Peptide Conjugated Microspehers Newly Designed from Hepatitis E Virus Capsid Protein to Improve Their Reactivity Against Sera from Wild Boars, Hiroyuki Oku, Kaito Takeda, Yuya Tatsumi, and Yuko Oku., 2022年03月31日, Peptide Science 2021, 2021, 143, 144, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
群馬県太田市と桐生川において採取したニホンイノシシ(Sus scrofa leucomystax)の糞を用いたDNAバーコーディングによる植物食性の解析, 奥 浩之、中山大地、芝尾穂高、片山 豪, 2022年03月31日, 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Recent Advances in Transition Metal Mediated Synthetic Approaches to Quinoline Derivatives, Rukhsana Tabassum, Muhammad Ashfaq, Hiroyuki Oku, 2021年, Letters in Organic Chemistry, 18, 9, 669, 686, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Current Pharmaceutical Aspects of Synthetic Quinoline Derivatives, Rukhsana Tabassum, Muhammad Ashfaq, Hiroyuki Oku, Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 21, 10, 1152, 1172, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Synthetic Peptides Designed from Hepatitis E Virus Capsid Protein and Their Reactivity Against Sera from Wild Boars in Gunma Prefecture, Japan, Hiroyuki Oku, Yusuke Hori, Minoru Yamaji, and Yuko Oku, 2021年03月, Peptide Science 2020, 2020, 61, 62, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
7-Hydroxy-4-phenyl-1,2-dihydro quinoline derivatives: synthesis via one-pot, three-component reaction and structure elucidation, Rukhsana Tabassum, Muhammad Ashfaq, Hiroyuki Oku, 2020年09月, Heliyon, 6, 9, e05035, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Development of an efficient, one‐pot, multicomponent protocol for synthesis of 8‐hydroxy‐4‐phenyl‐1,2‐dihydroquinoline derivatives, Rukhsana Tabassum, Muhammad Ashfaq, Hiroyuki Oku, 2021年02月, Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 58, 2, 534, 547, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Recent Advances in Transition Metal Free Synthetic Protocols for Quinoline Derivatives, Rukhsana Tabassum, Muhammad Ashfaq, Hiroyuki Oku, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 24, 16, 1815, 1852, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Novel Long Peptide Antigens Containing MHC Class I and Class II Binding Sequences Designed from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Hiroyuki Oku, Yu Hashimoto, Takashi Matsukawa, Kazuo Shinozuka, Yuko Oku, 2020年11月, Advanced Micro-Device Engineering, 38, 63, 68, 研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)
群馬県太田市吉沢町におけるニホンイノシシ(Sus scrofa leucomystax)の植物食性についてDNAメタバーコーディングによる解析, 奥 浩之・中山大地・芝尾穂高・片山 豪, 2021年03月, 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告, 25, 111, 124, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
深層学習と動体検出を組み合わせた動画からの害獣認識手法, 中島彩奈・奥 浩之・茂木和弘・白石洋一, 2021年03月, 産業応用工学会論文誌, 9, 1, 38, 45, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
群馬県太田市八王子丘陵・金山丘陵に生息するニホンイノシシ (Sus Scrofa leucomystax) の腸内容物を用いたDNAメタバーコーディングによる食性解析, 奥 浩之、山路 稔、片山 豪, 2020年03月31日, 群馬県立自然史博物館研究報告, Bulletin of Gunma Museum of Natural History, 2020, 24, 71, 80, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of N-Desmethylated Cyclosporin O Analogs., 遠藤 哉也 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,
Solution-Phase Structure and Metal-Binding Properties of Peptides Containing b-(3-Pyridyl)-L-Alanine Residues., 中井 亮 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka
Synthesis and Conformation of Linear and Cyclic Peptides Containing (Z)-(b-3-Pyridyl)-a,b-Dehydro-Alanine Residues, YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / 篠田 俊輔 / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthesis and Conformation of Polymyxin B Partial Peptides., 浦川 洋世 / YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthesis and Properties of an Elastin Model Depsipeptide Sequences, Containing-Gly-Val-Gly-Hmb-Pro-(Hmb=2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic acid)., 平 知広 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal-Binding Protein., Yosuke Kimura/ OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年04月, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Conformation of Dendric Polypeptide, Nobuo Watanabe/ OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年04月, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthetic Study of Cyclic Peptolide Aureobasidine A, Naito Ryo/ YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年04月, Peptide Scienece 2004
Single-Step N-Methylation of Hindered Peptides: Total Synthesis of Cyclosporin O, YAMADA KEIICHI / Teryya Endo/ OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年04月, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Partial Peptides Having a Sequence of Fanconi Protein, Hideki Samata / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthesis of Gramicidin S Analogue Containing (Z)-(beta-3-Pyridyl)-alpha, beta-dehydroalanine (deltaZ-3-Pal) Residues, Shunsuke Shinoda / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
キラキラわくわく化学no.51、植物の色, 奥 浩之, 2003年08月, 上毛新聞
マラリア予防に原虫の酵素 有望, 奥 浩之, 2003年08月, 日本経済新聞
X-ray Structure of N-Methylated Gramicidine S Derivative: Stereochemistry of Protected Ornithine Side Chains, YAMADA KEIICHI / UNNO MASAFUMI / KOBAYASHI KYOKO / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMAMURA HATSUO / MATSUMOTO HIDEYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI / KAWAI MASAO, 2003年09月, Peptide Science 2002
Synthesis of Small Domain Peptides of Glycolytic Enzyme Enolase., 野中 良子 / OKU HIROYUKI / 佐藤 久美子 / 狩野 繁之 / SUZUKI MAMORU / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Science 2000, T. Shioiri, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka
Synthesis of Multiple-Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 小久保 美穂 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / SATO KUMIKO / kanou shigeyuki / SUZUKI MAMORU / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Transmembrane Partial Peptides of Peripheral Myelin Protein (PMP22) Containing Point Mutation., Sato Junichi / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,
熱帯熱マラリア原虫の解糖系酵素を標的とした、人工抗原ペプチドの合成研究, 奥 浩之 / 片貝 良一 / 狩野 繁之 / 増田 剛太 / 佐藤 久美子 / 鈴木 守 / 唐澤 睦実 / 佐藤 剛 / 野中 良子 / 石黒 正 / 狩野 美有希 / 小久保 美穂 / 野井 正樹 / 山田 圭一, 2001年, トゥルーシア群馬 (群馬大学機器分析センター機関誌, Vol.3、pp20-25 (2001)
Synthesis of a Peptide having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 石黒 正 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / 佐藤 久美子 / 狩野 繁之 / SUZUKI MAMORU / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,
Conformation of the Transmembrane Domains in Peripheral Myelin Protein 22. Part 1. Solution-Phase Synthesis and Circular Dichroism Study of Protected 17-Residue Partial Peptides in the First Putative Transmembrane Domain, YAMADA KEIICHI / 佐藤 淳一 / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, J. Pep. Res
A synthetic intermediate of enantiopure N-protected β-hydroxy-valine, (2R)-2-[N-(tert-butoxy-carbonyl)-amino]-3-methylbutane-1,3-diol , Hiroyuki Oku / Ryo Naito / Keiichi Yamada / Ryoichi Katakai , 2004年12月, Acta Cryst. Section E
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Leucyl-L-Alanine Trichloroethyl Ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Ala-OTce)., OKU HIROYUKI / 遠藤 哉也 / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年05月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Model Peptides Containing a Metal Binding Site of Plastcyanine., 阿部 信行 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Depsipeptides Containing a-Hydroxyisobutylic Acid, 安野 圭二 / OKU HIROYUKI / YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,
O-Benzyl-N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-threonyl-L-proline trichloroethyl ester [Boc-L-Thr(Bzl)-L-Pro-OTce] , Hiroyuki Oku /Keisuke Kuriyama/ Kazuto Omi/ Keiichi Yamada/ Ryoichi Katakai , 2005年11月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Volume Phase Transition of Methacryloyl-L-Alanine Copolymer Hydrogels Controlled by the Terminal Groups in the Side Chains. , ジョン ヘンドリ / 奥 浩之 / 吉田勝 / 片貝 良一, 2001年01月, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem.
A peptide sequence containing a hydroxy acid residue: (S)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoyl-L-alanyl-L-proline benzyl ester (H-L-Hmb-L-Ala-L-Pro-OBzl), Hiroyuki Oku /Kazuaki Shichiri /Keiichi Yamada/Ryoichi Katakai , 2003年09月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Synthesis and properties of sequential depsipeptides for drug delivery system, YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2006
「中分子量ペプチド多核錯体の合成と結晶構造」 トピックス (特集記事、精密高分子錯体), 奥 浩之, 2005年02月, 高分子, 57, 2, 80
Synthetic Study of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之 / 小見和人 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.
「マラリア原虫によるヘモグロビンの消化とヘムの解毒」 最新のトピックス, 奥 浩之, 2002年09月, 化学, Vol.57、No.9、pp.64-65
Synthetic Study of Histidine-Rich Protein II Analogs from Plasmodium falciparum., 奥 浩之 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一 / 破入正行, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005
Synthesis and Properties of Sequential Depsipeptides for Drug Delivery System, Tomohiro Suda, Keiichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Oku, Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed.
Synthesis of sequential polydepsipeptides utilizing a new approach for the synthesis of depsipeptides
, Ryoichi Katakai, Kyoko Kobayashi, Keiichi Yamada, HIroyuki Oku, Nobu Emori, 2004年04月, Biopolymers
はっぱのかがく, 奥 浩之, 2006年, 化学だいすきクラブだより(日本化学会), 5号 , 6-8
Synthesis of Sequential Polydepsi-peptide Microspheres as a Controlled Drug Delivery System., 奥 浩之 / 江森野歩 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2005年04月, Peptide Science 2004
Synthesis of gramicidin S analogue containing (Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues, YAMADA KEIICHI / Takashi Katsu / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2006
Synthesis and conformational analysis of partial peptides having a sequence of Fanconi Protein, YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005
Synthesis, crystal structure and molecular conformation of N-alpha-Boc-L-leucyl-(Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanyl-L-leucine methyl ester., YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年07月, The Journal of peptide Research
Synthesis and Properties of Thermo-Responsible Polydepsipeptide Containing Hmb (2-hydroxy-3-methyl-butanoic acid) Residues., 奥 浩之 / 七里一彰 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2005年04月, Peptide Science 2004
Synthesis and Properties of a Model Peptide Containing Mutant Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (PfCRT)., Tsuguhiro Morota, Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed.
Comparison of crystal structures and micro-crystaline CD spectra for beta-sheet and alpha-helical depsipeptides,-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n- (Lac = L-lactic acid), Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed.
Secondary Structural Analysis of Peptides Containing Proline Residues, Yoko Chida, Keiichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Oku, Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年04月, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed.
Synthesis and Properties of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT)., 奥 浩之 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M.Ueki, Ed.
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Multiple Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequences of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之 / 野井正樹 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Chemistry 2002; T. Yamada, Ed.
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum, 奥 浩之 / 佐藤 久美子 / 狩野 繁之 / 鈴木 守 / 石黒正 / 山本仁 / 山田 圭一 / 上山憲一 / 片貝 良一, 2002年09月, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar
Synthesis and Properties of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT)., Hiroyuki Oku / Hiroshi Suzuki / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
「アミノ酸の可能性-インテリジェント材料への応用-」, 奥 浩之, 2001年01月, 群馬経済新聞,(シーズを探せ-群馬大学工学部化学系研究室から-)
Synthesis of a Model peptide Containing a Metal Binding Site of Carbon Monooxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase (CODH/ACS)., Ikuo Kondo / Hiroyuki Oku / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2005年04月, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
A Short Depsipeptide: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Alanyl-L-Lactic Acid Benzyl Ester (Boc-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl), Hiroyuki Oku / Tomohiro Suda / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst.
An N-Protected depsipeptide Free Acid Prepared by Direct Synthesis Without Using a Terminal-C Protecting Group: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Alanyl-L-Leucyl- L-Lactic Acid (Boc-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH), Hiroyuki Oku / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年04月, Acta Cryst.
A Synthetic Fragment of a Cyclic depsipeptide, Aureobasidine A: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-all- soleucyl-N-Methyl-L- aline (Boc-L-all-Ile-L-MeVal-OH)., Hiroyuki Oku / Ryo Naito / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年04月, Acta Cryst.
Synthesis and Properties of an Elastin Model Depsipeptide Sequences, Containing -Gly-Val-Gly-Hmb-Pro- (Hmb = 2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic acid)., Tomohiro Taira / Hiroyuki Oku / Keiichi Yamada / and Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka
Stereochemistry of Protected Ornithine Side Chains of Gramicidin S Derivatives: X-ray Crystal Structure of the Bis-Boc-tetra-N-methyl Derivatives of Gramicidin S, UNNO MASAFUMI / KATAKAI RYOICHI / YAMADA KEIICHI / OKU HIROYUKI, 2002年11月, Journal of the American Chemiscal Society
Facile synthesis of N-alpha-protected-L-alpha,gamma-diaminobutyric acids mediated by polymer-supported hypervalent iodine reagent in water, YAMADA KEIICHI / URAKAWA HIROTOSHI / OKU HIROYUKI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年08月, The Journal of Peptide Research
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum. Synthesis and Propertiesw of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal Binding Properties., OKU HIROYUKI / Ishiguro Tadashi/ SATO KUMIKO / Kano Shigeyuki / SUZUKI MAMORU /Hitoshi Yamamoto/Norikazu Ueyama/ YAMADA KEIICHI / KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Proceedings of The 8th Forum Cheju, Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar; Maebashi
Solution-phase total synthesis of cyclosporin peptides by utilizing multiple N-methylation, Keiichi Yamada, Teruya Endo, Hiroyuki Oku, Ryoichi Katakai. , 2005年07月, Biopolymers
An N-protected depsipeptide free acid prepared by direct synthesis without using a terminal-C protecting group: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-leucyl-L-lactic acid (Boc-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH) , Hiroyuki Oku/Keiichi Yamada/Ryoichi Katakai , 2004年06月, Acta Cryst. Section E
A short depsipeptide: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-lactic acid benzyl ester (Boc-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl) , 奥 浩之 / 須田 智宏 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2004年05月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Amphiphilic Poly(peptide-block-ethyleneglycol). , Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, Ryoichi Katakai, Hirofumi Hanaoka, Yasuhiko Iida, Keigo Endo, 2007年07月, Yakugaku Zasshi(薬学雑誌)
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Helical Peptides. , Ken-ichi Arai, Masayuki Hanyu, Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, and Ryoichi Katakai. , 2006年07月, 薬学雑誌, Yakugaku Zasshi
A synthetic fragment of a cyclic depsipeptide, aureobasidine A: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-allo-isoleucyl-N-methyl-L-valine (Boc-L-allo-Ile-L-MeVal-OH), Hiroyuki Oku / Ryo Naito / Keiichi Yamada / Ryoichi Katakai , 2004年12月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Addition of a peptide fragment on an -helical depsipeptide induces /310-conjugated helix: Synthesis, crystal structure, and CD spectra of Boc-Leu-Leu-Ala-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-Leu-Leu-OEt, 奥 浩之 / 大山貴史 / 福山恵一 / 山田 圭一 / 川口博之 / 片貝 良一
, 2004年08月, Biopolymers
N―H---O=C hydrogen bonding and O---O=C repulsive interactions in tert-butoxy-carbonyl-l-leucyl-l-alanine ethyl ester (Boc-l-Leu-l-Ala-OEt), 奥 浩之 / 山田 圭一 / 片貝 良一, 2003年10月, Acta Cryst. Section E
cis- and trans-Conformers at the urethane linkage: tert-butoxy-carbonyl-l-alanyl-l-proline methyl ester (Boc-l-Ala-l-Pro-OMe), Hiroyuki Oku / Keiichi Yamada / Ryoichi Katakai , 2003年08月, Acta Cryst. Section E
Synthetic Study of Antigenic Polypeptide Having a Partial Squence
from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Jun-ya Yamamoto
Kazuto Omi
Keiichi Yamada
Hiroyuki Oku
Shigeyuki Kano
Kumiko Sato
Mamoru Suzuki
Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年11月, Peptide Science 2006
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides, Takamasa Yoshinari
Keiichi Yamada
Hiroyuki Oku
Ryoichi Katakai , 2006年11月, Peptide Scienece 2006
Crystal Structure of a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-Leu-Leu-OEt, 大山貴史 / 奥 浩之 / 吉田勝 / 片貝 良一, 2001年03月, Biopolymers
Synthesis of Low-Hemolytic Antimicrobial Dehydropeptides Based on Gramicidin S
, Keiichi Yamada
Shun-suke Shinoda
Hiroyuki Oku
Keiko Komagoe
Takashi Katsu
Ryoichi Katakai
, 2006年12月, J. Med. Chem.
(-)-N-(tert-Butoxy-carbon-yl)-l-proline-2-thio-amide (Boc-l-Pro-thio-amide) , Hiroyuki Oku
Takamasa Yoshinari
Keiichi Yamada
Ryoichi Katakai , 2006年11月, Acta Crystallographica Section E
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-valine trichloroethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Val-OTce), Hiroyuki Oku
Teruya Endo
Keiichi Yamada
Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年06月, Acta Crystallographica Section E
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides. , Shingo Nakatsu
Keiichi Yamada
Hiroyuki Oku
Ryoichi Katakai , 2006年11月, Peptide Science 2006
Synthesis, Conformation and Properties of Model Peptides Containing Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (P.f.CRT), Tsuguhiro Morota
Hiroyuki Oku
Keiichi Yamada
Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年11月, Peptide Science 2006
Conformational Change from α-Helix to β-Sheet Observed in a Series of Depsipeptide Crystals: Synthesis and Structural Properties of Boc-Leu-Lac-OEt and Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n-OEt (n = 1, 2). , Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, and Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年04月, Biopolymers
Synthesis, crystal structure, and coordination properties of a helical peptide having β-(3-pyridyl)-l-alanine and glutamic acid residues , Hiroyuki Oku
Yosuke Kimura
Mitsuo Ohama,
Norikazu Ueyama,
Keiichi Yamada
Ryoichi Katakai, 2007年01月, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Peroxiredoxins in malaria parasites: parasitologic aspects. , Shinichiro Kawazu; Kanako Komaki-Yasuda; Hiroyuki Oku; Shigeyuki Kano. , 2008年01月, Parasitology International
Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Thermo-Responsible Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-Like-Depsipeptide, Chie Takayama, Aya Inoue, Yuya Shimoda, Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada and Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
The first stereospecific arylation of (Z)-germyl(stannyl)ethenes with an aryl halide or heteroaryl halide under palladium-catalysis. , Takumi Kataishi, Kotaro Kato, Yoshiaki Makihara, Yuichi Kitashima, Sigeru Ohara, Fumiaki Anzai, Se-ichi Inokuma, Hiroyuki Oku, Masa-aki Ubukata, Yutaka Takahashi, and Taichi Nakano. , 2008年12月, Applied Organometallic Chemistry
Hydrocarbon proton-conductive membranes prepared by radiation-grafting of styrenesulfonate onto aromatic polyamide films, Dengrong Li
Jinhua Chen
Maolin Zhai
Masaharu Asano
Yasunari Maekawa
Hiroyuki Oku
Structur-activity Relationship of Polymyxin B Heptapeptide and Analogs, Hirotoshi Urakawa, Keiichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Oku, Setsuko Ando, Keiko Komagome, Takashi Katsu, Ryoichi Katakai , 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
Synthetic study of Cyclosporin Peptide via Multiple N-Methylation Procedure, Tetsuya Arazoe, Teruya Endo, Keiichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Oku, Ryoichi Katakai , 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
Application of Micelles Consisting of Sequential Depsipeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol) to Drug Delivery System, Masumi Komoriya, Hiroshi Sunaga, Satoko Asano, Keiichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Oku, Ryoichi katakai, 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
Synthesis of a Novel Polydepsipeptide, Poly(Ala-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Lac = L-Lactic Acid) Which Shows Irreversible Thermo-Responding Behavior, Yuya Shimoda, Aya Inoue, Chie Takayama, Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, and Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
Structure-Activity Relationship of Cytotoxic Cyclic Peptide Sansalvamide A, Hiromasa Ueno, Keiichi Yamada, Tomomi Fujisawa, Seiji Torii, Masahiro Hosaka, Hiroyuki Oku, Toshiyuki Takeuchi, Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Consisting of Metal Ion Coordinating Depsipeptides and Poly(ethylene glycol), Ken-ichi Arai, Hiroyuki Oku, Keiichi Yamada, Hirofumi Hanaoka, Yasuhiro Iida, Keigo Endo, Kazuhiro Kohama, Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年03月, Peptide Scienece 2007
A spectroscopic investigation of incompletely condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol andPOSS-triol): Hydrogen-bonded interaction and host-guest complex, Hongzhi Liu, Shin-ichi Kondo, Ryoji Tanaka, Hiroyuki Oku, Masafumi Unno, 2008年04月, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Oxidation of(NEt4)2[Mo(IV)O(3-triphenylsilyl-1,2-benzenedithiolato)2]with Trimethylamine N-oxide, OKU HIROYUKI, 1991年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Side-Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo shrinking Process : r-ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of an cross linked poly (methacry loy 1-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science : Part A : Polymer Chemistry
Molecular Design of Synthetic Peptides of Plasmodium Falciparum Enolase and Their Reactivity Against Patients' Sera, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Parasitology International
Side Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo-Shrinking Process : r-Ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of Uncrosslinked Poly(methacryloyl-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry
cis-Dioxobis(2,3-naphthalenedithiolato)tungsten((]G0006[))and the Related 1,2-Benzenedithiolato Complex : Models of Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy., 奥 浩之 / 他、5名, 1997年, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 12906-12916
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of the American Chemical Society
Association of Oxo-Molybdenum Dithiolene Complexes with a Multiamide Additive and Its Influence on the Ease of O-Atom Transfer(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Inorganic Chemistry
Resonance Raman as a Direct Probe for the Catalytic Mechanism of Molybdenum Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
Benzoin Oxidation at Extreme Temperature by Bis(1,2-benzenedithiolato)-dioxotungstate((]G0006[))Complex : a Model Study for Hyperthermostable Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters
Synthesis and Properties of a Nitrido-Molybdenum((]G0006[))Complex Having Benzenedithiolate Ligands-Effect of the thiolate on the Activation of the Nitride Ligand(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Stabilization of Oxo-Metal Bonding by the π-Conjugated System in the Dithiolate Ligand : cis-Dioxotungsten((]G0006[))Bis(naphthalenedithiolato)and the Related Complexes as Models for Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
Trans Influence of Oxo and Dithiolene Coordination in Oxidized Molybdenum Oxidoreductase Models : Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Q2[MoVIO2-(1,2-benzenedithiolato)2](Q=NEt4, PPh4)and the related Complexes(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Inorganic Chemistry
A Comparison Between the Structures of Tungstopterin Cofactor in Tungsten Oxidoreductase and a Model Complex, cis-Dioxobis(2,3-naphthalenedithiolato)Tungsten((]G0006[))in Their O-Atom Transfer Reaction(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters
Oxygen Atom Transfer Systems in Which the(μ-oxo)dimolybdenum((]G0005[))Complex Formation Does not Occur : Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Benzenedithiolato Complexes as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1994年, Inorganic Chemistry
Structure and Properties of(NEt4)2[MoIVO(α, 2-toluenedithiolato)2](共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1994年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan
cis-Dioxobis(benzenedithiolato)tungsten((]G0006[))and the Related Monooxotungsten((]G0005[))and-((]G0004[))Complexes. Models of Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of the American Chemical Society
Nature of Fe-Se bond in(NR4)2[Fe(SePh)4](共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon
Two Electron Transfer Oxidation by Polymer-supported[Fe4S4(SR)4]2- Complex(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of Molecular Catalysis
Distorted Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Model Complexes With Intramolecular NH-S Hydrogen Bond for Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
MCD Spectroscopy of W((]G0005[))and Mo((]G0005[))Dithiolato Complexes : Implications for the Coordination Geometry of the Mo/W Active Sites of Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
Conformational Change of Proline Residues Observed in Swollen and Shrunken Phases : gamma-ray synthesis and variable temperature circular dichroism spectra of a thermo-responding polymer, poly(acryloyl-Pro-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry
The Crystal Strucure for a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Ala)2-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-OEt., OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Biopolymers
Thiolato-Activated Oxo-Metal Bond Features in Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxidoreductase Models as Revealed by Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Inorganic Chemistry
Electronic and Steric Effect of Bulky Triphenylsilyl Substituent in the Monooxobenzenedithiolato Molybdenum((]G0005[))Complex and the Tungsten Analog as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Chemistry Letters
The Stabilization of Dioxomolybdenum((]G0006[))Dithiolene Complex by the Electron Withdrawing Substituent on the Dithiolene Ligand : Comparison of Ractivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Complex with R2S2C2(R=-CN and-COOMe)Ligands as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1994年, Chemistry Letters
Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogel with
hyaluronic acid as a candidate for a novel scaffold
for chondrocyte culture , Takayuki Kondo, Tetsuya Shinozaki, Hiroyuki Oku, Shoji Takigami and Kenji Takagishi, 2009年03月, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE
Synthesis and Properties of Polymeric Micelles Consisting of Depsipeptide- Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Block Copolymer for Drug Delivery. , Sunaga, H., Oku, H., Yamada, K., Katakai, R., Matsuo, I. , 2009年03月, Peptide Scienece
Perfluorinated polymer film with functional group prepared by radiation-induced grafting, Maolin Zhai, Jinhua Chen, Shin Hasegawa, Dengrong Li, Hiroyuki Oku, Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年03月, European Polymer Journal
Nano-Particle Materials Prepared From a Synthetic Antigenic Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase. , Oku, H., Yamada, K., Kobayashi, K., Katakai, R., Ashfaq, M., Hanaoka, H., Iida, Y., Endo, K., Hasegawa, S., Maekawa, Y., Yano, Y., Kano, S., Suzuki, M. , 2009年03月, Peptide Scienece
Cyclic β-Sheet Antimicrobial Peptides with Environment-senseitive Fluorophores: Photophysical Properties and Molecular Orientation in Lipid Bilayers., Yamada, K., Yoshihara, T., Katsu, T., Oku, H., Tobita, S., 2009年03月, Peptide Science
Synthesis of Environment-sensitive Fluorescent Phenylalanine Derivative for Investigating Peptide-Lipid Membrane Interactions. , Yamada, K., Yoshihara, T., Yokoo, K., Oshima, J., Komagome, K., , Oku, H., Katsu, T., Tobita, S., Matsuo, I. , 2010年03月, Peptide Science
Synthesis and Structure Elucidation of New Series of Organotin(IV) Esters with Bio-screening Activity and Catalytic Study , Ashfaq Muhammad
M. Mahboob Ahmed
Salma Shaheen
Hiroyuki Oku
Karamat Mehmood
Abdullah Khan
Shahida Begum Niazi
Tariq Mahmood Ansari
Jabbar Abdul
M.I. Khan
, 2011年01月, Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Modification of ultrathin polyetheretherketone film for application in direct methanol fuel cells , Jinhua Chen,
Dengrong Li,
Hiroshi Koshikawa,
Maolin Zhai,
Masaharu Asano,
Hiroyuki Oku,
Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年11月, Journal of Membrane Science,
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic
Malaria Vaccine., Hiroyuki Oku,
Kazuhiko Yano,
Megumi Fukumoto,
Shigeyuki Kano, 2011年06月, Peptide Scienece
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, Toru Horie,
Shota Sato,
Tetsuro Demura,
Ayano Iwasaki,
Masashi Urano,
Keiichi Yamada,
Ichiro Matsuo,
Shin Hasegawa,
Yasunari Maekawa,
Kazuhiko Yano,
Shigeyuki Kano,
Hiroyuki Oku, 2011年06月, Peptide Scienece
Structure-activity relationships of bacterial outer-membranepermeabilizers based on polymyxin B heptapeptides, Hirotoshi Urakawa,
Keiichi Yamada,
Keiko Komagoe,
Setsuko Ando,
Hiroyuki Oku,
Takashi Katsu,
Ichiro Matsuo, 2010年01月, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters
Three-Component Polyaddition of Diamines, Carbon Disulfide, and Diacrylates in Water, DAISUKE NAGAI,
KEN-ICHI KASUYA, 2010年02月, Journal of Polymer Science: Part A: Polymer Chemistry,
Structure-activity relationships of gramicidin S analogs containing (beta-3-pyridyl)-a,b-dehydroalanine residues on membrane permeability, Keiichi Yamada,
Makoto Kodaira,
Shun-suke Shinoda,
Keiko Komagoe,
Hiroyuki Oku,
Ryoichi Katakai,
Takashi Katsub,
Ichiro Matsuo, 2011年, Med. Chem. Commun.
Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide, Yoshiba, Kazuto; Okamoto, Satoka; Dobashi, Toshiaki; Oku, Hiroyuki; Christensen, Bjorn E.; Sato, Takahiro, 2017年, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS
A NOVEL PLASMINOGEN-BINDING SEQUENCE IDENTIFIED FROM THE ROOP REGION OF Plasmodium falciparum ENOLASE, Hiroyuki Oku, Yudai Kimoto, Nana Isomoto, Suguru Niwa, Kazuo Shinozuka, Kazuhiko Yano, Shigeyuki Kano, 2018年03月, Peptide Scienece 2017
マラリア原虫エノラーゼを標的とした、all-synthetic材料による人工抗原と抗体価検査キットの開発, 奥浩之, 2016年07月, 月刊『化学工業』, 67, 7, 529-535
Synthesis and properties of silylated phenylalanine derivatives, Keiichi Yamada, Saki Watanabe, Shigeki Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Tomohisa Moriguchi, Hiroyuki Oku, Noriko S. Ishioka, Kazuo Shinozuka, 2016年, Peptide Science 2015
Enantioselective Synthesis of β-amino acids: A Review, Muhammad Ashfaq, RukhsanaTabassum, Muhammad Mahboob Ahmad, Nagina Ali Hassan, Hiroyuki Oku and Gildardo Rivera, 2015年, Medicinal chemistry
Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting the Loop Region of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Hiroyuki Oku, Risa Onishi, Utako Arai, Yudai Kimoto, Keiichi Yamada, Kazuo Shinozuka, Kazuhiko Yano, Shigeyuki Kano, 2015年, Peptide Science 2014
LAMP法を用いた三日熱マラリア患者の鑑別診断:フィリピンでの実例, 矢野和彦,石上盛敏,奥浩之,Villacorte Elena A.,Rivera Pilarita T.,狩野繁之, 2014年12月, 日本臨床寄生虫学雑誌, 24, 1, 59-63
Cytotoxicity and cellular distribution of fluorescently-labeled cationic cyclopeptides, Yamada, Keiichi; Nozaki, Jin; Murayama, Saori ; Yoshihara, Toshitada; Oku Hiroyuki; Tobita, Seiji, 2014年, Peptide Science 2013
Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor, Ichiro Sasaki, Keiichi Yamada, Shigeki Watanabe, Hirofumi hanaoka, Yumi Sugo, Hiroyuki Oku and Noriko S. Ishioka, 2013年, Peptide Science 2012
マラリアの基礎とワクチン, 奥 浩之,狩野 繁之, 2014年, バムサジャーナル, 26, 1, 31-35
Long-term effect of epidural injection with sustained-release lidocaine particles in a rat model of postoperative pain., Suto T, Obata H, Tobe M, Oku H, Yokoo H, Nakazato Y, Saito S, 2012年08月, British Journal of Anaesthesia
Detection of Malaria Antibody Using Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres, Hiroyuki Oku, Kazuhiko Yano, Megumi Fukumoto, Mai Fukuno,
Ayano Iwasaki, Keiichi Yamada, Shin Hasegawa, Yasunari Maekawa,
Kumiko Sato, Shigeyuki Kano
, 2012年03月, Peptide Scienece
Synthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of Radiohalogen-Labeled
Antitumor Cyclic Peptide, Keiichi Yamada
Shigeki Watanabe
Yasuhiro Ohshima
Hirofumi Hanaoka
Narutaka Tsukui
Chikako Tanako
Hiroyuki Oku
Noriko S. Ishioka, 2012年03月, Peptide Scienece
マラリアワクチン, 奥 浩之
狩野繁之, 2012年05月, レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌, 2, 2, 159-165
Development of peptide immobilized nano-spheres and application for falciparum and vivax malaria antibody detection., Hiroyuki Oku, Kazuhiko Yano, Brian Bacay, Shinya Kitamura, Mai Fukuno, Akane Kijima, Yuri Yamada, Keiichi Yamada, Elena A Villacorte, Pilarita T Rivera, and Shigeyuki Kano, 2013年, Peptide Scienece 2012
, 奥 浩之
奥 裕子, 2019年03月, 北関東産官学研究会 技術情報誌 HiKaLo, 67
タンパク質や核酸をターゲットとしたものづくりイノベーション, 奥浩之, 2018年12月19日, 北関東産官学研究会 技術情報誌 HiKaLo, 18(3), 66, 8, 9
コンニャク精粉のCellulase加水分解生成物について、1H-NMRとHPLCによるD-グルコース/D-マンノース比の測定, 奥 浩之, 2020年07月21日, 健康・栄養食品研究, Journal of Nutritional Food, 17, 1, 34, 44, 研究論文(学術雑誌)
(-)-N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-L-proline-2-thioamide (boc-L-pro-thioamide), Oku, Hiroyuki;Yoshinari, Takamasa;Yamada, Keiichi;Katakai, Ryoichi, 2006年, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC COMMUNICATIONS, 62, O5298, O5300
Synthesis of low-hemolytic antimicrobial dehydropeptides based on gramicidin S, Yamada, Keiichi;Shinoda, Shun-suke;Oku, Hiroyuki;Komagoe, Keiko;Katsu, Takashi;Katakai, Ryoichi, 2006年, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 49, 26, 7592, 7595
Synthesis, crystal structure, and coordination properties of a helical peptide having beta-(3-pyridyl)-L-alanine and L-glutamic acid residues, Oku, Hiroyuki;Kimura, Yosuke;Ohama, Mitsuo;Ueyama, Norikazu;Yamada, Keiichi;Katakai, Ryoichi, 2007年, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 692, 1-3, 79, 87
Conformational change from antiparallel beta-sheet to alpha-helix in a series of depsipeptide, -(Leu-Leu-Lac)(n)-: Syntheses, spectroscopic studies, and crystal structures of Boc-Leu-Lac-OEt and Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)(n)-OEt (n=1, 2), Oku, Hiroyuki;Yamada, Keiichi;Katakai, Ryoichi, 2008年, BIOPOLYMERS, BIOPOLYMERS, 89, 4, 270, 283
A spectroscopic investigation of incompletely condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol and POSS-triol): Hydrogen-bonded interaction and host-guest complex, Liu, Hongzhi;Kondo, Shin-ichi;Tanaka, Ryoji;Oku, Hiroyuki;Unno, Masafumi, 2008年, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 693, 7, 1301, 1308
Hydrocarbon proton-conductive membranes prepared by radiation-grafting of styrenesulfonate onto aromatic polyamide films, Li, Dengrong;Chen, Jinhua;Zhai, Maolin;Asano, Masaharu;Maekawa, Yasunari;Oku, Hiroyuki;Yoshida, Masaru, 2009年, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 267, 1, 103, 107
Perfluorinated polymer film with functional group prepared by radiation-induced grafting, Zhai, Maolin;Chen, Jinhua;Hasegawa, Shin;Li, Dengrong;Oku, Hiroyuki;Maekawa, Yasunari, 2009年, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 45, 6, 1668, 1673
Modification of ultrathin polyetheretherketone film for application in direct methanol fuel cells, Chen, Jinhua;Li, Dengrong;Koshikawa, Hiroshi;Zhai, Maolin;Asano, Masaharu;Oku, Hiroyuki;Maekawa, Yasunari, 2009年, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 344, 1-2, 266, 274
A spectroscopic investigation of incompletely condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol and POSS-triol): Hydrogen-bonded interaction and host-guest complex (vol 693, pg 1301, 2008), Liu, Hongzhi;Kondo, Shin-ichi;Tanaka, Ryoji;Oku, Hiroyuki;Unno, Masafumi, 2010年, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 695, 4, 642, 642
Structure-activity relationships of bacterial outer-membrane permeabilizers based on polymyxin B heptapeptides, Urakawa, Hirotoshi;Yamada, Keiichi;Komagoe, Keiko;Ando, Setsuko;Oku, Hiroyuki;Katsu, Takashi;Matsuo, Ichiro, 2010年, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 20, 5, 1771, 1775
Three-Component Polyaddition of Diamines, Carbon Disulfide, and Diacrylates in Water, Nagai, Daisuke;Imazeki, Tsutomu;Morinaga, Hisatoyo;Oku, Hiroyuki;Kasuya, Ken-Ichi, 2010年, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 48, 4, 845, 851
Synthesis and structure elucidation of new series of organotin(IV) esters with bio-screening activity and catalytic study, Ashfaq, Muhammad;Ahmed, M. Mahboob;Shaheen, Salma;Oku, Hiroyuki;Mehmood, Karamat;Khan, Abdullah;Niazi, Shahida Begum;Ansari, Tariq Mahmood;Jabbar, Abdul;Khan, M. I., 2011年, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 14, 1, 5, 12
Structure-activity relationships of gramicidin S analogs containing (beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues on membrane permeability, Yamada, Keiichi;Kodaira, Makoto;Shinoda, Shun-suke;Komagoe, Keiko;Oku, Hiroyuki;Katakai, Ryoichi;Katsu, Takashi;Matsuo, Ichiro, 2011年, MEDCHEMCOMM, MEDCHEMCOMM, 2, 7, 644, 649
Synthesis of radiobrominated amino acid derivatives via silicon-bromine exchange reaction, Watanabe, Shigeki;Yamada, Keiichi;Watanabe, Saki;Oku, Hiroyuki;Moriguch, Tomohisa;Shinozuka, Kazuo;Ishioka, Noriko S., 2015年, JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS, JOURNAL OF LABELLED COMPOUNDS & RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS, 58, S256, S256
Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide, Yoshiba, Kazuto;Okamoto, Satoka;Dobashi, Toshiaki;Oku, Hiroyuki;Christensen, Bjorn E.;Sato, Takahiro, 2017年, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 168, 79, 85
Conformational change from antiparallel beta-sheet to alpha-helix in a series of depsipeptide, -(Leu-Leu-Lac)(n)-: syntheses, spectroscopic studies, and crystal structures of Boc-Leu-Lac-OEt and Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)(n)-OEt (n = 1, 2)., Oku Hiroyuki;Yamada Keiichi;Katakai Ryoichi, Biopolymers, Biopolymers, 89, 4
Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogel with hyaluronic acid as a candidate for a novel scaffold for chondrocyte culture., Kondo Takayuki;Shinozaki Tetsuya;Oku Hiroyuki;Takigami Shoji;Takagishi Kenji, Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 3, 5
Structure-activity relationships of bacterial outer-membrane permeabilizers based on polymyxin B heptapeptides., Urakawa Hirotoshi;Yamada Keiichi;Komagoe Keiko;Ando Setsuko;Oku Hiroyuki;Katsu Takashi;Matsuo Ichiro, 2010年01月20日, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters, 20, 5
群馬大学の熱帯病研究 化学的な視点によるマラリア原虫エノラーゼの研究, 奥 浩之, 2017年08月, The Kitakanto Medical Journal, 67, 3, 261
Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide., Yoshiba Kazuto;Okamoto Satoka;Dobashi Toshiaki;Oku Hiroyuki;Christensen Bjørn E;Sato Takahiro, 2017年03月14日, Carbohydrate polymers, Carbohydrate polymers, 168
7-Hydroxy-4-phenyl-1, 2-dihydroquinoline derivatives: synthesis via one-pot, three-component reaction and structure elucidation., Tabassum Rukhsana;Ashfaq Muhammad;Oku Hiroyuki, 2020年10月01日, Heliyon, Heliyon, 6, 9
Peroxiredoxins in malaria parasites : Parasitologic aspects, KAWAZU Shin-ichiro;KOMAKI YASUDA Kanako;OKU Hiroyuki;KANO Shigeyuki, 2008年03月, Parasitology international : official journal of the Japanese Society of Parasitology, Parasitol Int, 57, 1, 1, 7
Synthesis, Conformation and Properties of Model Peptides Containing Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (PfCRT), MOROTA Tsuguhiro;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2007年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2006, 52, 53
Synthesis and Properties of Elastin-Like Poly(peptide-block-ethylene glycol), INOUE Aya;SHIMODA Yuya;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2007年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2006, 54, 55
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides, NAKATSU Shingo;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2007年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2006, 66, 67
Synthetic Study of Cyclosporin Peptide via Multiple N-Methylation Procedure, ARAZOE Tetsuya;ENDO Teruya;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 197, 200
Structure-Activity Relationship of Cytotoxic Cyclic Peptide Sansalvamide A, UENO Hiromasa;YAMADA Keiichi;FUJISAWA Tomomi;TORII Seiji;HOSAKA Masahiro;OKU Hiroyuki;TAKEUCHI Toshiyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 281, 284
Structure-Activity Relationship of Polymyxin B Heptapeptide and Analogs, URAKAWA Hirotoshi;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;ANDO Setsuko;KOMAGOE Keiko;KATSU Takashi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 293, 296
Synthesis of a Novel Polydepsipeptide, Poly(Ala-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Lac = L-Lactic acid) Which Shows Irreversible Thermo-responding Behavior, SHIMODA Yuya;INOUE Aya;TAKAYAMA Chie;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 429, 432
Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Thermo-Responsive Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-Like-Depsipeptide, TAKAYAMA Chie;INOUE Aya;SHIMODA Yuya;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 433, 436
Application of Micelles Consisting of Sequential Depsipeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol) to Drug Delivery System, KOMORIYA Masumi;SUNAGA Hiroaki;ASANO Satoko;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 477, 480
Cyclic β-Sheet Antimicrobial Peptides with Environment-sensitive Fluorophores : Photophysical Properties and Molecular Orientation in Lipid Bilayers, YAMADA Keiichi;YOSHIHARA Toshitaka;KATSU Takashi;OKU Hiroyuki;TOBITA Seiji, 2009年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2008, 281, 284
Nano-Particle Materials Prepared From a Synthetic Antigenic Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KOBAYASHI Kyoko;KATAKAI Ryoichi;ASHFAQ Muhammad;HANAOKA Hirofumi;IIDA Yasuhiko;ENDO Keigo;HASEGAWA Shin;MAEKAWA Yasunari;YANO Kazuhiko;KANO Shigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru, 2009年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Sciencece 2008, 2008, 439, 442
Synthesis and properties of polymeric micelles consisting of depsipeptide-poly(ethylene glycol) block copolymer for drug delivery, SUNAGA Hiroaki;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi;MATSUO Ichiro, 2009年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2008, 501, 504
Stereochemistry of protected ornithine side chains of gramicidin S derivatives: X-ray crystal structure of the bis-Boc-tetra-N-methyl derivative of gramicidin S., Yamada Keiichi;Unno Masafumi;Kobayashi Kyoko;Oku Hiroyuki;Yamamura Hatsuo;Araki Shuki;Matsumoto Hideyuki;Katakai Ryoichi;Kawai Masao, Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 124, 43
コンニャク精粉のCellulase加水分解生成物について,1H-NMRとHPLCによるD-グルコース/D-マンノース比の測定, 奥 浩之, 2020年, 健康・栄養食品研究, Journal of Nutritional Food, 17, 1, 34, 44
オプティカルフローを用いた動画像からの小動物の検出, 関口 雄紀;中沢 信明;奥 浩之, 2020年, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会講演概要集, The Proceedings of JSME annual Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (Robomec), 2020, 0, 2P1, N05
Synthesis of sequential polydepsipeptides utilizing a new approach for the synthesis of depsipeptides., Katakai Ryoichi;Kobayashi Kyoko;Yamada Keiichi;Oku Hiroyuki;Emori Nobu, Biopolymers, Biopolymers, 73, 6
Addition of a peptide fragment on an alpha-helical depsipeptide induces alpha/3(10)-conjugated helix: synthesis, crystal structure, and CD spectra of Boc-Leu-Leu-Ala-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-Leu-Leu-OEt., Oku Hiroyuki;Ohyama Takafumi;Hiroki Akihiro;Yamada Keiichi;Fukuyama Keiichi;Kawaguchi Hiroyuki;Katakai Ryoichi, Biopolymers, Biopolymers, 75, 3
Synthesis of low-hemolytic antimicrobial dehydropeptides based on gramicidin s., Yamada Keiichi;Shinoda Shun-suke;Oku Hiroyuki;Komagoe Keiko;Katsu Takashi;Katakai Ryoichi, Journal of medicinal chemistry, Journal of medicinal chemistry, 49, 26
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Transmembrane Partial Peptides of Peripheral Myelin Protein (PMP22) Containing Point Mutation, YAMADA Keiichi;SATO Jun'ichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2002年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2001, 281, 284
Synthesis of Multiple-Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequence of Enolase, KOKUBO Miho;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;SATO Kumiko;KANO Sigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2002年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science, 2001, 331, 334
3_10-Helix Nucleation in a Depsipeptide : Crystal Structure of Boc-(Leu-Leu-Ala)_2-(Leu-Leu-Lac)_3-OEt, OHYAMA Takafumi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2000年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 1999, 287, 290
SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF 3_<10> HELIX DEPSIPEPTIDES, OKU Hiroyuki;TETSUKA Yoshihide;OHYAMA Takafumi;KOBAYASHI Kyoko;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2000年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 1999, 291, 294
Synthesis and Structure of a Peptide Having Partial Sequence of Plasmdium Falciparum Enolase, KARASAWA Mutsumi;KOBAYASHI Kyoko;OKU Hiroyuki;SATO Kumiko;KANO Shigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2000年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science 1999, 1999, 295, 298
Synthesis and conformational analysis of model peptides containing a metal binding site of plastcyanine, ABE Nobuyuki;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2001年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2000, 289, 292
Synthesis of a Peptide Having Partial Sequence of Enolase, ISHIGURO Tadashi;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;SATO Kumiko;KANO Sigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2001年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science 2000, 2000, 293, 296
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Depsipeptides Containing α-Hydroxyisobutyric Acid, YASUNO Keiji;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2001年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2000, 297, 300
Synthesis of Small Domain Peptides of Glycolytic Enzyme Enolase, NONAKA Ryoko;OKU Hiroyuki;SATO Kumiko;KANO Sigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2001年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science, 2000, 301, 304
Synthesis and Properties of an Elastin Model Depsipeptide Sequences, Containing-Gly-Val-Gly-Hmb-Pro-(Hmb=2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic Acid), TAIRA Tomohiro;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2004年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science, 2003, 177, 180
Synthesis and Conformation of Polymyxin B Partial Peptides, URAKAWA Hirotoshi;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2004年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2003, 363, 366
Synthesis and Properties of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter Protein (PfCRT), OKU Hiroyuki;SUZUKI Hiroshi;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2004年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2003, 367, 370
Synthesis and Conformation of Linear and Cyclic Peptides Containing (Z)-(β-3-Pyridyl)-α, β-dehydroalanine Residues, YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;SHINODA Shun'suke;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2004年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2003, 393, 396
中分子量ペプチド多核錯体の合成と結晶構造, 奥 浩之, 2005年02月, 高分子, Kobunshi, 54, 2
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal-Binding Proteins, KIMURA Yosuke;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 437, 440
Single-step N-Methylation of Hindered Peptides : Total Synthesis of Cyclosporin O, YAMADA Keiichi;ENDO Teruya;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 591, 594
Solution-phase Synthesis and Conformation of Dendritic Polypeptides, WATANABE Nobuo;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 607, 610
Synthesis of Sequential Polydepsipeptide Microspheres as a Controlled Drug Delivery System, EMORI Nobu;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 621, 624
Synthesis of Model Peptides Containing a Metal Binding Site of Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase (CODH/ACS), KONDO Ikuo;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 625, 628
Synthesis and Properties of a Thermo-Responsible Polydepsipeptide Containing Hmb (2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic Acid) Residues, SHICHIRI Kazuaki;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 633, 636
Synthetic Study of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, OMI Kazuto;KURIYAMA Keisuke;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KANO Shigeyuki;SATO Kumiko;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science 2004, 2004, 637, 640
Synthetic Study of Cyclic Peptolide Aureobasidin A, NAITO Ryo;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2005年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2004, 649, 652
Comparison of Crystal Structures and Micro-Crystalline CD Spectra for β-Sheet and α-Helical Depsipeptides, -(Leu-Leu-Lac)_n-(Lac = L-Lactic Acid), OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 355, 358
Synthesis and Properties of a Model Peptide Containing Mutant Transmembrane Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (P.f.CRT), MOROTA Tsuguhiro;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 373, 376
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Partial Peptides Having a Sequence of Fanconi Protein, SAMATA Hideki;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 377, 380
Secondary Structural Analysis of Peptides Containing Proline Residues, CHIDA Yoko;KOBAYASHI Kyoko;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 389, 392
Synthesis of Gramicidin S Analogue Containing (Z)-(β-3-Pyridyl)-α,β-dehydroalanine (Δ^Z3Pal) Residues, SHINODA Shun-suke;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 449, 452
Synthetic Study of Histidine-rich ProteinII Analogs from Plasmodium Falciparum, HANYU Masayuki;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 487, 490
Synthesis and Properties of Sequential Depsipeptides for Drug Delivery System, SUDA Tomohiro;CHIDA Yoko;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2006年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2005, 495, 498
Synthetic Study of Antigenic Polypeptide Having a Partial Squence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, YAMAMOTO Jun-ya;OMI Kazuto;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KANO Shigeyuki;SATO Kumiko;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2007年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2006, 35, 36
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides, YOSHINARI Takamasa;YAMADA Keiichi;OKU Hiroyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2007年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2006, 50, 51
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Consisting of Metal Ion Coordinating Depsipeptides and Poly(ethylene glycol), ARAI Ken-ichi;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;HANAOKA Hirofumi;IIDA Yasuhiko;ENDO Keigo;KOHAMA Kazuhiro;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2008年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2007, 437, 440
デンドリマーを用いたマラリアワクチンの開発研究, 奥 浩之, 2002年05月, 高分子学会予稿集, 51, 1, 4, 6
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, HORIE Toru;SATO Shota;DEMURA Tetsuro;IWASAKI Ayano;URANO Masashi;YAMADA Keiichi;MATSUO Ichiro;HASEGAWA Shin;MAEKAWA Yasunari;YANO Kazuhiko;KANO Shigeyuki;OKU Hiroyuki, 2011年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2010, 99
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic Malaria Vaccine, OKU Hiroyuki;YANO Kazuhiko;FUKUMOTO Megumi;KANO Shigeyuki, 2011年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science, 2010, 101
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Fluorescent Analogs of Polymyxin B, SUDA Hiroyuki;NOZAKI Jin;YOSHIHARA Toshitada;KOMAGOE Keiko;OKU Hiroyuki;TOBITA Seiji;KATSU Takashi;YAMADA Keiichi, 2012年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2011, 97, 100
Synthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of Radiohalogen-Labeled Antitumor Cyclic Peptides, YAMADA Keiichi;WATANABE Shigeki;OHSHIMA Yasuhiro;HANAOKA Hirofumi;TSUKUI Narutaka;TANAKO Chikako;YAMAGUCHI Aiko;OKU Hiroyuki;ISHIOKA Noriko S., 2012年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2011, 287, 290
Detection of Malaria Antibody Using Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres, OKU Hiroyuki;YANO Kazuhiko;FUKUMOTO Megumi;FUKUNO Mai;IWASAKI Ayano;YAMADA Keiichi;HASEGAWA Shin;MAEKAWA Yasunari;SATO Kumiko;KANO Shigeyuki, 2012年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2011, 331, 334
Synthesis of Radiohalogen-labeled Peptides with High Affinity to HER2/neu Receptor, SASAKI Ichiro;YAMADA Keiichi;WATANABE Shigeki;HANAOKA Hirofumi;SUGO Yumi;OKU Hiroyuki;ISHIOKA Noriko S., 2013年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2012, 157, 160
Development of Peptide Immobilized Nano-Spheres and Application for Falciparum and Vivax Malaria Antibody Detection, OKU Hiroyuki;YANO Kazuhiko;BACAY Brian;KITAMURA Shinya;FUKUNO Mai;KIJIMA Akane;YAMADA Yuri;YAMADA Keiichi;VILLACORTE Elena A;RIVERA Pilarita T;KANO Shigeyuki, 2013年03月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2012, 381, 384
深層学習と動体検出を組み合わせた動画からの害獣認識手法, 中島 彩奈;奥 浩之;茂木 和弘;白石 洋一, 2021年, 産業応用工学会論文誌, The Japanese Journal of the Institute of Industrial Applications Engineers, 9, 1, 38, 45
Solution-phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of N-Desmethylated Cyclosporin O Analogs, ENDO Teruya;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2003年02月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2002, 383, 386
Synthesis and Conformation of Peptides Containing (Z)-β-(3-Pyridyl)-α, β-dehydroalanine, MUROI Rie;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2003年02月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2002, 401, 404
Stereochemistry of Protected Ornithine Side Chains of Gramicidin S Derivatives : X-ray Crystal Structure of N-Methylated Derivative of Gramicidin S, YAMADA Keiichi;UNNO Masafumi;KOBAYASHI Kyoko;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMAMURA Hatsuo;MATSUMOTO Hideyuki;KATAKAI Ryoichi;KAWAI Masao, 2003年02月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2002, 305, 308
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Multiple Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequences of Plasmodium Falciparum Enolase, NOI Masaki;ISHIGURO Tadashi;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;SATO Kumiko;KANO Shigeyuki;SUZUKI Mamoru;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2003年02月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, Peptide Science, 2002, 309, 312
Structure and Metal-binding Properties of Peptides Containing β-(3-Pyridyl)-L-Alanine Residues, NAKAI Ryo;OKU Hiroyuki;YAMADA Keiichi;KATAKAI Ryoichi, 2003年02月, Peptide science : proceedings of the ... Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2002, 313, 316
Peroxiredoxins in malaria parasites: Parasitologic aspects, Kawazu, Shin-Ichiro;Komaki-Yasuda, Kanako;Oku, Hiroyuki;Kano, Shigeyuki, 2008年, PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 57, 1, 1, 7
Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogel with hyaluronic acid as a candidate for a novel scaffold for chondrocyte culture, Kondo, Takayuki;Shinozaki, Tetsuya;Oku, Hiroyuki;Takigami, Shoji;Takagishi, Kenji, 2009年, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 3, 5, 361, 367
7-Hydroxy-4-phenyl-1, 2-dihydroquinoline derivatives: synthesis via one-pot, three-component reaction and structure elucidation, Tabassum, Rukhsana;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2020年, HELIYON, HELIYON, 6, 9
Recent Advances in Transition Metal Free Synthetic Protocols for Quinoline Derivatives, Tabassum, Rukhsana;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2020年, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, CURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 24, 16, 1815, 1852
Development of an efficient, one-pot, multicomponent protocol for synthesis of 8-hydroxy-4-phenyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline derivatives, Tabassum, Rukhsana;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2021年, JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, JOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY, 58, 2, 534, 547
Current Pharmaceutical Aspects of Synthetic Quinoline Derivatives, Tabassum, Rukhsana;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2021年, MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, MINI-REVIEWS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 21, 10, 1152, 1172
Recent Advances in Transition Metal Mediated Synthetic Approaches to Quinoline Derivatives, Tabassum, Rukhsana;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2021年, LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, LETTERS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 18, 9, 669, 686
Current Pharmaceutical Aspects of Synthetic Quinoline Derivatives., Tabassum Rukhsana;Ashfaq Muhammad;Oku Hiroyuki, Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, 21, 10
Development of an efficient, one-pot, multicomponent protocol for synthesis of 8-hydroxy-4-phenyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline derivatives., Tabassum Rukhsana;Ashfaq Muhammad;Oku Hiroyuki, 2020年12月02日, Journal of heterocyclic chemistry, Journal of heterocyclic chemistry, 58, 2
Free radical scavenging, antibacterial potentials and spectroscopic characterizations of benzoyl thiourea derivatives and their metal complexes, Hafsa;Shah, Habib Ur Rehman;Ahmad, Khalil;Ashfaq, Muhammad;Oku, Hiroyuki, 2023年, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, 1272
Acid-Responsive Immune-Enhancing Chitosan Formulation Capable of Transforming from Particle Stabilization to Polymer Chain Stabilization., Zou Yongjuan;Liu Xiaoxuan;Chen Qiuting;Oku Hiroyuki;Ma Guanghui;Wu Jie, 2023年02月, ACS applied materials & interfaces, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 15, 9
The first stereospecific arylation of (Z)-germyl(stannyl)ethenes with an aryl halide or heteroaryl halide under palladium-catalysis, Takumi Kataishi,Kotario Kato,Yoshiaki Makihara,Yuichi Kitashima,Sigeru Ohara,Fumiaki Anzai,Seiich Inokuma,Hiroyuki Oku,Masa-aki Ubukata,Yutaka Takahashi,Taichi Nakano, 2008年12月, APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 22, 12, 665, 670
The first stereospecific arylation of (Z)-germyl(stannyl)ethenes with an aryl halide or heteroaryl halide under palladium-catalysis, Takumi Kataishi,Kotario Kato,Yoshiaki Makihara,Yuichi Kitashima,Sigeru Ohara,Fumiaki Anzai,Seiich Inokuma,Hiroyuki Oku,Masa-aki Ubukata,Yutaka Takahashi,Taichi Nakano, 2008年12月, APPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 22, 12, 665, 670
A spectroscopic investigation of incompletely condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol and POSS-triol): Hydrogen-bonded interaction and host-guest complex, Hongzhi Liu,Shin-ichi Kondo,Ryoji Tanaka,Hiroyuki Oku,Masafumi Unno, 2008年04月, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 693, 7, 1301, 1308
A spectroscopic investigation of incompletely condensed polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS-mono-ol, POSS-diol and POSS-triol): Hydrogen-bonded interaction and host-guest complex, Hongzhi Liu,Shin-ichi Kondo,Ryoji Tanaka,Hiroyuki Oku,Masafumi Unno, 2008年04月, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 693, 7, 1301, 1308
Peroxiredoxins in malaria parasites: Parasitologic aspects, Shin-Ichiro Kawazu,Kanako Komaki-Yasuda,Hiroyuki Oku,Shigeyuki Kano, 2008年03月, PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 57, 1, 1, 7, 書評論文,書評,文献紹介等
Peroxiredoxins in malaria parasites: Parasitologic aspects, Shin-Ichiro Kawazu,Kanako Komaki-Yasuda,Hiroyuki Oku,Shigeyuki Kano, 2008年03月, PARASITOLOGY INTERNATIONAL, 57, 1, 1, 7, 書評論文,書評,文献紹介等
Volume phase transition of methacryloyl-L-alanine copolymer hydrogels controlled by the terminal groups in the side chains, J Hendri,A Hiroki,H Oku,M Yoshida,R Katakai, 2001年01月, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 39, 1, 56, 62
Volume phase transition of methacryloyl-L-alanine copolymer hydrogels controlled by the terminal groups in the side chains, J Hendri,A Hiroki,H Oku,M Yoshida,R Katakai, 2001年01月, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 39, 1, 56, 62
Modification of ultrathin polyetheretherketone film for application in direct methanol fuel cells, Jinhua Chen,Dengrong Li,Hiroshi Koshikawa,Maolin Zhai,Masaharu Asano,Hiroyuki Oku,Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年11月, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 344, 1-2, 266, 274
Modification of ultrathin polyetheretherketone film for application in direct methanol fuel cells, Jinhua Chen,Dengrong Li,Hiroshi Koshikawa,Maolin Zhai,Masaharu Asano,Hiroyuki Oku,Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年11月, JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE, 344, 1-2, 266, 274
Hydrocarbon proton-conductive membranes prepared by radiation-grafting of styrenesulfonate onto aromatic polyamide films, Dengrong Li,Jinhua Chen,Maolin Zhai,Masaharu Asano,Yasunari Maekawa,Hiroyuki Oku,Masaru Yoshida, 2009年01月, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 267, 1, 103, 107
Hydrocarbon proton-conductive membranes prepared by radiation-grafting of styrenesulfonate onto aromatic polyamide films, Dengrong Li,Jinhua Chen,Maolin Zhai,Masaharu Asano,Yasunari Maekawa,Hiroyuki Oku,Masaru Yoshida, 2009年01月, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, 267, 1, 103, 107
Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogel with hyaluronic acid as a candidate for a novel scaffold for chondrocyte culture, Takayuki Kondo,Tetsuya Shinozaki,Hiroyuki Oku,Shoji Takigami,Kenji Takagishi, 2009年07月, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 3, 5, 361, 367
Konjac glucomannan-based hydrogel with hyaluronic acid as a candidate for a novel scaffold for chondrocyte culture, Takayuki Kondo,Tetsuya Shinozaki,Hiroyuki Oku,Shoji Takigami,Kenji Takagishi, 2009年07月, JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 3, 5, 361, 367
Perfluorinated polymer film with functional group prepared by radiation-induced grafting, Maolin Zhai,Jinhua Chen,Shin Hasegawa,Dengrong Li,Hiroyuki Oku,Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年06月, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 45, 6, 1668, 1673
Perfluorinated polymer film with functional group prepared by radiation-induced grafting, Maolin Zhai,Jinhua Chen,Shin Hasegawa,Dengrong Li,Hiroyuki Oku,Yasunari Maekawa, 2009年06月, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 45, 6, 1668, 1673
Three-Component Polyaddition of Diamines, Carbon Disulfide, and Diacrylates in Water, Daisuke Nagai,Tsutomu Imazeki,Hisatoyo Morinaga,Hiroyuki Oku,Ken-Ichi Kasuya, 2010年02月, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 48, 4, 845, 851
Three-Component Polyaddition of Diamines, Carbon Disulfide, and Diacrylates in Water, Daisuke Nagai,Tsutomu Imazeki,Hisatoyo Morinaga,Hiroyuki Oku,Ken-Ichi Kasuya, 2010年02月, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 48, 4, 845, 851
Structure-activity relationships of bacterial outer-membrane permeabilizers based on polymyxin B heptapeptides, Hirotoshi Urakawa,Keiichi Yamada,Keiko Komagoe,Setsuko Ando,Hiroyuki Oku,Takashi Katsu,Ichiro Matsuo, 2010年03月, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 20, 5, 1771, 1775
Structure-activity relationships of bacterial outer-membrane permeabilizers based on polymyxin B heptapeptides, Hirotoshi Urakawa,Keiichi Yamada,Keiko Komagoe,Setsuko Ando,Hiroyuki Oku,Takashi Katsu,Ichiro Matsuo, 2010年03月, BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS, 20, 5, 1771, 1775
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-valine trichloroethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Val-OTce), H Oku,T Endo,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2006年06月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 62, 6, O2347, O2349
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-valine trichloroethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Val-OTce), H Oku,T Endo,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2006年06月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 62, 6, O2347, O2349
Synthesis of low-hemolytic antimicrobial dehydropeptides based on gramicidin S, Keiichi Yamada,Shun-suke Shinoda,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiko Komagoe,Takashi Katsu,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年12月, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 49, 26, 7592, 7595
Synthesis of low-hemolytic antimicrobial dehydropeptides based on gramicidin S, Keiichi Yamada,Shun-suke Shinoda,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiko Komagoe,Takashi Katsu,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年12月, JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, 49, 26, 7592, 7595
(-)-N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-L-proline-2-thioamide (boc-L-pro-thioamide), Hiroyuki Oku,Takamasa Yoshinari,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年11月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 62, 11, O5298, O5300
(-)-N-(tert-Butoxy-carbon-yl)-l-proline-2-thio-amide (Boc-l-Pro-thio-amide), Hiroyuki Oku,Takamasa Yoshinari,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年11月, Acta Crystallographica Section E, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 62, 11, O5298, O5300
Synthesis, crystal structure, and coordination properties of a helical peptide having β-(3-pyridyl)-l-alanine and glutamic acid residues, Hiroyuki Oku,Yosuke Kimura,Mitsuo Ohama,Norikazu Ueyama,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2007年01月, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 692, 1-3, 79, 87
Synthesis, crystal structure, and coordination properties of a helical peptide having beta-(3-pyridyl)-L-alanine and L-glutamic acid residues, Hiroyuki Oku,Yosuke Kimura,Mitsuo Ohama,Norikazu Ueyama,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2007年01月, JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY, 692, 1-3, 79, 87
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-alanine trichloroethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Ala-OTce), H Oku,T Endo,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2005年11月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 61, O3864, O3866
tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-alanine trichloroethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Ala-OTce), H Oku,T Endo,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2005年11月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 61, O3864, O3866
Solution-phase total synthesis of cyclosporin peptides by utilizing multiple N-methylation, K Yamada,T Endo,H Oku,R Katakai, 2005年, BIOPOLYMERS, 80, 4, 523, 523, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
Solution-phase total synthesis of cyclosporin peptides by utilizing multiple N-methylation, K Yamada,T Endo,H Oku,R Katakai, 2005年, BIOPOLYMERS, 80, 4, 523, 523, 研究発表ペーパー・要旨(国際会議)
O-Benzyl-N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-threonyl-L-proline trichloroethyl ester [Boc-L-Thr(Bzl)-L-Pro-OTce], H Oku,K Kuriyama,K Omi,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2005年11月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 61, 11, O3867, O3869
O-Benzyl-N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-threonyl-L-proline trichloroethyl ester [Boc-L-Thr(Bzl)-L-Pro-OTce], H Oku,K Kuriyama,K Omi,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2005年11月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 61, 11, O3867, O3869
Synthesis, crystal structure and molecular conformation of N-alpha-Boc-L-leucyl-(Z)-beta-(3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanyl-L-leucine methyl ester, K Yamada,H Oku,SS Shinoda,R Katakai, 2005年02月, JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH, 65, 2, 167, 174
Synthesis, crystal structure and molecular conformation of N-alpha-Boc-L-leucyl-(Z)-beta-(3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanyl-L-leucine methyl ester, K Yamada,H Oku,SS Shinoda,R Katakai, 2005年02月, JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH, 65, 2, 167, 174
Long-term effect of epidural injection with sustained-release lidocaine particles in a rat model of postoperative pain, T. Suto,H. Obata,M. Tobe,H. Oku,H. Yokoo,Y. Nakazato,S. Saito, 2012年12月, BRITISH JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIA, 109, 6, 957, 967
Stereochemistry of protected ornithine side chains of gramicidin S derivatives: X-ray crystal structure of the bis-boc-tetra-N-methyl derivative of gramicidin S, K Yamada,M Unno,K Kobayashi,H Oku,H Yamamura,S Araki,H Matsumoto,R Katakai,M Kawai, 2002年10月, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 124, 43, 12684, 12688
Stereochemistry of protected ornithine side chains of gramicidin S derivatives: X-ray crystal structure of the bis-boc-tetra-N-methyl derivative of gramicidin S, K Yamada,M Unno,K Kobayashi,H Oku,H Yamamura,S Araki,H Matsumoto,R Katakai,M Kawai, 2002年10月, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 124, 43, 12684, 12688
A peptide sequence containing a hydroxy acid residue: (S)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoyl-L-alanyl-L-proline benzyl ester (H-L-Hmb-L-Ala-L-Pro-OBzl), H Oku,K Shichiri,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2003年09月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 59, 9, O1413, O1415
A peptide sequence containing a hydroxy acid residue: (S)-2-hydroxy-3-methylbutanoyl-L-alanyl-L-proline benzyl ester (H-L-Hmb-L-Ala-L-Pro-OBzl), H Oku,K Shichiri,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2003年09月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 59, 9, O1413, O1415
N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C hydrogen bonding and O center dot center dot center dot O=C repulsive interactions in tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-leucyl-L-alanine ethyl ester (Boc-L-Leu-L-Ala-OEt), H Oku,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2003年10月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 59, 10, O1581, O1583
A short depsipeptide: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-lactic acid benzyl ester (ROC-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl), H Oku,T Suda,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年05月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, 5, O720, O721
A synthetic intermediate of enantiopure N-protected beta-hydroxyvaline, (2R)-2-[N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)amino]-3-methylbutane-1,3-diol, H Oku,R Naito,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年12月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, 12, O2462, O2464
An N-protected depsipeptide free acid prepared by direct synthesis without using a terminal-C protecting group: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-leucyl-L-lactic acid (BOC-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH), H Oku,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年06月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, O927, O929
An N-protected depsipeptide free acid prepared by direct synthesis without using a terminal-C protecting group: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-leucyl-L-lactic acid (BOC-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH), H Oku,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年06月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, 6, O927, O929
Addition of a peptide fragment on an a-helical depsipeptide induces alpha/3(10)-conjugated helix: Synthesis, crystal structure, and CD spectra of Boc-Leu-Leu-Ala-(Leu-Leu-LaC)(3)-Leu-Leu-OEt, H Oku,T Ohyama,A Hiroki,K Yamada,K Fukuyama,H Kawaguchi,R Katakai, 2004年10月, BIOPOLYMERS, 75, 3, 242, 254
Addition of a peptide fragment on an a-helical depsipeptide induces alpha/3(10)-conjugated helix: Synthesis, crystal structure, and CD spectra of Boc-Leu-Leu-Ala-(Leu-Leu-LaC)(3)-Leu-Leu-OEt, H Oku,T Ohyama,A Hiroki,K Yamada,K Fukuyama,H Kawaguchi,R Katakai, 2004年10月, BIOPOLYMERS, 75, 3, 242, 254
Synthesis of sequential polydepsipeptides utilizing a new approach for the synthesis of depsipeptides, R Katakai,K Kobayashi,K Yamada,H Oku,N Emori, 2004年04月, BIOPOLYMERS, 73, 6, 641, 644
Synthesis of sequential polydepsipeptides utilizing a new approach for the synthesis of depsipeptides, R Katakai,K Kobayashi,K Yamada,H Oku,N Emori, 2004年04月, BIOPOLYMERS, 73, 6, 641, 644
A synthetic fragment of a cyclic depsipeptide, aureobasidine A: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-allo-isoleucyl-N-methyl-L-valine (Boc-L-allo-Ile-L-MeVal-OH), H Oku,R Naito,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年12月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, 12, O2261, O2263
A synthetic fragment of a cyclic depsipeptide, aureobasidine A: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-allo-isoleucyl-N-methyl-L-valine (Boc-L-allo-Ile-L-MeVal-OH), H Oku,R Naito,K Yamada,R Katakai, 2004年12月, ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION E-STRUCTURE REPORTS ONLINE, 60, 12, O2261, O2263
Structure-activity relationships of gramicidin S analogs containing (beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues on membrane permeability, Keiichi Yamada,Makoto Kodaira,Shun-suke Shinoda,Keiko Komagoe,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai,Takashi Katsu,Ichiro Matsuo, 2011年07月, MEDCHEMCOMM, 2, 7, 644, 649
Structure-activity relationships of gramicidin S analogs containing (beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues on membrane permeability, Keiichi Yamada,Makoto Kodaira,Shun-suke Shinoda,Keiko Komagoe,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai,Takashi Katsu,Ichiro Matsuo, 2011年07月, MEDCHEMCOMM, 2, 7, 644, 649
Synthesis and structure elucidation of new series of organotin(IV) esters with bio-screening activity and catalytic study, Muhammad Ashfaq,M. Mahboob Ahmed,Salma Shaheen,Hiroyuki Oku,Karamat Mehmood,Abdullah Khan,Shahida Begum Niazi,Tariq Mahmood Ansari,Abdul Jabbar,M. I. Khan, 2011年01月, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 14, 1, 5, 12
Synthesis and structure elucidation of new series of organotin(IV) esters with bio-screening activity and catalytic study, Muhammad Ashfaq,M. Mahboob Ahmed,Salma Shaheen,Hiroyuki Oku,Karamat Mehmood,Abdullah Khan,Shahida Begum Niazi,Tariq Mahmood Ansari,Abdul Jabbar,M. I. Khan, 2011年01月, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, 14, 1, 5, 12
Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide, Kazuto Yoshiba,Satoka Okamoto,Toshiaki Dobashi,Hiroyuki Oku,Bjorn E. Christensen,Takahiro Sato, 2017年07月, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 168, 79, 85
Effects of carboxylation of the side chains on the order-disorder transition in aqueous solution of schizophyllan, a triple helical polysaccharide, Kazuto Yoshiba,Satoka Okamoto,Toshiaki Dobashi,Hiroyuki Oku,Bjorn E. Christensen,Takahiro Sato, 2017年07月, CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, 168, 79, 85
cis- and trans-Conformers at the urethane linkage: tert-butoxy-carbonyl-l-alanyl-l-proline methyl ester (Boc-l-Ala-l-Pro-OMe), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2003年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E59, 8, o1130-o1132
cis- and trans-Conformers at the urethane linkage: tert-butoxy-carbonyl-l-alanyl-l-proline methyl ester (Boc-l-Ala-l-Pro-OMe), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2003年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E59, 8, o1130-o1132
N―H---O=C hydrogen bonding and O---O=C repulsive interactions in tert-butoxy-carbonyl-l-leucyl-l-alanine ethyl ester (Boc-l-Leu-l-Ala-OEt), 奥 浩之,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2003年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E59, 10, o1581-o1583
Synthesis of gramicidin S analogue containing (Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues, YAMADA KEIICHI,Takashi Katsu,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006, 449-452
Synthesis and conformational analysis of partial peptides having a sequence of Fanconi Protein, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, 377-380
Synthesis and properties of sequential depsipeptides for drug delivery system, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006, 495-498
熱帯熱マラリア原虫の解糖系酵素を標的とした、人工抗原ペプチドの合成研究, 奥 浩之,片貝 良一,狩野 繁之,増田 剛太,佐藤 久美子,鈴木 守,唐澤 睦実,佐藤 剛,野中 良子,石黒 正,狩野 美有希,小久保 美穂,野井 正樹,山田 圭一, 2001年, トゥルーシア群馬 (群馬大学機器分析センター機関誌, Vol.3、pp20-25 (2001)
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal-Binding Protein., Yosuke Kimura,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 437, 441
キラキラわくわく化学no.51、植物の色, 奥 浩之, 2003年, 上毛新聞
X-ray Structure of N-Methylated Gramicidine S Derivative: Stereochemistry of Protected Ornithine Side Chains, YAMADA KEIICHI,UNNO MASAFUMI,KOBAYASHI KYOKO,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMAMURA HATSUO,MATSUMOTO HIDEYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI,KAWAI MASAO, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, 2003, 305, 308
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of N-Desmethylated Cyclosporin O Analogs., 遠藤 哉也,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2003, pp 313-316
Solution-Phase Structure and Metal-Binding Properties of Peptides Containing b-(3-Pyridyl)-L-Alanine Residues., 中井 亮,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka, 2003, pp 401-404
Synthesis and Conformation of Linear and Cyclic Peptides Containing (Z)-(b-3-Pyridyl)-a,b-Dehydro-Alanine Residues, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,篠田 俊輔,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, pp. 393-396
Synthesis and Conformation of Polymyxin B Partial Peptides., 浦川 洋世,YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, pp. 393-396
Synthesis and Properties of an Elastin Model Depsipeptide Sequences, Containing-Gly-Val-Gly-Hmb-Pro-(Hmb=2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic acid)., 平 知広,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2004, 177, 181
A Short Depsipeptide: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Alanyl-L-Lactic Acid Benzyl Ester (Boc-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl), Hiroyuki Oku,Tomohiro Suda,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst., E60, o720-o721
An N-Protected depsipeptide Free Acid Prepared by Direct Synthesis Without Using a Terminal-C Protecting Group: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Alanyl-L-Leucyl- L-Lactic Acid (Boc-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst., E60:o927-o929
Crystal Structure of a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-Leu-Leu-OEt, 大山貴史,奥 浩之,吉田勝,片貝 良一, 2001年, Biopolymers, 58, 7, 536, 642
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Conformation of Dendric Polypeptide, Nobuo Watanabe,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 607, 611
Synthetic Study of Cyclic Peptolide Aureobasidine A, Naito Ryo,YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004, 2005, 649, 652
Single-Step N-Methylation of Hindered Peptides: Total Synthesis of Cyclosporin O, YAMADA KEIICHI,Teryya Endo,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 591, 595
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Partial Peptides Having a Sequence of Fanconi Protein, Hideki Samata,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2006, 377, 380
A Synthetic Fragment of a Cyclic depsipeptide, Aureobasidine A: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-all- soleucyl-N-Methyl-L- aline (Boc-L-all-Ile-L-MeVal-OH)., Hiroyuki Oku,Ryo Naito,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst., E60, o2261-o2263
「アミノ酸の可能性-インテリジェント材料への応用-」, 奥 浩之, 2001年, 群馬経済新聞,(シーズを探せ-群馬大学工学部化学系研究室から-)
A synthetic intermediate of enantiopure N-protected β-hydroxy-valine, (2R)-2-[N-(tert-butoxy-carbonyl)-amino]-3-methylbutane-1,3-diol, Hiroyuki Oku,Ryo Naito,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E60, 12, o2462-o2464
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum, 奥 浩之,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,鈴木 守,石黒正,山本仁,山田 圭一,上山憲一,片貝 良一, 2002年, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar, pp. 38-53
Synthesis of Gramicidin S Analogue Containing (Z)-(beta-3-Pyridyl)-alpha, beta-dehydroalanine (deltaZ-3-Pal) Residues, Shunsuke Shinoda,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2006, 449, 452
マラリア予防に原虫の酵素 有望, 奥 浩之, 2003年, 日本経済新聞
Conformational Change from α-Helix to β-Sheet Observed in a Series of Depsipeptide Crystals: Synthesis and Structural Properties of Boc-Leu-Lac-OEt and Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n-OEt (n = 1, 2)., Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Biopolymers, 89, 4, 242, 254
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Amphiphilic Poly(peptide-block-ethyleneglycol)., Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Yasuhiko Iida,Keigo Endo, 2007年, Yakugaku Zasshi(薬学雑誌), 127, Supplement Issue 2, pp. 79
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Helical Peptides., Ken-ichi Arai,Masayuki Hanyu,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, 薬学雑誌, 126, Supplement Issue 1, P-22
Synthesis and Properties of Sequential Depsipeptides for Drug Delivery System, Tomohiro Suda,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed., 495, 498
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Transmembrane Partial Peptides of Peripheral Myelin Protein (PMP22) Containing Point Mutation., Sato Junichi,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2002, 281, 284
Conformation of the Transmembrane Domains in Peripheral Myelin Protein 22. Part 1. Solution-Phase Synthesis and Circular Dichroism Study of Protected 17-Residue Partial Peptides in the First Putative Transmembrane Domain, YAMADA KEIICHI,佐藤 淳一,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, J. Pep. Res, 78, 78-87 (2003).
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Model Peptides Containing a Metal Binding Site of Plastcyanine., 阿部 信行,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2001; pp. 289-292.
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Depsipeptides Containing a-Hydroxyisobutylic Acid, 安野 圭二,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2001; pp. 287-300.
Synthesis of a Peptide having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 石黒 正,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2001; pp. 293-296.
Comparison of crystal structures and micro-crystaline CD spectra for beta-sheet and alpha-helical depsipeptides,-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n- (Lac = L-lactic acid), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed., 355, 359
Secondary Structural Analysis of Peptides Containing Proline Residues, Yoko Chida,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed., 389, 392
Synthesis and Properties of Thermo-Responsible Polydepsipeptide Containing Hmb (2-hydroxy-3-methyl-butanoic acid) Residues., 奥 浩之,七里一彰,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, 2004, 633, 636
Synthesis of Sequential Polydepsi-peptide Microspheres as a Controlled Drug Delivery System., 奥 浩之,江森野歩,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, 2004, 621, 624
Synthetic Study of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之,小見和人,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, Y. Shimohigashi, Ed., 637-640
Synthesis and Properties of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT)., 奥 浩之,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M.Ueki, Ed., 367-371
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Multiple Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequences of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之,野井正樹,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Chemistry 2002; T. Yamada, Ed., 309-312
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides., Shingo Nakatsu,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
Synthesis, Conformation and Properties of Model Peptides Containing Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (P.f.CRT), Tsuguhiro Morota,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum. Synthesis and Propertiesw of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal Binding Properties., OKU HIROYUKI,Ishiguro Tadashi,SATO KUMIKO,Kano Shigeyuki,SUZUKI MAMORU,Hitoshi Yamamoto,Norikazu Ueyama,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Proceedings of The 8th Forum Cheju, Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar; Maebashi, 2002, 38, 63
「中分子量ペプチド多核錯体の合成と結晶構造」 トピックス (特集記事、精密高分子錯体), 奥 浩之, 2005年, 高分子, 57, 2, 80
「マラリア原虫によるヘモグロビンの消化とヘムの解毒」 最新のトピックス, 奥 浩之, 2002年, 化学, Vol.57、No.9、pp.64-65
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Structur-activity Relationship of Polymyxin B Heptapeptide and Analogs, Hirotoshi Urakawa,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Setsuko Ando,Keiko Komagome,Takashi Katsu,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 293, 296
Synthetic study of Cyclosporin Peptide via Multiple N-Methylation Procedure, Tetsuya Arazoe,Teruya Endo,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 437, 430
Application of Micelles Consisting of Sequential Depsipeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol) to Drug Delivery System, Masumi Komoriya,Hiroshi Sunaga,Satoko Asano,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 477, 480
Synthesis of a Novel Polydepsipeptide, Poly(Ala-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Lac = L-Lactic Acid) Which Shows Irreversible Thermo-Responding Behavior, Yuya Shimoda,Aya Inoue,Chie Takayama,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 429, 430
Structure-Activity Relationship of Cytotoxic Cyclic Peptide Sansalvamide A, Hiromasa Ueno,Keiichi Yamada,Tomomi Fujisawa,Seiji Torii,Masahiro Hosaka,Hiroyuki Oku,Toshiyuki Takeuchi,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 281, 284
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Consisting of Metal Ion Coordinating Depsipeptides and Poly(ethylene glycol), Ken-ichi Arai,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Yasuhiro Iida,Keigo Endo,Kazuhiro Kohama,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece 2007, 437, 430
Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Thermo-Responsible Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-Like-Depsipeptide, Chie Takayama,Aya Inoue,Yuya Shimoda,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 433, 436
Facile synthesis of N-alpha-protected-L-alpha,gamma-diaminobutyric acids mediated by polymer-supported hypervalent iodine reagent in water, YAMADA KEIICHI,URAKAWA HIROTOSHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, The Journal of Peptide Research, 64(2), 43-50
Synthesis of Small Domain Peptides of Glycolytic Enzyme Enolase., 野中 良子,OKU HIROYUKI,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Science 2000, T. Shioiri, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka, 2001; pp. 301-304.
Synthesis of a Model peptide Containing a Metal Binding Site of Carbon Monooxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase (CODH/ACS)., Ikuo Kondo,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, 625, 628
Synthetic Study of Antigenic Polypeptide Having a Partial Squence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Jun-ya Yamamoto,Kazuto Omi,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Shigeyuki Kano,Kumiko Sato,Mamoru Suzuki,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides, Takamasa Yoshinari,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2006, 50, 51
Synthesis of Multiple-Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 小久保 美穂,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,SATO KUMIKO,kanou shigeyuki,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2002, 331, 334
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 72
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119/,12906-12916
Resonance Raman as a Direct Probe for the Catalytic Mechanism of Molybdenum Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2/,797-803
Synthesis and Properties of a Nitrido-Molybdenum((]G0006[))Complex Having Benzenedithiolate Ligands-Effect of the thiolate on the Activation of the Nitride Ligand(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69/,117-123
Stabilization of Oxo-Metal Bonding by the π-Conjugated System in the Dithiolate Ligand : cis-Dioxotungsten((]G0006[))Bis(naphthalenedithiolato)and the Related Complexes as Models for Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69/,3139-3150
Trans Influence of Oxo and Dithiolene Coordination in Oxidized Molybdenum Oxidoreductase Models : Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Q
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A Comparison Between the Structures of Tungstopterin Cofactor in Tungsten Oxidoreductase and a Model Complex, cis-Dioxobis(2,3-naphthalenedithiolato)Tungsten((]G0006[))in Their O-Atom Transfer Reaction(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters, /,31-32
The Stabilization of Dioxomolybdenum((]G0006[))Dithiolene Complex by the Electron Withdrawing Substituent on the Dithiolene Ligand : Comparison of Ractivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Complex with R
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Oxygen Atom Transfer Systems in Which the(μ-oxo)dimolybdenum((]G0005[))Complex Formation Does not Occur : Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Benzenedithiolato Complexes as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1994年, Inorganic Chemistry, 33/,209-216
Structure and Properties of(NEt
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Nature of Fe-Se bond in(NR4)2[Fe(SePh)4](共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 67/1-4,151-154
Two Electron Transfer Oxidation by Polymer-supported[Fe4S4(SR)4]2- Complex(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 74/,451-458
Distorted Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Model Complexes With Intramolecular NH-S Hydrogen Bond for Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 67/2-3,10
Side-Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo shrinking Process : r-ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of an cross linked poly (methacry loy 1-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science : Part A : Polymer Chemistry, 38/7,2671-2677
Molecular Design of Synthetic Peptides of Plasmodium Falciparum Enolase and Their Reactivity Against Patients' Sera, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Parasitology International, 48/,169
The Crystal Strucure for a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Ala)2-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-OEt., OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Biopolymers, 54/,375-378
Synthetic Study of Histidine-Rich Protein II Analogs from Plasmodium falciparum., 奥 浩之,山田 圭一,片貝 良一,破入正行, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, 2005, 487, 491
Synthesis and Properties of a Model Peptide Containing Mutant Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (PfCRT)., Tsuguhiro Morota,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed., 373, 376
Oxidation of(NEt4)2[Mo(IV)O(3-triphenylsilyl-1,2-benzenedithiolato)2]with Trimethylamine N-oxide, OKU HIROYUKI, 1991年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 43, 2-3, 586
Electronic and Steric Effect of Bulky Triphenylsilyl Substituent in the Monooxobenzenedithiolato Molybdenum((]G0005[))Complex and the Tungsten Analog as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Chemistry Letters, /,621-622
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic Malaria Vaccine., Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Megumi Fukumoto,Shigeyuki Kano, 2011年, Peptide Scienece, 2010, in press
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, Toru Horie,Shota Sato,Tetsuro Demura,Ayano Iwasaki,Masashi Urano,Keiichi Yamada,Ichiro Matsuo,Shin Hasegawa,Yasunari Maekawa,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano,Hiroyuki Oku, 2011年, Peptide Scienece, 2010, in press
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy., 奥 浩之, 1997年, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 119, 12906-12916
Association of Oxo-Molybdenum Dithiolene Complexes with a Multiamide Additive and Its Influence on the Ease of O-Atom Transfer(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Inorganic Chemistry, 36/,1504-1516
Benzoin Oxidation at Extreme Temperature by Bis(1,2-benzenedithiolato)-dioxotungstate((]G0006[))Complex : a Model Study for Hyperthermostable Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters, /,1131-1132
Thiolato-Activated Oxo-Metal Bond Features in Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxidoreductase Models as Revealed by Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Inorganic Chemistry, 34/,3667-3676
cis-Dioxobis(benzenedithiolato)tungsten((]G0006[))and the Related Monooxotungsten((]G0005[))and-((]G0004[))Complexes. Models of Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114/,7310-7311
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Side Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo-Shrinking Process : r-Ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of Uncrosslinked Poly(methacryloyl-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry, 38/15,2671-2677
Conformational Change of Proline Residues Observed in Swollen and Shrunken Phases : gamma-ray synthesis and variable temperature circular dichroism spectra of a thermo-responding polymer, poly(acryloyl-Pro-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry, 38/24,4524-4530
MCD Spectroscopy of W((]G0005[))and Mo((]G0005[))Dithiolato Complexes : Implications for the Coordination Geometry of the Mo/W Active Sites of Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 67/2-3,14
Synthesis of Environment-sensitive Fluorescent Phenylalanine Derivative for Investigating Peptide-Lipid Membrane Interactions., Yamada\, K,Yoshihara\, T,Yokoo\, K,Oshima\, J,Komagome\, K,Oku\, H,Katsu\, T,Tobita\, S,Matsuo\, I, 2010年, Peptide Science, 2009, 127, 130
Synthesis and Properties of Polymeric Micelles Consisting of Depsipeptide- Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Block Copolymer for Drug Delivery., Sunaga\, H,Oku\, H,Yamada\, K,Katakai\, R,Matsuo\, I, 2009年, Peptide Scienece, 2008, 501, 504
Nano-Particle Materials Prepared From a Synthetic Antigenic Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., Oku\, H,Yamada\, K,Kobayashi\, K,Katakai\, R,Ashfaq\, M,Hanaoka\, H,Iida\, Y,Endo\, K,Hasegawa\, S,Maekawa\, Y,Yano\, Y,Kano\, S,Suzuki\, M, 2009年, Peptide Scienece, 2008, 439, 442
Cyclic β-Sheet Antimicrobial Peptides with Environment-senseitive Fluorophores: Photophysical Properties and Molecular Orientation in Lipid Bilayers., Yamada\, K,Yoshihara\, T,Katsu\, T,Oku\, H,Tobita\, S, 2009年, Peptide Science, 2008, 281, 284
マラリアワクチン, 奥 浩之,狩野繁之, 2012年, レギュラトリーサイエンス学会誌, 2, 2, 159, 165
Detection of Malaria Antibody Using Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres, Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Megumi Fukumoto,Mai Fukuno,Ayano Iwasaki,Keiichi Yamada,Shin Hasegawa,Yasunari Maekawa,Kumiko Sato,Shigeyuki Kano, 2012年, Peptide Scienece, 2011, 331, 334
Synthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of Radiohalogen-Labeled Antitumor Cyclic Peptide, Keiichi Yamada,Shigeki Watanabe,Yasuhiro Ohshima,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Narutaka Tsukui,Chikako Tanako,AikoYamaguchi,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka, 2012年, Peptide Scienece, 2011, 287, 290
A NOVEL PLASMINOGEN-BINDING SEQUENCE IDENTIFIED FROM THE ROOP REGION OF Plasmodium falciparum ENOLASE, Hiroyuki Oku,Yudai Kimoto,Nana Isomoto,Suguru Niwa,Kazuo Shinozuka,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano, 2018年, Peptide Scienece 2017, 2017, 160, 161
Synthesis and properties of silylated phenylalanine derivatives, Keiichi Yamada,Saki Watanabe,Shigeki Watanabe,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Tomohisa Moriguchi,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka,Kazuo Shinozuka, 2016年, Peptide Science 2015, 2015, 93, 94
Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting the Loop Region of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Hiroyuki Oku,Risa Onishi,Utako Arai,Yudai Kimoto,Keiichi Yamada,Kazuo Shinozuka,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano, 2015年, Peptide Science 2014, 2014, 275, 278
Cytotoxicity and cellular distribution of fluorescently-labeled cationic cyclopeptides, Yamada\, Keiichi,Nozaki\, Jin,Murayama\, Saori,Yoshihara\, Toshitada,Oku Hiroyuki,Tobita\, Seiji, 2014年, Peptide Science 2013, 2013, 467, 470
Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor, Ichiro Sasaki,Keiichi Yamada,Shigeki Watanabe,Hirofumi hanaoka,Yumi Sugo,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka, 2013年, Peptide Science 2012, 2013, 157, 160
Development of peptide immobilized nano-spheres and application for falciparum and vivax malaria antibody detection., Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Brian Bacay,Shinya Kitamura,Mai Fukuno,Akane Kijima,Yuri Yamada,Keiichi Yamada,Elena A Villacorte,Pilarita T Rivera,Shigeyuki Kano, 2013年, Peptide Scienece 2012, 2012, 381, 384
マラリア原虫エノラーゼを標的とした、all-synthetic材料による人工抗原と抗体価検査キットの開発, 奥浩之, 2016年, 月刊『化学工業』, 67, 7, 529, 535
Enantioselective Synthesis of β-amino acids: A Review, Muhammad Ashfaq,RukhsanaTabassum,Muhammad Mahboob Ahmad,Nagina Ali Hassan,Hiroyuki Oku,Gildardo Rivera, 2015年, Medicinal chemistry, 5, 7, 295, 309
LAMP法を用いた三日熱マラリア患者の鑑別診断:フィリピンでの実例, 矢野和彦,石上盛敏,奥浩之\,Villacorte,Elena A,Rivera Pilarita T,狩野繁之, 2014年, 日本臨床寄生虫学雑誌, 24, 1, 59, 63
マラリアの基礎とワクチン, 奥 浩之,狩野 繁之, 2014年, バムサジャーナル, 26, 1, 31, 35
Synthesis of gramicidin S analogue containing (Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine residues, YAMADA KEIICHI,Takashi Katsu,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006, 449-452
Synthesis and conformational analysis of partial peptides having a sequence of Fanconi Protein, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, 377-380
Synthesis and properties of sequential depsipeptides for drug delivery system, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006, 495-498
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal-Binding Protein., Yosuke Kimura,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 437, 441
X-ray Structure of N-Methylated Gramicidine S Derivative: Stereochemistry of Protected Ornithine Side Chains, YAMADA KEIICHI,UNNO MASAFUMI,KOBAYASHI KYOKO,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMAMURA HATSUO,MATSUMOTO HIDEYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI,KAWAI MASAO, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, 2003, 305, 308
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of N-Desmethylated Cyclosporin O Analogs., 遠藤 哉也,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2003, pp 313-316
Solution-Phase Structure and Metal-Binding Properties of Peptides Containing b-(3-Pyridyl)-L-Alanine Residues., 中井 亮,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, Peptide Science 2002, T. Yamada, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka, 2003, pp 401-404
Synthesis and Conformation of Linear and Cyclic Peptides Containing (Z)-(b-3-Pyridyl)-a,b-Dehydro-Alanine Residues, YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,篠田 俊輔,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, pp. 393-396
Synthesis and Conformation of Polymyxin B Partial Peptides., 浦川 洋世,YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, pp. 393-396
Synthesis and Properties of an Elastin Model Depsipeptide Sequences, Containing-Gly-Val-Gly-Hmb-Pro-(Hmb=2-Hydroxy-3-Methylbutanoic acid)., 平 知広,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M. Ueki, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2004, 177, 181
A Short Depsipeptide: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-Alanyl-L-Lactic Acid Benzyl Ester (Boc-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl), Hiroyuki Oku,Tomohiro Suda,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst., E60, o720-o721
Crystal Structure of a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-Leu-Leu-OEt, Takafumi Ohyama,Hiroyuki Oku,Masaru Yoshida,Ryoichi Katakai, 2001年, Biopolymers, 58, 7, 536, 642
An N-protected depsipeptide free acid prepared by direct synthesis without using a terminal-C protecting group: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-leucyl-L-lactic acid (Boc-L-Ala-L-Leu-L-Lac-OH), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E60, 6, o927-o929
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Conformation of Dendric Polypeptide, Nobuo Watanabe,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 607, 611
Synthetic Study of Cyclic Peptolide Aureobasidine A, Naito Ryo,YAMADA KEIICHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004, 2005, 649, 652
Single-Step N-Methylation of Hindered Peptides: Total Synthesis of Cyclosporin O, YAMADA KEIICHI,Teryya Endo,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2005, 591, 595
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Partial Peptides Having a Sequence of Fanconi Protein, Hideki Samata,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2006, 377, 380
A Synthetic Fragment of a Cyclic depsipeptide, Aureobasidine A: tert-Butoxycarbonyl-L-all- soleucyl-N-Methyl-L- aline (Boc-L-all-Ile-L-MeVal-OH)., Hiroyuki Oku,Ryo Naito,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst., E60, o2261-o2263
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum, 奥 浩之,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,鈴木 守,石黒正,山本仁,山田 圭一,上山憲一,片貝 良一, 2002年, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar, pp. 38-53
Synthesis of Gramicidin S Analogue Containing (Z)-(beta-3-Pyridyl)-alpha, beta-dehydroalanine (deltaZ-3-Pal) Residues, Shunsuke Shinoda,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2005; T. Wakamiya, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2006, 449, 452
Conformational Change from α-Helix to β-Sheet Observed in a Series of Depsipeptide Crystals: Synthesis and Structural Properties of Boc-Leu-Lac-OEt and Boc-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n-OEt (n = 1, 2)., Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Biopolymers, 89, 4, 242, 254
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Amphiphilic Poly(peptide-block-ethyleneglycol)., Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Yasuhiko Iida,Keigo Endo, 2007年, Yakugaku Zasshi(薬学雑誌), 127, Supplement Issue 2, pp. 79
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Helical Peptides., Ken-ichi Arai,Masayuki Hanyu,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Yakugaku Zasshi, 126, Supplement Issue 1, P-22
Synthesis and Properties of Sequential Depsipeptides for Drug Delivery System, Tomohiro Suda,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, 495, 498
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Transmembrane Partial Peptides of Peripheral Myelin Protein (PMP22) Containing Point Mutation., Sato Junichi,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2002, 281, 284
Conformation of the Transmembrane Domains in Peripheral Myelin Protein 22. Part 1. Solution-Phase Synthesis and Circular Dichroism Study of Protected 17-Residue Partial Peptides in the First Putative Transmembrane Domain, YAMADA KEIICHI,佐藤 淳一,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2003年, J. Pep. Res, 78, 78-87 (2003).
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Model Peptides Containing a Metal Binding Site of Plastcyanine., 阿部 信行,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2001; pp. 289-292.
Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Depsipeptides Containing a-Hydroxyisobutylic Acid, 安野 圭二,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2001; pp. 287-300.
Synthesis of a Peptide having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 石黒 正,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Scienece 2000; T. Shioiri, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka,, 2001; pp. 293-296.
Comparison of crystal structures and micro-crystaline CD spectra for beta-sheet and alpha-helical depsipeptides,-(Leu-Leu-Lac)n- (Lac = L-lactic acid), Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2005, T. Wakamiya, Ed., 355, 359
Synthesis and Properties of Thermo-Responsible Polydepsipeptide Containing Hmb (2-hydroxy-3-methyl-butanoic acid) Residues., Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuaki Shichiri,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, 2004, 633, 636
Synthesis of Sequential Polydepsi-peptide Microspheres as a Controlled Drug Delivery System., Hiroyuki Oku,Nobu Emori,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, 2004, 621, 624
Synthetic Study of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之,小見和人,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2005年, Peptide Science 2004, Y. Shimohigashi, Ed., 637-640
Synthesis and Properties of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT)., 奥 浩之,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Scienece 2003; M.Ueki, Ed., 367-371
Solution-Phase Synthesis and Structural Analysis of Multiple Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequences of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., 奥 浩之,野井正樹,山田 圭一,片貝 良一, 2003年, Peptide Chemistry 2002; T. Yamada, Ed., 309-312
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides., Shingo Nakatsu,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
Synthesis, Conformation and Properties of Model Peptides Containing Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (P.f.CRT), Tsuguhiro Morota,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum. Synthesis and Propertiesw of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as a Model of Metal Binding Properties., OKU HIROYUKI,Ishiguro Tadashi,SATO KUMIKO,Kano Shigeyuki,SUZUKI MAMORU,Hitoshi Yamamoto,Norikazu Ueyama,YAMADA KEIICHI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Proceedings of The 8th Forum Cheju, Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Seminar; Maebashi, 2002, 38, 63
Structur-activity Relationship of Polymyxin B Heptapeptide and Analogs, Hirotoshi Urakawa,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Setsuko Ando,Keiko Komagome,Takashi Katsu,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 293, 296
Synthetic study of Cyclosporin Peptide via Multiple N-Methylation Procedure, Tetsuya Arazoe,Teruya Endo,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 437, 430
Application of Micelles Consisting of Sequential Depsipeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol) to Drug Delivery System, Masumi Komoriya,Hiroshi Sunaga,Satoko Asano,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 477, 480
Synthesis of a Novel Polydepsipeptide, Poly(Ala-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Lac = L-Lactic Acid) Which Shows Irreversible Thermo-Responding Behavior, Yuya Shimoda,Aya Inoue,Chie Takayama,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 429, 430
Structure-Activity Relationship of Cytotoxic Cyclic Peptide Sansalvamide A, Hiromasa Ueno,Keiichi Yamada,Tomomi Fujisawa,Seiji Torii,Masahiro Hosaka,Hiroyuki Oku,Toshiyuki Takeuchi,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 281, 284
Synthesis and Properties of Novel Amphiphilic Block Copolymers Consisting of Metal Ion Coordinating Depsipeptides and Poly(ethylene glycol), Ken-ichi Arai,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Yasuhiro Iida,Keigo Endo,Kazuhiro Kohama,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece 2007, 437, 430
Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Thermo-Responsible Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-Like-Depsipeptide, Chie Takayama,Aya Inoue,Yuya Shimoda,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2008年, Peptide Scienece, 2007, 433, 436
Facile synthesis of N-alpha-protected-L-alpha,gamma-diaminobutyric acids mediated by polymer-supported hypervalent iodine reagent in water, YAMADA KEIICHI,URAKAWA HIROTOSHI,OKU HIROYUKI,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2004年, The Journal of Peptide Research, 64(2), 43-50
Synthesis of Small Domain Peptides of Glycolytic Enzyme Enolase., 野中 良子,OKU HIROYUKI,佐藤 久美子,狩野 繁之,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2001年, Peptide Science 2000, T. Shioiri, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka, 2001; pp. 301-304.
Synthesis of a Model peptide Containing a Metal Binding Site of Carbon Monooxide Dehydrogenase/Acetyl Coenzyme A Synthase (CODH/ACS)., Ikuo Kondo,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2005年, Peptide Scienece 2004; Y. Shimohigashi, Ed.; The Japanese Peptide Society: Osaka, 2004, 625, 628
A short depsipeptide: tert-butoxycarbonyl-L-alanyl-L-lactic acid benzyl ester (Boc-L-Ala-L-Lac-OBzl), Hiroyuki Oku,Tomohiro Suda,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2004年, Acta Cryst. Section E, E60, 5, o720-o721
Synthetic Study of Antigenic Polypeptide Having a Partial Squence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Jun-ya Yamamoto,Kazuto Omi,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Shigeyuki Kano,Kumiko Sato,Mamoru Suzuki,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Science 2006
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides, Takamasa Yoshinari,Keiichi Yamada,Hiroyuki Oku,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, Peptide Scienece 2006, 50, 51
Synthesis of Multiple-Antigenic Peptides Having Partial Sequence of Enolase., 小久保 美穂,OKU HIROYUKI,YAMADA KEIICHI,SATO KUMIKO,kanou shigeyuki,SUZUKI MAMORU,KATAKAI RYOICHI, 2002年, Peptide Science 2001, H. Aoyagi, Ed.; Protein Research Foundation: Osaka,, 2002, 331, 334
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 72
Active Site Structures and Catalytic Mechaism of Rhodobacter spaeroides Dimethylsulfoxide Reductase as Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 119/,12906-12916
Resonance Raman as a Direct Probe for the Catalytic Mechanism of Molybdenum Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry, 2/,797-803
Synthesis and Properties of a Nitrido-Molybdenum((]G0006[))Complex Having Benzenedithiolate Ligands-Effect of the thiolate on the Activation of the Nitride Ligand(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69/,117-123
Stabilization of Oxo-Metal Bonding by the π-Conjugated System in the Dithiolate Ligand : cis-Dioxotungsten((]G0006[))Bis(naphthalenedithiolato)and the Related Complexes as Models for Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 69/,3139-3150
Trans Influence of Oxo and Dithiolene Coordination in Oxidized Molybdenum Oxidoreductase Models : Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Q
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A Comparison Between the Structures of Tungstopterin Cofactor in Tungsten Oxidoreductase and a Model Complex, cis-Dioxobis(2,3-naphthalenedithiolato)Tungsten((]G0006[))in Their O-Atom Transfer Reaction(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters, /,31-32
The Stabilization of Dioxomolybdenum((]G0006[))Dithiolene Complex by the Electron Withdrawing Substituent on the Dithiolene Ligand : Comparison of Ractivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Complex with R
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Oxygen Atom Transfer Systems in Which the(μ-oxo)dimolybdenum((]G0005[))Complex Formation Does not Occur : Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Benzenedithiolato Complexes as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1994年, Inorganic Chemistry, 33/,209-216
Structure and Properties of(NEt
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Nature of Fe-Se bond in(NR4)2[Fe(SePh)4](共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon, 67/1-4,151-154
Two Electron Transfer Oxidation by Polymer-supported[Fe4S4(SR)4]2- Complex(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 74/,451-458
Distorted Monooxomolybdenum((]G0004[))Model Complexes With Intramolecular NH-S Hydrogen Bond for Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 67/2-3,10
Side-Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo shrinking Process : r-ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of an cross linked poly (methacry loy 1-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science : Part A : Polymer Chemistry, 38/7,2671-2677
Molecular Design of Synthetic Peptides of Plasmodium Falciparum Enolase and Their Reactivity Against Patients' Sera, OKU HIROYUKI, 1999年, Parasitology International, 48/,169
The Crystal Strucure for a Depsipeptide Boc-(Leu-Leu-Ala)2-(Leu-Leu-Lac)3-OEt., OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Biopolymers, 54/,375-378
Synthetic Study of Histidine-Rich Protein II Analogs from Plasmodium falciparum., Masayuki Hanyu,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, 2005, 487, 491
Synthesis and Properties of a Model Peptide Containing Mutant Transmembrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter (PfCRT)., Tsuguhiro Morota,Hiroyuki Oku,Keiichi Yamada,Ryoichi Katakai, 2006年, 373, 376
Oxidation of(NEt4)2[Mo(IV)O(3-triphenylsilyl-1,2-benzenedithiolato)2]with Trimethylamine N-oxide, OKU HIROYUKI, 1991年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 43, 2-3, 586
Electronic and Steric Effect of Bulky Triphenylsilyl Substituent in the Monooxobenzenedithiolato Molybdenum((]G0005[))Complex and the Tungsten Analog as Models of Molybdenum Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Chemistry Letters, /,621-622
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic Malaria Vaccine., Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Megumi Fukumoto,Shigeyuki Kano, 2011年, Peptide Scienece, 2010, in press
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, Toru Horie,Shota Sato,Tetsuro Demura,Ayano Iwasaki,Masashi Urano,Keiichi Yamada,Ichiro Matsuo,Shin Hasegawa,Yasunari Maekawa,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano,Hiroyuki Oku, 2011年, Peptide Scienece, 2010, in press
Association of Oxo-Molybdenum Dithiolene Complexes with a Multiamide Additive and Its Influence on the Ease of O-Atom Transfer(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Inorganic Chemistry, 36/,1504-1516
Benzoin Oxidation at Extreme Temperature by Bis(1,2-benzenedithiolato)-dioxotungstate((]G0006[))Complex : a Model Study for Hyperthermostable Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1996年, Chemistry Letters, /,1131-1132
Thiolato-Activated Oxo-Metal Bond Features in Molybdenum and Tungsten Oxidoreductase Models as Revealed by Raman Spectroscopy(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Inorganic Chemistry, 34/,3667-3676
cis-Dioxobis(benzenedithiolato)tungsten((]G0006[))and the Related Monooxotungsten((]G0005[))and-((]G0004[))Complexes. Models of Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1992年, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114/,7310-7311
cis-Dioxobis(2,3-naphthalenedithiolato)tungsten((]G0006[))and the Related 1,2-Benzenedithiolato Complex : Models of Tungsten Oxidoreductases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1995年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 59/2-3,586
Side Chain Conformational Changes During the Thermo-Shrinking Process : r-Ray Polymerization and Spectroscopic Study of Uncrosslinked Poly(methacryloyl-Ala-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry, 38/15,2671-2677
Conformational Change of Proline Residues Observed in Swollen and Shrunken Phases : gamma-ray synthesis and variable temperature circular dichroism spectra of a thermo-responding polymer, poly(acryloyl-Pro-OMe), OKU HIROYUKI, 2000年, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A, Polymer Chemistry, 38/24,4524-4530
MCD Spectroscopy of W((]G0005[))and Mo((]G0005[))Dithiolato Complexes : Implications for the Coordination Geometry of the Mo/W Active Sites of Oxotransferases(共著), OKU HIROYUKI, 1997年, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 67/2-3,14
Synthesis of Environment-sensitive Fluorescent Phenylalanine Derivative for Investigating Peptide-Lipid Membrane Interactions., Yamada\, K,Yoshihara\, T,Yokoo\, K,Oshima\, J,Komagome\, K,Oku\, H,Katsu\, T,Tobita\, S,Matsuo\, I, 2010年, Peptide Science, 2009, 127, 130
Synthesis and Properties of Polymeric Micelles Consisting of Depsipeptide- Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Block Copolymer for Drug Delivery., Sunaga\, H,Oku\, H,Yamada\, K,Katakai\, R,Matsuo\, I, 2009年, Peptide Scienece, 2008, 501, 504
Nano-Particle Materials Prepared From a Synthetic Antigenic Sequence of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase., Oku\, H,Yamada\, K,Kobayashi\, K,Katakai\, R,Ashfaq\, M,Hanaoka\, H,Iida\, Y,Endo\, K,Hasegawa\, S,Maekawa\, Y,Yano\, Y,Kano\, S,Suzuki\, M, 2009年, Peptide Scienece, 2008, 439, 442
Cyclic β-Sheet Antimicrobial Peptides with Environment-senseitive Fluorophores: Photophysical Properties and Molecular Orientation in Lipid Bilayers., Yamada\, K,Yoshihara\, T,Katsu\, T,Oku\, H,Tobita\, S, 2009年, Peptide Science, 2008, 281, 284
Detection of Malaria Antibody Using Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres, Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Megumi Fukumoto,Mai Fukuno,Ayano Iwasaki,Keiichi Yamada,Shin Hasegawa,Yasunari Maekawa,Kumiko Sato,Shigeyuki Kano, 2012年, Peptide Scienece, 2011, 331, 334
Long-term effect of epidural injection with sustained-release lidocaine particles in a rat model of postoperative pain., Suto T,Obata H,Tobe M,Oku H,Yokoo H,Nakazato Y,Saito S, 2012年, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 109, 6, 957, 967
Synthesis and In Vivo Evaluation of Radiohalogen-Labeled Antitumor Cyclic Peptide, Keiichi Yamada,Shigeki Watanabe,Yasuhiro Ohshima,Hirofumi Hanaoka,Narutaka Tsukui,Chikako Tanako,AikoYamaguchi,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka, 2012年, Peptide Scienece, 2011, 287, 290
A NOVEL PLASMINOGEN-BINDING SEQUENCE IDENTIFIED FROM THE ROOP REGION OF Plasmodium falciparum ENOLASE, Hiroyuki Oku,Yudai Kimoto,Nana Isomoto,Suguru Niwa,Kazuo Shinozuka,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano, 2018年, Peptide Scienece 2017, 2017, 160, 161
Synthesis and properties of silylated phenylalanine derivatives, Keiichi Yamada,Saki Watanabe,Shigeki Watanabe,Tsuyoshi Takahashi,Tomohisa Moriguchi,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka,Kazuo Shinozuka, 2016年, Peptide Science 2015, 2015, 93, 94
Epitope Mapping of Monoclonal Antibodies Targeting the Loop Region of Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, Hiroyuki Oku,Risa Onishi,Utako Arai,Yudai Kimoto,Keiichi Yamada,Kazuo Shinozuka,Kazuhiko Yano,Shigeyuki Kano, 2015年, Peptide Science 2014, 2014, 275, 278
Cytotoxicity and cellular distribution of fluorescently-labeled cationic cyclopeptides, Yamada\, Keiichi,Nozaki\, Jin,Murayama\, Saori,Yoshihara\, Toshitada,Oku Hiroyuki,Tobita\, Seiji, 2014年, Peptide Science 2013, 2013, 467, 470
Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor, Ichiro Sasaki,Keiichi Yamada,Shigeki Watanabe,Hirofumi hanaoka,Yumi Sugo,Hiroyuki Oku,Noriko S. Ishioka, 2013年, Peptide Science 2012, 2013, 157, 160
Development of peptide immobilized nano-spheres and application for falciparum and vivax malaria antibody detection., Hiroyuki Oku,Kazuhiko Yano,Brian Bacay,Shinya Kitamura,Mai Fukuno,Akane Kijima,Yuri Yamada,Keiichi Yamada,Elena A Villacorte,Pilarita T Rivera,Shigeyuki Kano, 2013年, Peptide Scienece 2012, 2012, 381, 384
Enantioselective Synthesis of β-amino acids: A Review, Muhammad Ashfaq,RukhsanaTabassum,Muhammad Mahboob Ahmad,Nagina Ali Hassan,Hiroyuki Oku,Gildardo Rivera, 2015年, Medicinal chemistry, 5, 7, 295, 309
群馬県太田市におけるアライグマ・ハクビシン・ニホンイノシシの調査, 奥 浩之・立見祐哉・武田海大・長谷川諒・片山 豪, 群馬県立自然史博物館『ぐんまの自然の「いま」を伝える報告会』ポスター展示, 2022年01月22日, 2022年01月22日, 2022年02月13日, 日本語, 国内会議
イノシシの化学, 奥浩之, トークカフェ at PLUS+アンカー2021(サイエンスカフェ in 桐生⑤), 2022年12月11日, 2022年02月25日, 2022年02月28日, 日本語, 日本国
深層学習と動体検出を組み合わせた動画から の害獣認識手法, 中島彩奈, 奥浩之, 茂木和弘, 白石洋一, 第 35 回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会, 2021年03月17日, 2021年03月17日, 2021年03月19日
群馬県太田市に生息するニホンイノシシの調査, 奥 浩之・中山大地・芝尾穂高・武田海大・立見祐哉・山路 稔・関口雄紀・中沢信明・片山 豪, ぐんまの自然の「いま」を伝える報告会, 2021年01月23日, 2021年01月23日, 2021年02月14日
E型肝炎ウイルスORF2 Capsid Proteinのアミノ酸配列から設計した抗体検査材料とニホンイノシシ血清との反応性について, 奥 浩之・堀 祐輔・山路 稔・奥 裕子, 第57回ペプチド討論会, 2020年11月09日, 鳥取大学
ヘマグルチニン配列を用いたペプチド抗原設計に関するモデル研究, 第33回高分子学会関東支部群馬・栃木地区講演会, 2018年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるヒトプラスミノーゲンとの複合体形成配列に関する研究 (Plasminogen-binding and -activation sequences in Plasmodium falciparum enolase. ), 第87回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2018年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫エノラーゼの部分ペプチドを用いた、ヒトプラスミノーゲン結合配列とプラスミン活性化の研究, 日本化学会第97春季年会, 2017年
化学的な視点によるマラリア原虫エノラーゼの研究, 第64回北関東医学会総会, 2017年
リン酸基とアルミイオンの相互作用を用いた新しいペプチド抗原の研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2017年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫のエノラーゼによる新しい感染促進メカニズムの研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2017年
ヘマグルチニン配列を用いたペプチド抗原の設計に関する研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2017年
Plasminogen-binding and -activation sequences in the loop region of Plasmodium falciparum enolase., 「グローバルヘルス合同大会2017」(第58回日本熱帯医学会大会・第32回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会・第21回日本渡航医学会学術集会 合同大会), 2017年
Plasminogen Activation by Synthetic Peptides from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase: a Proof of Concept Study of AD22 Malaria Vaccine Project, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017年
Plasminogen Activation by Synthetic Peptides from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase: a Proof of Concept Study of AD22 Malaria Vaccine Project, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017年
ホスホチロシンを用いた新しいペプチド抗原の検討, 日本化学会第97春季年会, 2017年
化学的な視点によるマラリア原虫エノラーゼの研究, 第12回ムシラボセミナー, 2017年
マラリアの基礎と治療薬の現況、ワクチンと診断キットの開発, 群馬大学GFL 先端研究学際講演会, 2017年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫の宿主細胞への侵入メカニズムとしての、原虫エノラーゼの部分ペプチドによる、ヒトプラスミノーゲン結合配列とプラスミン活性化の研究, 第54回ペプチド討論会, 2017年
Plasminogen Activation by Synthetic Peptides from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase: a Proof of Concept Study of AD22 Malaria Vaccine Project, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017年
Plasminogen Activation by Synthetic Peptides from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase: a Proof of Concept Study of AD22 Malaria Vaccine Project, 4th International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2017), 2017年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼとヒトプラスミノーゲンの相互作用による感染促進メカニズムの研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2016年
Plasminogen Binding Mechanism of Synthetic Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum: a Proof of Concept Study of Synthetic Peptide Vaccine Project, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI 2016), 2016年
All-Synthetic ワクチンと抗体価検査キット, 第12回群馬産学官金連携推進会議, 2016年
ホスホチロシンを用いた新しいペプチド抗原の性質, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2016年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるプラスミノーゲン結合部位の探索, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2016年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるプラスミノーゲン結合部位と活性化機構の研究, 第32回群馬・栃木地区講演会, 2016年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるプラスミノーゲン結合部位の探索, 日本化学会第95春季年会(2015), 2016年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるプラスミノーゲン結合部位の合成的研究, 第31回群馬・栃木地区講演会 ポスター発表, 2016年
Plasminogen Binding Mechanism of Synthetic Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum: a Proof of Concept Study of Synthetic Peptide Vaccine Project, 3rd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI 2016), 2016年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼにおけるプラスミノーゲン結合部位の探索, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会 ポスター発表, 2015年
C5位トリスアミン修飾2'-OMeウリジンを含むDNAの性質と遺伝子発現制御, 日本化学会第95春季年会, 2015年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼの部分ペプチドを用いたモノクローナル抗体作成とエピトープマッピング, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会 ポスター発表, 2015年
ナノ微粒子を用いたマラリアワクチンおよび抗体価検査キットの開発, 第11回 医工連携グループミーティング、医理工生命医科学融合医療イノベーションプロジェクトセミナー, 2015年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫エノラーゼを標的とした、革新的なall-syntheticワクチンの開発とその効果・安全性の評価, 平成26年度 医理工生命医科学融合医療イノベーションプロジェクト 成果報告会, 2015年
Development Project and Proof of Concept Study of a Peptide Vaccine Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 2nd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2015), 2015年
Synthesis and properties of silylated phenylalanine derivatives, The 52nd Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2015年
シリル化フェニルアラニンの合成と放射性臭素による標識化, 日本化学会第95春季年会, 2015年
シリル化ペリレンとナイルレッドのFRETを利用した新規蛍光プローブの開発, 日本化学会第95春季年会, 2015年
2-cyclohexene-1-oneを原料とするアーテミシニン合成の研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会 ポスター発表, 2015年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼの部分ペプチドを用いた免疫血清のエピトープマッピング, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会 ポスター発表, 2015年
C-5位にグアニジノ基をもったデオキシウリジンを含む新規修飾DNAの開発, 日本化学会第95春季年会, 2015年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫酵素の部分ペプチドを用いた免疫血清のエピトープマッピング, 第30回群馬・栃木地区講演会 ポスター発表, 2015年
Development Project and Proof of Concept Study of a Peptide Vaccine Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 2nd International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI2015), 2015年
Synthesis and properties of silylated phenylalanine derivatives, The 52nd Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2015年
Epitope mapping of inhibitory monoclonal antibodies targeting the loop region of Plasmodium falciparum enolase using a combination of synthetic peptide libraries, 13th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA 2014), 2014年
Development Project of an All-Synthetic Nano/Micro-Sphere Vaccine Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI 2014), 2014年
微粒子を用いたマラリアワクチンと抗体価検査キット, 首都圏北部4大学発新技術説明会, 2014年
Epitope mapping of inhibitory monoclonal antibodies targeting the loop region of Plasmodium falciparum enolase using a combination of synthetic peptide libraries, 13th International Congress of Parasitology (ICOPA 2014), 2014年
Development Project of an All-Synthetic Nano/Micro-Sphere Vaccine Targeting Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 1st International Symposium of Gunma University Medical Innovation (GUMI 2014), 2014年
マラリアの基礎とワクチン, 第24回トラベラーズワクチンフォーラム研修会, 2013年
LAMP法を用いた三日熱マラリア患者の鑑別診断:フィリピンでの実例, 第24回日本臨床寄生虫学会, 2013年
Cytotoxicityand Cellular Distribution of Fluoresecently-labeled Cationic Cyclopeptides, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Tissue Culture Association, 2013年
Novel Polymer Nanospheres for Serological Diagnosis of Malaria, JITMM 2013, 2013年
Ganma-Ray Polymerized Nanospheres for Serological Diagnosis of Malaria, ASTMH 62th Annual Meeting, 2013年
マラリア原虫の乳酸脱水素酵素から設計したペプチド抗原を用いた高分子ナノ微粒子, 第28回群馬・栃木地区講演会 ポスター発表, 2013年
Cytotoxicityand Cellular Distribution of Fluoresecently-labeled Cationic Cyclopeptides, The 86th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Tissue Culture Association, 2013年
Novel Polymer Nanospheres for Serological Diagnosis of Malaria, JITMM 2013, 2013年
Ganma-Ray Polymerized Nanospheres for Serological Diagnosis of Malaria, ASTMH 62th Annual Meeting, 2013年
腫瘍のin vivoイメージングを指向した環状RGDペプチドの合成研究, 2012年
Preparation of Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres and Application for Malaria Antibody Detection, ICTMM 2012 - XVIII International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, 2012年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来エノラーゼの部分ペプチドライブラリーとエピトープマッピングへの応用, 第72回日本寄生虫学会東日本支部会/第10回分子寄生虫マラリアフォーラム, 2012年
抗原ペプチドと高分子ナノ微粒子から構成される、革新的なall-syntheticマラリアワクチンの開発プロジェクト, 第53回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2012年
2-Cyclohexene-1-oneを原料とする新規アーテミシニン合成経路の開発, 日本化学会第92春季年会, 2012年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫酵素の部分ペプチド合成と抗原性に関する研究, 日本化学会第92春季年会, 2012年
マラリア感染への抗体価測定を目的としたペプチドナノ微粒子の開発, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2012年
クリック反応を利用した蛍光標識化グラミシジンSの合成と生物活性評価, 2012年
An All-synthetic nanosphere vaccine targeting Plasmodium falciparum enolase induces potent and long lasting antibody titers in mice., ASTMH 59th Annual Meeting, 2012年
Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor, 49th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2012年
Preparation of Peptide Antigen Immobilized Nano-Spheres and Application for Malaria Antibody Detection, ICTMM 2012 - XVIII International Congress for Tropical Medicine and Malaria, 2012年
An All-synthetic nanosphere vaccine targeting Plasmodium falciparum enolase induces potent and long lasting antibody titers in mice., ASTMH 59th Annual Meeting, 2012年
Synthesis of radiohalogen-labeled peptides with high affinity to HER2/neu receptor, 49th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2012年
マラリアの流行と対策革新的なナノ微粒子化ペプチドワクチン材料の研究開発, 平成23年度 JSTイノベーションサテライト新潟 研究成果報告会, 2011年
アーテミシニンの効率的な合成に関する研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2011年
生物活性ペプチドの標識合成に関する基礎的検討, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2011年
クリック反応を利用した蛍光標識化ペプチドの合成研究, 日本化学会関東支部群馬地区地域懇談会, 2011年
ナノ微粒子を用いたワクチンと抗体検査キットの材料開発, イノベーションジャパン2011(展示ブースにてポスター発表), 2011年
ナノ微粒子を用いたワクチンと抗体検査キットの材料開発, イノベーションジャパン2011(研究紹介の講演), 2011年
N-メチル化ペプチド合成におけるマイクロ波効果研究, 日本化学会第91春季年会, 2011年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫エノラーゼ由来人工抗原ペプチド生分解性ナノ微粒子を用いた抗原徐放性マラリアワクチンの開発, 第80回日本寄生虫学会大会および第22回日本臨床寄生虫学会大会(合同大会), 2011年
An all-synthetic nanosphere vaccine targeting Plasmodium falciparum enolase induces protective effect against Plasmodium berghei malaria in mice., ASTMH 60th Annual Meeting, 2011年
蛍光性ポリミキシンBアナログの合成と生物活性評価, 48th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2011年
凝集反応による抗マラリア原虫抗体検出を目的としたペプチド担持ナノ微粒子の開発, 第52回日本熱帯医学会大会 第26回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会 合同大会(11月4-6日), 2011年
熱帯熱マラリアの感染検査を目的としたペプチド抗原ナノ微粒子の作成と血清疫学的性質, 第60回高分子討論会, 2011年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫エノラーゼの部分ペプチドとナノ微粒子を用いた、凝集反応による血清抗体価検査キットの開発, 第71回日本寄生虫学会東日本支部大会, 2011年
An all-synthetic nanosphere vaccine targeting Plasmodium falciparum enolase induces protective effect against Plasmodium berghei malaria in mice., ASTMH 60th Annual Meeting, 2011年
抗体標識を目的としたポリアミンSar誘導体の合成研究, 第24回群馬・栃木地区講演会および発表募集, 2010年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来人工抗原ペプチド生分解性ナノ微粒子を用いたマラリアワクチン開発研究, 第79回 日本寄生虫学会大会, 2010年
NNDPテトラペプチドの合成法に関する研究, 第24回群馬・栃木地区講演会および発表募集, 2010年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来する人工抗原ペプチドの徐放性ナノ微粒子化および持続的な抗体産生の性質, 第18回分子寄生虫学ワークショップ, 2010年
Preparation and Immunological Properties of Nanosphere Materials Containing a Synthetic Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 59th SPSJ (the Society of Polymer Science, Japan) Annual Meeting, 2010年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来人工抗原ペプチド生分解性微粒子を用いたワクチン開発研究, 第51回熱帯医学会大会, 2010年
A NON-ADJUVANTED POLYPEPTIDE NANOPARTICLE VACCINE TARGETING PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM ENOLASE CONTINUES TO INDUCE HIGH ANTIBODY TITERS IN MICE., The Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses to Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference, The U.S.?Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program., 2010年
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic Malaria Vaccine., 5th International Peptide Symposium in conjunction with 47th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2010年
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, 5th International Peptide Symposium in conjunction with 47th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2010年
Preparation and Immunological Properties of Nanosphere Materials Containing a Synthetic Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, 59th SPSJ (the Society of Polymer Science, Japan) Annual Meeting, 2010年
A NON-ADJUVANTED POLYPEPTIDE NANOPARTICLE VACCINE TARGETING PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM ENOLASE CONTINUES TO INDUCE HIGH ANTIBODY TITERS IN MICE., The Adaptive and Innate Immune Responses to Neglected Tropical Diseases Conference, The U.S.?Japan Cooperative Medical Sciences Program., 2010年
Nano-Encapsulation and Immunological Properties for a Peptide Antigen from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase Toward an All-Synthetic Malaria Vaccine., 5th International Peptide Symposium in conjunction with 47th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2010年
Partial Peptide Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase as Synthetic Artificial Antigens, 5th International Peptide Symposium in conjunction with 47th Japanese Peptide Symposium, 2010年
セグメント縮合法による温度応答性デプシペプチド-ポリエチレングリコール複合体の合成と機能評価, 第23回群馬・栃木地区講演会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来するエノラーゼ部分配列の合成, 第23回群馬・栃木地区講演会, 2009年
化学から見たマラリアワクチン, 平成21年度群馬大学科学技術振興会セミナー, 2009年
浅野雅春・李 登栄・陳 進華・前川康成・奥 浩之・吉田 勝, 日本膜学会第31年会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリアエノラーゼ由来人工抗原ペプチドを用いた生分解性ナノ微粒子の特性解析, 第78回日本寄生虫学会, 2009年
生体分解性高分子に内包させた熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来する人工抗原の微粒子材料の作成と性質, 第17回分子寄生虫学ワークショップ, 2009年
NANOSPHERE MATERIALS CONTAINING A SYNTHETIC ANTIGENIC PEPTIDE SEQUENCE OF Plasmodium falciparum ENOLASE, Joint International Toropical Medicine Meeting 2009, 2009年
低溶血性環状抗菌ペプチドの創製, 第42回若手ペプチド夏の勉強会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来する人工抗原を含んだ微粒子の作成と性質, 平成21年度繊維学会年次大会研究発表会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリアエノラーゼ由来人工抗原ペプチドを用いた生分解性ナノ微粒子のマラリアワクチンへの応用研究, 第69回日本寄生虫学会東日本支部大会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来する人工抗原のナノ微粒子化と抗原性に関する研究, 日本化学会第89春期年会, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来人工抗原ペプチド生分解性ナノ微粒子を用いたワクチン開発研究, 第50回日本熱帯医学会大会, 2009年
NANOSPHERE MATERIALS CONTAINING A SYNTHETIC ANTIGENIC PEPTIDE SEQUENCE OF Plasmodium falciparum ENOLASE, Joint International Toropical Medicine Meeting 2009, 2009年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来の人工抗原を内包したナノ・マイクロ微粒子に関する研究, 日本化学会 第88回春季年会, 2008年
デプシペプチドとポリエチレングリコールからなる温度応答性ブロックコポリマーミセルの合成と性質, 2008年
α,β-デヒドロアミノ酸含有グラミシジンS アナローグの合成および生物活性, 日本化学会 第2回関東支部大会(2008), 2008年
官能基側鎖を有するデヒドロペプチドの不斉誘導, 第39回中部化学関係学協会支部連合(中化連)秋季大会, 2008年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来の人工抗原を内包した生分解性ナノ微粒子に関する研究, 第3回 日本分子イメージング学会総会・学術集会, 2008年
環境応答型蛍光発色団を側鎖に持つ非天然アミノ酸誘導体の合成研究, 日本化学会 第2回関東支部大会(2008), 2008年
(Z)-ゲルミル(スタンニル)エテン類を用いる1,4-ビス[(Z)-2-ゲルミルエテニル]アレーン類および1-(アリールエチニル)-4-[(Z)-2-ゲルミルエテニル]アレーン類の合成, 日本化学会第88春季年会, 2008年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来の人工抗原を内包した生分解性ナノ微粒子に関する研究, 第3回日本分子イメージング学会総会・学術集会, 2008年
デプシペプチドとポリエチレングリコールからなる温度応答性ブロックコポリマーミセルの合成と性質, 第57回高分子学会年次大会, 2008年
シラン架橋と化学架橋を組み合わせたハイブリッド電解質膜の作製, 日本化学会 第2 回関東支部大会, 2008年
放射線照射によるカルボキシメチルセルロースの作製~金属塩添加効果, 日本化学会 第2 回関東支部大会, 2008年
非天然アミノ酸残基を有するヘリックスペプチドのde novo 合成 及び金属イオン配位特性, 日本化学会 第2 回関東支部大会, 2008年
立体構造が固定されたビニルゲルマンユニットを末端に有するフェニレンエチニレン誘導体の合成, 第 55 回 有機金属化学討論会, 2008年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来の人工抗原を用いた生分解性ナノ微粒子の作成と性質, 第68回日本寄生虫学会東日本支部大会, 2008年
ドラッグデリバリーを目指したデプシペプチド-ポリエチレングリコールブロックコポリマーからなるポリマーミセルの合成と評価, 第45 回ペプチド討論会, 2008年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫由来の人工抗原を用いたナノ微粒子研究, 第45 回ペプチド討論会, 2008年
酵素構造に学ぶ~生分解性高分子からマラリアワクチンまで, 首都圏北部4大学新技術説明会, 2008年
マトリックスメタロプロテアーゼ-2を標的とする生体内で安定なペプチド放射性薬剤の開発, 第8回放射性医薬品・画像診断薬研究会, 2008年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に由来する抗原ペプチドの蛍光標識化とナノ微粒子研究, 第8回放射性医薬品・画像診断薬研究会, 2008年
Total Synthesis of Cyclic Peptolides PF1022A by Multiple N-Methylation., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Properties of a Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-like Polypeptide and Polyethylene glycol., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Plasmodicial Properties of an Amphotericin B and Carboxyfluorescein Conjugate., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and thermo-responding properties of poly(Xaa-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Xaa = Ala and Gly, Lac = Lactic acid residue)., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Composed of Peptide and Polyethylene Glycol., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫に対するアムホテリシンBの発育阻止機序の解析, 第76回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2007年
「ヒスチジンとシステインを含むヘリックスペプチドの合成と性質」, 第17回バイオ・高分子シンポジウム, 2007年
β-(3-ピリジル)-L-アラニンを含んだヘリックスペプチドの水溶化とその性質, 第16回金属の関与する生体関連反応シンポジウム(SRM 2007), 2007年
3-ピリジルアラニンを配位子に持つ水溶性ペプチド錯体の合成的研究, 第57回錯体化学討論会, 2007年
抗マラリア原虫薬としてのアンホテリシンBの蛍光標識化研究, 日本化学会第1回関東支部大会(2007), 2007年
(3-ジメチルアミノ)ベンズアミド基を発色団とする新規蛍光アミノ酸誘導体の合成と性質, 日本化学会第1回関東支部大会, 2007年
「熱帯熱マラリアの予防および診断を目的とした合成ペプチド微粒子の開発研究」, 独立行政法人科学技術振興機構 JSTイノベーションサテライト新潟 平成18年度 研究成果実用化検討課題及びシーズ発掘試験 成果発表会, 2007年
Synthesis of Cyclosporin Peptides by Multiple N-Methylation Procedure., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫クロロキントランスポーターのモデルペプチドによる合成的研究, 日本化学会第87春季年会, 2007年
各種生体吸収性材料の生体内における物性変化ならびに組織為害性に関する検討 - 薬剤徐放化などに臨床応用-, 第61回NPO法人日本口腔科学会学術集会, 2007年
Synthetic Model Studies of Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology, 2007年
Total Synthesis of Cyclic Peptolides PF1022A by Multiple N-Methylation., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Properties of a Block Copolymer Composed of Elastin-like Polypeptide and Polyethylene glycol., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Plasmodicial Properties of an Amphotericin B and Carboxyfluorescein Conjugate., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and thermo-responding properties of poly(Xaa-Ile-Gly-Lac-Pro) (Xaa = Ala and Gly, Lac = Lactic acid residue)., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis and Metal Ion Coordinating Properties of Amphiphilic Block Copolymer Composed of Peptide and Polyethylene Glycol., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthesis of Cyclosporin Peptides by Multiple N-Methylation Procedure., 2nd Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2007年
Synthetic Model Studies of Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter, The 76th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology, 2007年
ピリジル基を含むグラミシジンSアナローグの合成と生物活性, 第51回有機合成化学協会関東支部シンポジウム(埼玉シンポジウム), 2006年
研究室設備を活用した地域連携について事例紹介, 産学連携学会第4回大会, 2006年
温度応答性ポリデプシペプチドの合成と性質, 第55回高分子学会年次大会, 2006年
乳酸残基を含んだ温度応答性ポリデプシペプチドの合成と性質, 第55回高分子討論会, 2006年
高分子多糖体を利用した軟骨細胞培養, 第19回日本軟骨代謝学会, 2006年
beta-(3-pyridyl)-L-alanineを含んだヘリックスペプチドの合成と性質, 日本化学会第86春季年会, 2006年
結晶性ペプチド配位子を用いた金属酵素活性中心の合成的研究, 特定領域研究「動的錯体の自在制御化学」第5回公開シンポジウム, 2006年
Model peptides containing transmembrane sequences from Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistant transporter, 第75回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2006年
3-ピリジル基を有する新規グラミシジンSアナローグの合成と生物活性, 日本化学会第86春季年会, 2006年
結晶性ヘリックスを用いたペプチド錯体の合成的研究, 分子研所長招聘研究会 金属反応活性点の機能と構造 ―その分子レベルデザイン-, 2006年
Synthesis and Properties of Elastin-like Polypeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol)., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
Synthetic study of antigenic polypeptide having a partial Squence from Plasmodium falciparum enolase., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting, 2006年
Synthesis, conformation and properties of model peptides containing transmembrane sequences from Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistant transporter (P.f. CRT)., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
多重メチル化を利用したシクロスポリン類の液相合成, 日本化学会第87春季年会, 2006年
アミノ酸とヒドロキシカルボン酸を用いた機能性高分子材料, イノベーション・ジャパン 2006‐大学見本市-, 2006年
熱帯熱マラリア原虫チオレドキシン標的タンパク質の解析, 国立国際医療センター研究所・所内セミナー, 2006年
金属イオン捕捉能を有するヘリックスペプチドの合成及び性質, 第16回金属の関与する生体関連反応シンポジウム(SRM 2006), 2006年
結晶性ヘリックスを用いたペプチド錯体の合成的研究, 分子研所長招聘研究会「金属反応活性点の機能と構造-その分子レベルデザイン-, 2006年
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Gramicidine S Analogues Containing (Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine Residues., 7th Tetrahedron Symposium, 2006年
Synthetic Model Studies of Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter, 第76回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2006年
MODEL PEPTIDES CONTAINING TRANSMEMBRANE SEQUENCES FROM Plasmodium falciparum CHLOROQUINE RESISTANT TRANSPORTER, The 75th annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology, 2006年
Model peptides containing transmembrane sequences from Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistant transporter, 2006年
Synthesis and Properties of Elastin-like Polypeptide-block-poly(ethylene glycol)., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
Synthetic study of antigenic polypeptide having a partial Squence from Plasmodium falciparum enolase., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting, 2006年
Synthesis, conformation and properties of model peptides containing transmembrane sequences from Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistant transporter (P.f. CRT)., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
A Convenient Synthesis of Naturally-Occurring Cyclic Peptolides., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
A Convenient Synthesis of Highly N-Methylated Peptides., 43rd Japanese Peptide Symposium/4th Peptide Engineering Meeting,, 2006年
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Gramicidine S Analogues Containing (Z)-(beta-3-pyridyl)-alpha,beta-dehydroalanine Residues., 7th Tetrahedron Symposium, 2006年
Synthetic Model Studies of Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistant Transporter, 2006年
MODEL PEPTIDES CONTAINING TRANSMEMBRANE SEQUENCES FROM Plasmodium falciparum CHLOROQUINE RESISTANT TRANSPORTER, The 75th annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Parasitology, 2006年
結晶性の良いペプチド錯体の合成と性質, バイオメタルコンジュゲート研究会, 2005年
(Z)-β-3-ピリジル-α,β-デヒドロアラニン残基含有グラミシジンSアナローグの合成研究, 第42回ペプチド討論会, 2005年
ファンコニタンパク質の配列を含む部分ペプチドの合成及び構造解析, 第42回ペプチド討論会, 2005年
群馬大学発ベンチャー「プライム・デルタ株式会社」設立と歩み その1, 産学連携学会第3回大会, 2005年
Multiple N-methylation を鍵反応とするシクロスポリン類の全合成, 日本化学会第85春季年会, 2005年
HisとGlu残基を金属配位部位とするヘリックスペプチドの合成と金属イオン結合挙動, 日本化学会第85春季年会, 2005年
Aspects of Peptide Assemblies Containing Hydrophobic Residues, The International Symposium on dynamic Complexes ISDC 2004, 2005年
Synthesis of a Metalloenzyme Model Peptide Containing -Cys-Gly-Cys- Sequence, The International Symposium on Dynamic Complexes ISDC 2005, 2005年
Malaria Vaccine Candidate Using Enolase Antigen of Plasmodium Falciparum., XVI International Congress for Tropical Medicine Medicine and Malaria,, 2005年
ファンコニタンパク質の配列を含む部分ペプチドの合成及び構造解析, 第42回ペプチド討論会, 2005年
Aspects of Peptide Assemblies Containing Hydrophobic Residues, The International Symposium on dynamic Complexes ISDC 2004, 2005年
Synthesis of a Metalloenzyme Model Peptide Containing -Cys-Gly-Cys- Sequence, The International Symposium on Dynamic Complexes ISDC 2005, 2005年
Malaria Vaccine Candidate Using Enolase Antigen of Plasmodium Falciparum., XVI International Congress for Tropical Medicine Medicine and Malaria,, 2005年
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as Models of Metalloproteins, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
異種アミノ酸配位子を有するヘリックスペプチドの合成、構造、性質, 第54回錯体化学討論会, 2004年
薬物運搬体を目指したポリデプシペプチドの開発, 第5回群馬大学バイオフォーラム, 2004年
生薬由来成分による抗マラリア効果の検討, 第73回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2004年
Synthesis and Thermoresponsible Properties of Elastin Model Depsipeptides, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
Solution Phase Synthesis of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
β-シート型環状ペプチド誘導体-亜鉛二核錯体によるリン酸ジエステル開裂反応, 第19回生体機能関連化学シンポジウム, 2004年
Peptide Models of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT), 第73回寄生虫学会大会, 2004年
Synthesis and Properties of Helical Peptides Having His and Glu Residues as Models of Metalloproteins, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
生薬由来成分による抗マラリア効果の検討, 第73回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2004年
Synthesis and Thermoresponsible Properties of Elastin Model Depsipeptides, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
Solution Phase Synthesis of an Antigenic Peptide Having a Partial Sequence from Plasmodium falciparum Enolase, The First Gunma International Symposium on Chemistry, 2004年
Peptide Models of Trans-Membrane Sequences from Plasmodium falciparum Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein (PfCRT), 第73回寄生虫学会大会, 2004年
結晶性に優れたヘリカルペプチドの分子設計と結晶構造解析, 第45回有機合成化学協会関東支部シンポジウム, 2003年
ポリミキシンB部分ペプチドの合成とコンホメーション, 第40回ペプチド討論会, 2003年
Poly[(4-diacetoxyiodo)styrene]を用いたα,γ-ジアミノ酪酸(Dab)の合成, 日本化学会第83春季年会, 2003年
Poly[(4-diacetoxyiodo)styrene]を用いたα,γ-ジアミノ酪酸(Dab)の合成とペプチド合成への応用, 第45回有機合成化学協会関東支部シンポジウム, 2003年
薬物運搬体を目指したポリデプシペプチドの開発, 第5回北関東バイオフォーラム, 2003年
グラミシジンSの保護オルニチン側鎖の立体化学, 第33回中部化学関連学協会連合秋季大会, 2002年
N-メチル化グラミシジンSの結晶構造と保護オルニチン側鎖の立体化学, 第39回ペプチド討論会, 2002年
シクロスポリンOのN-メチル基欠損型アナログの液相合成及び構造解析, 第39回ペプチド討論会, 2002年
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum, The 8th Forum Cheju Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Symposium, 2002年
末梢ミエリンタンパク質PMP22の膜貫通部分ペプチドの合成研究, 第51回高分子学会年次大会, 2002年
デンドリマーを用いたマラリアワクチンの開発研究, 第51回高分子学会年次大会, 2002年
末梢ミエリン蛋白質PMP22の点変異を含む部分ペプチドの合成研究, 日本化学会第81春季年会, 2002年
N-メチル化グラミシジンSの結晶構造と保護オルニチン側鎖の立体化学, 第39回ペプチド討論会, 2002年
Computational Analysis in the Study of Antigenic Determinants in an Enolase Molecule from Plasmodium falciparum, The 8th Forum Cheju Japan-Korea Parasitologists' Symposium, 2002年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼの研究(I) 抗エノラーゼ人工抗原ペプチドの分子設計と患者血清に於ける抗原性について, 第70回日本寄生虫学会, 2001年
Studies of Enolase from Plasmodium falciparum (I), Molecular Design and Antigenicity of Synthetic peptides, 第70回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2001年
Conformational Change of Proline and Alanine Residues in Thermoresponding Poymers: ganmma-Ray Synthesis and variable Temperature CirCular Dichroism Spectra of Poly(acryloyl-Pro-OMe) and poly(methacryloyl-Ala-OMe), 2nd International Peptide Symposium 17th American Peptide Symposium, 2001年
マラリア原虫エノラーゼの研究(I) 抗エノラーゼ人工抗原ペプチドの分子設計と患者血清に於ける抗原性について, 第70回日本寄生虫学会, 2001年
Studies of Enolase from Plasmodium falciparum (I), Molecular Design and Antigenicity of Synthetic peptides, 第70回日本寄生虫学会大会, 2001年
Conformational Change of Proline and Alanine Residues in Thermoresponding Poymers: ganmma-Ray Synthesis and variable Temperature CirCular Dichroism Spectra of Poly(acryloyl-Pro-OMe) and poly(methacryloyl-Ala-OMe), 2nd International Peptide Symposium 17th American Peptide Symposium, 2001年
オプティカルフローを用いた動画像からの小動物の検出, 関口雄紀、中沢信明、奥 浩之, ロボティクス・メカトロニクス 講演会 2020 in Kanazawa, 2020年05月28日, 2020年05月29日
害獣認識システムにおける天候対応可能な検出手法の検討, 中島彩奈, 奥浩之, 茂木和弘, 白石洋一, 第 36 回エレクトロニクス実装学会春季講演大会, 2022年03月25日, 2022年03月23日, 2022年03月25日
免疫チェックポイント蛋白PD-1から設計したペプチド抗原に関する研究, 坂本朋也・和田太一・奥 浩之・家口勝昭・渡邊真・尾上りえ・和田 聡, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学
免疫チェックポイント蛋白PD-L1から設計したペプチド抗原に関する研究, 和田太一・坂本朋也・奥 浩之・家口勝昭・渡邊真・尾上りえ・和田 聡, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学
キトサンを用いたペプチド抗原に関する研究, 山本拓海・山田ひかる・奥 浩之, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学
PEDVウイルス蛋白・部分ペプチドを用いた抗体検査材料およびニホンイノシシ血清との反応性, 立見祐哉・武田海大・奥 浩之・奥 裕子, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学
PEPTIDE CONJUGATED MICROSPHERES NEWLY DESIGNED FROM HEPATITIS E VIRUS CAPSID PROTEIN TO IMPROVE THEIR REACTIVITY AGAINST SERA FROM WILD BOARS, Hiroyuki Oku, Kaito Takeda, Yuya Tatsumi, Yuko Oku, The 58th Japanese Peptide Symposium (Online), 2021年10月21日, 2021年10月20日, 鳥取大学
インフルエンザウイルスの部分ペプチド配列を用いた抗体検査材料およびニホンイノシシ血清との反応性, 長谷川諒・武田海大・立見祐哉・奥 浩之・奥 裕子, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学
E型肝炎ウイルスの部分ペプチド配列を用いた抗体検査材料およびニホンイノシシ血清との反応性, 武田海大・立見祐哉・奥 浩之・奥 裕子, 令和3年度日本化学会関東支部群馬地区研究交流発表会, 2021年12月04日, 鳥取大学