and Swallowing Motions Based on Feature points of Throat, NAKAZAWA Nobuaki;MORI Yuki;OHTA Naoya, 2021, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2021, 0, 2P3-J15
  • Classification of Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Foam by Machine Learning, Hangai Yoshihiko;Okada Kenji;Tanaka Yuuki;Matsuura Tsutomu;Amagai Kenji;Suzuki Ryosuke;Nakazawa Nobuaki, Feb. 2022, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 63, 2, 257, 260
  • 全方向電動車いすを利用した掲示物閲覧支援システム, ;;;, Dec. 2015, 27, 4, 148
  • 椅子からの立ち上がり動作最適制御モデルを用いた転倒動作の理論的再現, ;;, Dec. 2015, 115, 383, 43
  • 椅子から立ち上がる際の転倒動作予測における膝関節トルクの影響, ;;, Mar. 2016, 115, 513, 39
  • 神経難病患者のための視線スイッチの開発 視線による意思伝達装置「話想」の操作, ;;;;, Nov. 2016, 4, 1, 75
  • ヒト3関節腕到達運動における手関節フリージング制御戦略, ;;;, Sep. 2017, 2017, 245
  • 臀部滑り込みシートを用いた移乗動作の検討, ;;;;, Sep. 2016, 2016, 335
  • ヒト3関節腕の到達運動における手関節制御戦略とそのモデル, ;;;, Sep. 2016, 2016, 503


  • Three-Dimensional Measurement of Nostril Positions Based on Stereo-Camera, Bo Peng,Motohiro Kano,Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2013, ADVANCES IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS III, PTS 1 AND 2, 821-822, 80, 1470, +
  • Three-Dimensional Measurement of Nostril Positions Based on Stereo-Camera, Bo Peng,Motohiro Kano,Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2013, ADVANCES IN TEXTILE ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS III, PTS 1 AND 2, 821-822, 80, 1470, +
  • Development of an Interface Based on Mouth Open/Close Motions, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2010, PRECISION INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 36, 228, +
  • Compensation of torque ripple in high performance BLDC motor drives, Ilhwan Kim,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Sungsoo Kim,Chanwon Park,Chansu Yu, Oct. 2010, CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, 18, 10, 1166, 1172
  • Compensation of torque ripple in high performance BLDC motor drives, Ilhwan Kim,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Sungsoo Kim,Chanwon Park,Chansu Yu, Oct. 2010, CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE, 18, 10, 1166, 1172
  • An application of the parametrization of all multi-period repetitive controllers for reduction of rotational unevenness in motors, Kou Yamada,Takaaki Hagiwara,Yoshinori Ando,Iwanori Murakami,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Jia Wei Liu,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS, 33, 3-4, 1503, 1511
  • An application of the parametrization of all multi-period repetitive controllers for reduction of rotational unevenness in motors, Kou Yamada,Takaaki Hagiwara,Yoshinori Ando,Iwanori Murakami,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Jia Wei Liu,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2010, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS, 33, 3-4, 1503, 1511
  • A Design Method for Robust Stabilizing Modified Repetitive Controllers for Time-delay Plants, Yoshinori Ando,Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Takaaki Hagiwara,Iwanori Murakami,Shun Yamamoto,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2010, PRECISION INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT, 36, 233, +
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems with the specified frequency characteristic, Zhongxiang Chen,Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Iwanori Murakami,Yoshinori Ando,Tatsuya Sakanushi,Takaaki Hagiwara,Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyen,Shun Yamamoto, 2012, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING II, 497, 255, 269
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems with the specified frequency characteristic, Zhongxiang Chen,Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Iwanori Murakami,Yoshinori Ando,Tatsuya Sakanushi,Takaaki Hagiwara,Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyen,Shun Yamamoto, 2012, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING II, 497, 255, 269
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems, Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Iwanori Murakami,Yoshinori Ando,Takaaki Hagiwara,Shun Yamamoto,Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyent,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 194, 210
  • A design method for two-degree-of-freedom multi-period repetitive control systems, Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Iwanori Murakami,Yoshinori Ando,Takaaki Hagiwara,Shun Yamamoto,Nhan Luong Thanh Nguyent,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2011, SILICON SCIENCE AND ADVANCED MICRO-DEVICE ENGINEERING I, 459, 194, 210
  • Force Control of a Robot Gripper Based on Human Grasping Shemes, 中沢 信明, 2001, Control Engineering Pracgice, 9(7):735-742
  • The parameterization of all robust stabilizing multi-period repetitive controllers for time-delay plants, T. Hagiwara,K. Yamada,N. Nakazawa,I. Murakami,Y. Ando,J. W. Liu,T. Sakanushi, 2009, THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS JAPAN, 58, 285, 293
  • A Design Method for Robust Stabilizing Modified Repetitive Controllers for Time-Delay Plants, Yoshinori Ando,Kou Yamada,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Takaaki Hagiwara,Iwanori Murakami,Shun Yamamoto,Tatsuya Sakanushi, 2010, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 36, 233, 342
  • Validation of Human Three-Joint Arm’s Optimal Control Method with Hand-Jont’s Feedback Mechanism Based on Reproducing Constrained Reaching Movements', Toshikazu Matsui,Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2011, Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering, 6, 1, 49/62
  • Development of Character Input System Based on Head Tilting and Breathing Actions'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2011, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, 1, 1, 21/27
  • Development of Skin-Attached Interface for Operation of Meal Support Equipment'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Feng Wang,Kou Yamada, 2011, Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, 1, 2, 33/39
  • Recognition of Face Orientations Based on Nostril Feature, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Takashi Mori,Aya Maeda,Il-Hwan Kim. Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2012, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 24, 6, 1063/1070
  • Mouth and Nostril Detection based on Facial Skin Color Distribution Color Distribution, Bo Peng,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Motohiro Kano, 2017, International Journal of New Technology and Research, 3, 12, 31, 35
  • Study on Mouth Gymnastics for Orbicularis Oris Muscle, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Shinnosuke Segawa,Nao Ozawa,Yuki Haruyama,Ilhwan Kim,Yusaku Fujii, 2017, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 1, 3, 83, 86
  • Human Interface Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Shinnosuke Segawa,Nao Ozawa,Yuki Haruyama,Ilhwan Kim,Yusaku Fujii, 2017, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineerin, 9, 1, 48, 52
  • Enhanced Method for Face Detection Based on Feature Color, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Motohiro Kano,Toshikazu Matsui, 2016, Journal of Image and Graphics, 4, 1, 1-5.
  • Extension of the Upper Extremity with Shoulder Movements, Nakazawa\, Nobuaki,Matsui\, Toshikazu, 2015, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research, 4, 3, 233, 237
  • Recognition of Nostril Position Based on Skin Color Distribution, Bo Peng,Motohiro Kano,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Feng Wang,Yusaku Fujii,Takao Yamaguchi,Toshikazu Matsui, 2017, Journal of Technology and Social Science, 1, 3, 96, 100
  • Experimental Study on Gazing Actions for Intuitive Man-machine Interface, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Yuuki Tanaka,Toshikazu Matsui, 2013, International Journal of Mining, Metallurgy & Mechanical Engineering, 1, 5, 324, 330
  • 人間の指先軌道特性と把持動作シミュレーション, 中沢 信明, 2002, 68/669, 132-138
  • スロープを横切る場面における車椅子使用時に感じる不安の推定, 山田 功,小寺 良宏,中沢 信明,細井 盛一,白倉 賢二,久田 信行, 2005, 71, 707, 235, 243
  • ジェスチャの手先加速度情報を利用したパソコンマウスカーソルの移動操作, 中沢 信明,松井 利一,伊藤 勳, 2004, Vol.40,No.3,pp.163-165
  • Force Control of a Robot Gripper Based on Human Grasping Shemes, 中沢 信明, 2001, 9(7):735-742
  • 把持物体を置くときの衝撃特性 (把持力が衝撃特性へ及ぼす影響), 中沢 信明, 2001, 67/658,245-251
  • 摘み動作開始時における指先の挙動と役割, 中沢 信明, 2004, Vol.40,No.2,pp.67-73
  • 円柱物体に対する摘み動作の実験的考察 --指先軌道特性と接触位置について--, 中沢 信明,吉原 由佳,藤ノ木 あゆみ,松井 利一,山田 功,伊藤 勳, 2006, Vol.42,No.2
  • 頭部の傾きと口の開閉動作を利用したパソコン操作インタフェース, 中沢 信明,清水 政博,山田 功,松井 利一,伊藤 勳, 2006, 72, 724, 198, 204
  • 円柱物体に対する摘み動作 --母指の接触位置について--, 中沢 信明,吉原 由佳,藤ノ木 あゆみ,松井 利一,伊藤 勳, 2005, Vol.41,No.5,pp.322-324
  • The parameterization of all robust stabilizing multi-period repetitive controllers for time-delay plants, T. Hagiwara,K. Yamada,N. Nakazawa,I. Murakami,Y. Ando,J. W. Liu,T. Sakanushi, 2009, 58, 285, 293
  • むだ時間系に対するロバスト安定化修正繰返し補償器のパラメトリゼーション, 山田功,萩原隆明,中沢信明,村上岩範,安藤嘉則,山本瞬,坂主樹哉,劉嘉偉, 2010, 76, 771, 2977, 2984
  • 啜り飲み動作の実験的考察 -把持したカップと頭部の動き-, 中沢 信明,伊藤 孝祐,松井 利一,王 鋒,山田 功, 2010, 46, 6
  • Development of an Interface Based on Mouth Open/Close Motions, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2010, 36, 228, 232
  • Validation of Human Three-Joint Arm’s Optimal Control Method with Hand-Jont’s Feedback Mechanism Based on Reproducing Constrained Reaching Movements', Toshikazu Matsui,Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2011, 6, 1, 49/62
  • Development of Character Input System Based on Head Tilting and Breathing Actions'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2011, 1, 1, 21/27
  • Development of Skin-Attached Interface for Operation of Meal Support Equipment'', Advances in Mathematical and Computational Methods, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Feng Wang,Kou Yamada, 2011, 1, 2, 33/39
  • Recognition of Face Orientations Based on Nostril Feature, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Takashi Mori,Aya Maeda,Il-Hwan Kim. Toshikazu Matsui,Kou Yamada, 2012, 24, 6, 1063/1070
  • Mouth and Nostril Detection based on Facial Skin Color Distribution Color Distribution, Bo Peng,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Motohiro Kano, 2017, 3, 12, 31, 35
  • 福祉機器のヒューマンインタフェース (特集 生活支援機器・医療機器の開発), 中沢信明, 2017, 25, 3, 15, 20
  • Study on Mouth Gymnastics for Orbicularis Oris Muscle, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Shinnosuke Segawa,Nao Ozawa,Yuki Haruyama,Ilhwan Kim,Yusaku Fujii, 2017, 1, 3, 83, 86
  • Human Interface Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Shinnosuke Segawa,Nao Ozawa,Yuki Haruyama,Ilhwan Kim,Yusaku Fujii, 2017, 9, 1, 48, 52
  • Enhanced Method for Face Detection Based on Feature Color, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Motohiro Kano,Toshikazu Matsui, 2016, 4, 1, 1-5.
  • 全方向電動車いすを利用した掲示物閲覧支援システム, 中沢信明,上野湧紀,沼田千紘,松井利一, 2015, 12, 4, 148, 151
  • Extension of the Upper Extremity with Shoulder Movements, Nakazawa\, Nobuaki,Matsui\, Toshikazu, 2015, 4, 3, 233, 237
  • Mental rotation 反応時間と利き目の関係, 原 大地,山口 俊輔,下田 佳央莉,勝山 しおり,増田 樹,十枝 はるか,中沢 信明,李 範爽,外里 冨佐江, 2014, 64, 1, 37, 42
  • 独立成分分析を用いた睡眠時呼吸心拍信号のリアルタイム計測, 久保山敬介,王鋒,松本浩樹,中沢信明, 2013, 21, 2, 140, 145
  • Recognition of Nostril Position Based on Skin Color Distribution, Bo Peng,Motohiro Kano,Nobuaki Nakazawa,Feng Wang,Yusaku Fujii,Takao Yamaguchi,Toshikazu Matsui, 2017, 1, 3, 96, 100
  • 福祉ロボットとヒューマンインタフェース, 中沢信明, 2016, 19, 9, 389, 393
  • 瞼の形状近似を利用した操作インタフェースの開発, 中沢 信明,瀬川 辰之佑,村川 裕紀,松井 利一, 2015, 12, 4, 124, 131
  • Experimental Study on Gazing Actions for Intuitive Man-machine Interface, Nobuaki Nakazawa,Ilhwan Kim,Yuuki Tanaka,Toshikazu Matsui, 2013, 1, 5, 324, 330

Books etc

  • センサの基本と実用回路, 2012, ISBN: 9784339033533


  • Measurement and Evaluation of Spinal Curvature in Sitting on a Seat, Hotaka Wakasugi, 2023 JSAE Congress(spring), 24 May 2023, 24 May 2023, 26 May 2023, Japanese
  • Intuitive Interface Based on Eyelid Shape for Operation of Page Turner Machine, Nobuaki Nakazawa, The 6th International Conference on Technology and Social Science (ICTSS2022), 27 Dec. 2022, 25 Dec. 2022, 28 Dec. 2022, English
  • Input interface based on pointing and bending gestures performed by finger, Naoki Murota, The 6th International Conference on Technology and Social Science (ICTSS2022), 27 Dec. 2022, 25 Dec. 2022, 28 Dec. 2022, English
  • Measurement of Chair Position and Orientation Based on Seat and Frame Shape Features for Automatic Transport Robot, Koshiro Miyauchi, The 6th International Conference on Technology and Social Science (ICTSS2022), 27 Dec. 2022, 25 Dec. 2022, 28 Dec. 2022, English
  • Construction of a system for counting the number of passing people from a low position using a fisheye camera, Kotaro Hagimoto, THE 65TH JAPAN JOINT AUTOMATIC CONTROL CONFERENCE, 12 Nov. 2022
  • Study on an estimation of comfort and fatigue in seating using a musculoskeletal simulator, Shinya Okamoto, 2022 JSAE Congress(autumn), 14 Oct. 2022
  • Measurement of Spinal Column Shape in Sitting on an Automobile Seat, Shuta Imai, 2022 JSAE Congress(autumn), 14 Oct. 2022
  • Measurement of spinal shape in sitting posture, Shuta Imai, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • System Construction of Tracking Robot Focusing on Toe Trajectory, Junya Kobayashi, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • Discrimination of Chewing and Swallowing Using Feature Points of Throat, Nobuaki Nakazawa, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • Development of Automatic Transport System for Stacking Chairs, Koshiro Miyauchi, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • Development of Remote Support System for Playing Boccia, Kohei Yoshida, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • Construction of system for inventory management using a TOF sensor, Kaito Murata, 2022 JSME CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS ROBOMECH2022, 03 Jun. 2022
  • Boccia Play Support System Operated by Slight Fingertip Movement, Nobuaki Nakazawa, ICTSS2021, 09 Dec. 2021, 07 Dec. 2021, 09 Dec. 2021, English, Gunma(On Line), Japan
  • Study on Mechanical Effect of Footrest Height on Sitting Posture, Yoshinori Sakuma, 第64回自動制御連合講演会, 14 Nov. 2021, 13 Nov. 2021, 14 Nov. 2021, Japanese, Japan
  • Development of Boccia Play Support System Based on Fingertip Operation, Syun Ishimoto, 日本機械学会年次大会2021, 05 Sep. 2021, 05 Sep. 2021, 08 Sep. 2021, Japanese, Japan
  • Motion Detection at Construction Sites Based on Angle Distribution of Optical Flow, Tetsuya Abe, 日本機械学会ROBOMECH2021, 08 Jun. 2021, 06 Jun. 2021, 08 Jun. 2021, Japanese, Japan
  • Construction of Non-Contact Type Nurse Call System Based on Eyelid Shape Approximation, Syota Mochihashi, 日本機械学会ROBOMECH2021, 08 Jun. 2021, 06 Jun. 2021, 08 Jun. 2021, Japanese, Japan
  • 工事現場の立入禁止エリアにおける人の検出, 百崎俊樹, 第63回自動制御連合講演会, 21 Nov. 2020, 21 Nov. 2020, 22 Nov. 2020, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • 親指の微小変位を利用した非接触インターフェースの開発, 齋木 裕斗, 第63回自動制御連合講演会, 21 Nov. 2020, 21 Nov. 2020, 22 Nov. 2020, Japanese
  • オプティカルフローを用いた動画像からの小動物の検出, 関口雄紀, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス学術講演会ROBOMECH2020, 29 May 2020, 27 May 2020, 30 May 2020, Japanese
  • カメラを利用した商品の在庫管理システムの構築, 田畑凌, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス学術講演会ROBOMECH2020, 29 May 2020, 27 May 2020, 30 May 2020, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • スクワット運動における手摺りの効果, 中沢信明, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス学術講演会ROBOMECH2020, 28 May 2020, 27 May 2020, 30 May 2020, Japanese
  • 色情報を利用した顔の位置検出, 大野佑香, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス学術講演会ROBOMECH2020, 28 May 2020, 27 May 2020, 30 May 2020
  • 椅子の自動運搬システムの構築, 宮内光志郎, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス学術講演会ROBOMECH2020, 28 May 2020, 27 May 2020, 30 2020, Japanese, Domestic conference
  • Human Detection in Restricted Area at Construction Site, Nobuaki Nakazawa, The 4th International Conference on Technology and Social Science (ICTSS2020), 03 Dec. 2020, 02 Dec. 2020, 04 Dec. 2020, English, International conference
  • Psychological Evaluations of Fusion Motions Emulating Exercises of Human's Arm Extension with Shoulder Movements, 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2004
  • Welfare Support-equipment for Character Input with Head Tilting and Breathing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, 2005
  • Development of Welfare Support-Equipment for Personal Computer Operation with Head Tilting and Breathing, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005
  • Welfare Support-Equipment for Operations of Personal Computer with Head Tilting and Mouth Open-Close Motions, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2007
  • Welfare-Support Interface for PC Mouse Operations Using Mouth Open/Close Motions and Head Tilting, IEEE IECON2008, 2008
  • Development of an Interface Based on Mouth Open/Close Motions, International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2010, 2010
  • Development of an Interface Based on Face Orientations for Operation of Auto-Wheelchair, International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, 2010
  • Development of an Hand-Free Interface Based on Nostril Images for Operation of Auto-Wheelchair, International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, 2011
  • Development of an Intuitive Interface Based on Facial Orientations and Gazing Actions for Auto-Wheel Chair Operation, International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2012
  • Hand-Free Interface Based on Facial Orientations, the 34st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2012
  • Study on sensing technology of tilting of head, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 頭部の傾きを利用した福祉用パソコン操作支援装置, 計測自動制御学会 第4回システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2003
  • 啜り飲み動作の実験的考察 -把持したカップの軌道特性-, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC'06, 2006
  • 精密把持における指先接触力と挙動のモデルについて, 計測自動制御学会 第5回システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2004
  • Psychological Evaluations of Fusion Motions Emulating Exercises of Human's Arm Extension with Shoulder Movements, 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2004
  • 肩の動きを伴った上肢運動の特性解析, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2003
  • 座位状態における上体と上肢の協調運動, 計測自動制御学会 第5回システムインテグレーション部門講演会, 2004
  • 把持動作における指先接触位置の実験的考察, 日本人間工学会, 2005
  • Welfare Support-equipment for Character Input with Head Tilting and Breathing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechatronics and Information Technology, 2005
  • Development of Welfare Support-Equipment for Personal Computer Operation with Head Tilting and Breathing, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2005
  • 頭の傾きと呼吸気を利用した文字入力支援装置の開発, 日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2004, 2004
  • 肩の動きを伴った上肢の伸展運動 -肩と手先の移動距離について-, 日本人間工学会第45回大会, 2004
  • 肩の動きを伴った上肢の伸展運動 -肩と手先の動きに対する心理的評価-, 日本人間工学会第45回大会, 2004
  • 肩の動きを伴った上肢の伸展運動, 日本機械学会ロボメカ部門主催 ROBOMEC'04, 2004
  • 肩の動きを考慮に入れた上肢運動の特性解析, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC'03, 2003
  • 把持動作における指先の接触力とその制御, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC'03, 2003
  • 頭の傾きと呼吸気を利用した福祉用パソコン操作支援装置, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2003
  • 頭の傾きと呼吸気を利用した福祉用パソコン入力支援インタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2005
  • 把持動作における手首の掌背屈に関する実験的考察, 日本人間工学会第47回大会講演集, 2006
  • 把持動作における指先接触位置の推定モデル, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2006
  • 把持動作における手首の掌背屈運動, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2006
  • ベジエ曲線を利用した指先軌道の近似モデル, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC'07, 2007
  • 手首の掌背屈運動を伴った把持動作の実験的考察, 日本人間工学会第48回大会, 2007
  • Welfare Support-Equipment for Operations of Personal Computer with Head Tilting and Mouth Open-Close Motions, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2007
  • 引きドアの通り抜け動作における人間の軌道特性, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2009
  • 口の開閉動作を利用したパソコン操作インタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2009
  • 飲料物啜り飲み動作の実験的考察 -把持したカップと頭部の動きについて-, 計測自動制御学会SI2008, 2008
  • 頭部の傾きと口の開閉動作を利用したパソコン操作インタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC08, 2008
  • 多自由度ロボットの操作を目的としたジョイスティックの開発, 日本機械学会 ROBOMEC08, 2008
  • 人間型ロボットによるはしご昇降動作 (第2報)圧力センサを利用した降段動作計画, 日本機械学会ROBOMEC08, 2008
  • 引きドアを通り抜ける際の人間の軌道特性, 計測自動制御学会SI2009, 2009
  • Welfare-Support Interface for PC Mouse Operations Using Mouth Open/Close Motions and Head Tilting, IEEE IECON2008, 2008
  • 円柱物体の把持動作における指先軌道の近似モデル, 2008
  • 人間型ロボットによるはしご昇降動作 (第1報)圧力センサを利用した昇段動作計画, 日本機械学会ROBOMEC08, 2008
  • Development of an Interface Based on Mouth Open/Close Motions, International Conference on Precision Instrumentation and Measurement 2010, 2010
  • Development of an Interface Based on Face Orientations for Operation of Auto-Wheelchair, International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, 2010
  • 手首の掌背屈運動を伴った把持動作特性, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2009
  • 画像処理を用いた顔の傾き方向認識システムの開発, 日本機械学会関東支部関東ブロック合同講演会, 2009
  • ヒューマノイドロボットによるはしご昇段動作生成(モーメントを考慮に入れた安定姿勢について), 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会, 2009
  • 視線入力を利用したページめくり機の開発, 日本機械学会関東支部 第51回学生員卒業研究発表講演会, 2012
  • 顔の向きを利用した電動車いすの操作インタフェースの開発, 日本人間工学会関東支部第40回大会, 2010
  • Development of an Hand-Free Interface Based on Nostril Images for Operation of Auto-Wheelchair, International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies, 2011
  • Development of an Intuitive Interface Based on Facial Orientations and Gazing Actions for Auto-Wheel Chair Operation, International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2012
  • Hand-Free Interface Based on Facial Orientations, the 34st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2012
  • 画像処理を用いた指先操作型インタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2011, 2011
  • 電動車いすの障害物回避運動計画, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2011, 2011
  • 鼻孔を利用した顔方向の認識システムの構築, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2011, 2011
  • 口形状に基づくヒューマンインタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会関東支部ブロック合同講演会2011, 2011
  • 顔の向きと口の開閉を利用した運筆動作支援システムの開発, 日本人間工学会関東支部第40回大会, 2010
  • 電動車いすの駆動制御システムの構築, 日本人間工学会関東支部第40回大会, 2010
  • 顔の方向を利用した電動車椅子の操作インタフェースの開発, 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会2010, 2010
  • 顔方向に基づく電動車椅子の操作インターフェイスの開発, 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会2011, 2011
  • 複数の指先操作に基づくタッチパッドインタフェースの開発, 計測自動制御学会 システムインテグレーション部門 講演会2011, 2011
  • 自由空間における顔特徴点の位置計測, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2013, 2013
  • 足裏拇指球のスライド動作に基づくマウス操作, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2013, 2013
  • ヒトの距離感覚に基づいた誘導ロボットの速度制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2013, 2013
  • 瞼の形状認識に基づいたページめくり機の操作 (ベジエ曲線による瞼の形状の近似), 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2013, 2013
  • 顔方向を利用した電動車いすの加減速操作, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2013, 2013
  • 鼻孔特徴に基づく顔方向の認識, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2011, 2011
  • ステレオカメラを利用した顔特徴点の3次元計測, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2011, 2011
  • 天井ライン検出による電動車いすの自動走行制御, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2012, 2012
  • 視線入力に基づくページめくり機のシステム構築, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2012, 2012
  • 鼻孔特徴に基づいた電動車いす操作インタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2012, 2012
  • 顔面運動の計測・評価の一考察, 日本機械学会ロボティクスメカトロニクス部門講演会2012, 2012
  • 鼻孔面積に基づいた顔方向の認識, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • Study on sensing technology of tilting of head, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 色情報に基づいた顔認識に関する一考察, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 鍛造製歯車部品の外観検査自動化に関する研究, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 上肢運動に基づいたパソコン操作インタフェースの開発, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 膝と足先の動きを利用したインタフェースの開発, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 全方向車いすを利用したベッド支援システムの構築, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 口腔内圧変動を利用した顔面体操支援システムの構築, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 膝と足先の動きを利用した電動車いすの操作, 2016
  • 瞼形状と虹彩位置を利用した非接触型インタフェースの開発, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 上下瞼の曲線近似を利用した視線入力システムの構築, ROBOMECH2016, 2016
  • 手先軌道を利用したインタフェースの開発, 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 ROBOMECH2015, 2015
  • 瞼の形状近似に基づいた視線方向認識に関する一考察, 日本機械学会 ロボティクス・メカトロニクス部門 ROBOMECH2015, 2015

Industrial Property Rights

  • Patent right


  • 2007
  • 1993
  • 2000
  • 2010

Research Projects

  • Development of PC operation interface based on acceleration of Human's gesture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2001, Competitive research funding
  • Characteristics of Human Grasping Motion, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Competitive research funding
  • Study on suitable welfare assistance for drinking motions, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 2006, Competitive research funding
  • 2001, Competitive research funding
  • Competitive research funding
  • 2006, Competitive research funding

Educational Activities


  • 28 Aug. 2020, Others

Social Contribution

Social Contribution

  • 太田市サイエンスアカデミー講師, 04 Nov. 2022, 25 Nov. 2022 (Target: Schoolchildren)
  • 桐生高校 ポスター発表会指導, 31 Jan. 2023, 31 Jan. 2023 (Target: High school students)
  • 桐生高校 マイコン計測制御講座, 19 Mar. 2023, 20 Mar. 2023 (Target: High school students)
  • 桐生高校 SSHプログラミング講座, 04 Oct. 2022, 20 Dec. 2022 (Target: High school students)
  • 富岡高校 探究最終発表会の審査, 02 Feb. 2023, 02 Feb. 2023 (Target: High school students)
  • 太田キャンパス・リカレント教育の講師, 12 Sep. 2022, 16 Sep. 2022, Seminar (Target: General, Company)
  • 科技振セミナー, 24 Sep. 2021, 24 Sep. 2021 (Target: General)
  • 桐生高校SSH 1年生校内発表会審査, 29 Jan. 2021, 29 Jan. 2021 (Target: High school students)
  • 國學院栃木高校の出前説明会, 03 Dec. 2021, 03 Dec. 2021 (Target: High school students)
  • 富岡高校 探求中間発表審査, 17 Sep. 2020, 17 Sep. 2020 (Target: High school students)
  • 富岡高校 探究最終発表会の審査, 04 Feb. 2021, 04 Feb. 2021 (Target: High school students)
  • 桐生高校SSH「マイコン計測制御講座」, 06 Mar. 2021, 06 Mar. 2021 (Target: High school students)
  • 太田キャンパス・リカレント教育の講師, 01 Mar. 2021, 05 Mar. 2021 (Target: Company)
  • 市立太田高校での講演, 09 Jul. 2020 (Target: High school students)
  • 太田キャンパス・リカレント教育の講師, 13 Sep. 2021, 17 Sep. 2021 (Target: Company)
  • 桐生高校SSH「マイコン計測制御講座」, 19 Mar. 2022, 20 Mar. 2022 (Target: High school students)
  • 富岡高校 探究最終発表会の審査, 27 Jan. 2022, 27 Jan. 2022 (Target: High school students)
  • 富岡高校 探求中間発表審査, 15 Jul. 2021, 15 Jul. 2021 (Target: High school students)

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